View Poll Results: Shirts?
Yes, medium
5 |
9.26% |
Yes, large
68steppsidee, 82swb, amueller454, Boost2Bags, C0UCH, clynt11, Dee27xpress, hammered65, jimmydean, JNJchev77, Layrokr, N2TRUX, POPO1984, Riveted1, Rusbuilt
15 |
27.78% |
Yes, xl
bigguy, chevyrestoguy, chevytrucks31225, ddubbs, Ek2reme, FRENCHBLUE72, grwnded71, ianw31, JOHNORO, MisterC, noguirre71, powerslave, quest, rhd_c10, Rickey, SEVENDUECE, Stickman, tr69c10, truckmanloco
19 |
35.19% |
Yes 2xl
bigd65, butchp, cheap67, Chvy2NV, corvettejim1968, Dunenutt, ecgate, Gipper01, JadeEmperor, lolife99, lowdownstar, RRC, xxlf250
13 |
24.07% |
No. I'm proud of my body and will remain shirtless through the summer.
2 |
3.70% |
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