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FUNMUDDER 10-25-2005 03:41 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
To keep you all out of suspense, I bought it for 1800, including a plow, which my dad and I both thought was a steal. The only options it has are the power brakes, tach, and the 305 V6. In the pic, you have to look REALLY close to see the tach. I will pull off those gay 4x4 stickers, they really are outta place. I plan on painting it hunter green again, except using Rustoleum paint (added protection). The original owner was very prescise. He had holle drilled on the inside of the bed to squirt oil in the bedsides, to keep them from rusting. He also used to mix up this batch of plaster-paint stuff, and paint the inner fenders every spring. Thats why it isnt rusted.

BTW, as a added gift, they threw in a quart of oil and a toolbox full of their PERSONAL trash, and a few soda bottles in the cab :haha:

Joesjunk 10-25-2005 05:52 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Nice looking truck!!! Is there an option sticker still on the inside of the glove box door?? Is the tach a 5k RPM one?? Didn't know if the 305 V6 used a different RPM tach??

66`shortbed 10-25-2005 06:00 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
nice truck man very solid for the year...great find

FUNMUDDER 10-25-2005 06:49 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Joesjunk
Nice looking truck!!! Is there an option sticker still on the inside of the glove box door?? Is the tach a 5k RPM one?? Didn't know if the 305 V6 used a different RPM tach??

Actually, it has a 6k one. No, the option sheet is long gone, sadly to say.

TP from Cntl PA 10-25-2005 08:53 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by vortexofpain
TP, I just put my 67 GMC 2500 with a 351E V6 on ebay. Had it in the classified here for a few weeks, so auction just went up yesterday:

I want a V-6 in a 3/4 ton 4x4:)

FUNMUDDER 10-25-2005 09:03 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the compliments everyone. It does have a vacuum line to the power brakes, its just on the side you cant see, running along the firewall. I appreciate you guys looking out for my new hot rod :metal:.
Its got new fuel pump,filter,fuel line, new distributor cap and wires, new belts, along with a new alternator and battery. It needs an oil change BADLY. Should do that before the snow, and see about the transfer cases issue. Overall, I think I got a pretty good deal, IMHO.

FUNMUDDER 10-25-2005 09:04 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
MINES NOT FOR SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THE V6. Shakes the whole truck when you rev it, and sounds like it has a lumpy idle :c2:.

Canadian694x4 10-25-2005 10:22 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Great Deal! Would love to find a solid Driver like that!!

Robert1970C20rstbukt 10-25-2005 11:02 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Now that's an awesome workhorse! :metal: I agree, the 4x4 stickers have to go, they just don't look right. :lol:

too much stuff 10-26-2005 12:24 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
How about a pic of the instrument cluster? I have never seen a 6k tach that was factory. I have seen the 4k, and 5k tachs. Either way, its still sweet.

blaserman 10-26-2005 02:47 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
What type of gun did you use to get that price? Great looking for a truck from that area.

Jakes-66-K10 10-26-2005 09:16 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Just curious, were the GMC letters added by the last owner to the front of the hood? I thought it wasn't until 69 that the GMC letters went from the center of the grille up to the hood, but the hood you have is definitely the correct one for a '67.

In any case, great truck. Lots of potential, keep us posted with lots more pics as you work on her!

cypress TX 72 10-26-2005 09:49 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Just clean it up the way it is....thats a rare truck!
No rust on rockers or floor because theres no carpet.....cannot hold water or salt...
Geez it just LOOKS cold there...I am in Houston, Oct 26 and the high for today will be in the upper 70's and we are setting all kind of records for being cold!!!

too much stuff 10-26-2005 10:15 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
vortex, 67 gmcs had the letters stamped in the grill, 68 had the letters on the hood like in the pic. 69-72 had the different style hood with the letters on the front.

FUNMUDDER 10-26-2005 09:51 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
I can take pics of the tach tomorrow.

GMC AMI 10-27-2005 05:36 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Smart buy, now you can plow driveways and make back your purchase price!
Way to go Jake! Have lots of fun!

CPNE 10-27-2005 10:03 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Mike Files
Smart buy, now you can plow driveways and make back your purchase price!
Way to go Jake! Have lots of fun!

As soon as the reverse issue is fixed. Mike you and I both know 4wd forward, 2wd reverse won't cut it;)

97silv5.7 10-27-2005 10:23 AM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Wtf wish I could find something like that around my area, everything here is either been beaten to hell or too far gone

FUNMUDDER 10-27-2005 03:59 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
It was right in Cherryfield, but then again, I forgot where Shapeleigh is. Been in Uncle Henry's on and off since August. Originally he wanted 3000 for it, first time he advertised it. Then it slowly degraded in to my price range :lol:

GMC AMI 10-27-2005 05:14 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by CPNE
As soon as the reverse issue is fixed. Mike you and I both know 4wd forward, 2wd reverse won't cut it;)

But that would take all the fun out of Funmudders fun if that was fixed.:lol:
Nice truck Jake.:metal:

FUNMUDDER 10-27-2005 08:41 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
4 Attachment(s)
Few more pics.....:metal:

Palf70Step 10-27-2005 08:53 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
That is a cool looking tach. I have never seen one like that before. Great lookin truck and great deal you got. Most definitely keep that baby as stock as you can, it is a prize.

FUNMUDDER 11-12-2005 10:34 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
BUMP (I like showing off my truck :rolleyes:)

So far, I've taken the old moldy toolbox out, removed the plow gear, cleaned out the cab, and put in a new air filter. I even found a treat under the seat!!!! A donut dated June 1st, 2005 :lol:. I didn't eat it, though :gi:
I'm a little disappointed because the seller "forgot" to mention it had fuel problems, AKA a extremely bad rust problem in the fuel tank!!! Ive already gone through 2 fuel filters in 3 weeks, and wiped out a brand new fuel pump today. But, I guess I can't complain too much, the truck is in way to good of shape to even remotely put down. I hope that fuel pumps dont cost very much (under $50)

Jakes-66-K10 11-13-2005 01:18 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
Try your local autozone for fuel pumps, here they are about $12. That tach is strange, never seen one like that either. Don't think it could be factory, this engine redlines at about 3500rpm.

Taken from Jolly's engine page:

"Maximum Recommended Speeds in rpms:
305A V6 -- 3600
305B V6 -- 3600
305C V6 -- 3800
305D V6 -- 3400
351 V6 -- 3400
401 V6 -- 3200
478 V6 -- 3200
702 V12 -- 2400 "

Rod 11-13-2005 01:35 PM

Re: Funmudder Bought His First Truck!!!!!!!!!!
I never saw a tach like, almost looks like the 64-66 tachs.
Nice truck too...
you got a pic of the glove box sticker?

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