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1lo67 11-18-2010 05:17 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
I think that is just to cool.. awsome stuff....

C20-67_N_MO 11-18-2010 05:56 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?

Originally Posted by qksilver (Post 4301587)
you were warned.............graphic images!

OH BOY! :metal: These kind of graphics are drool-la-lious!!


Originally Posted by 67cheby (Post 4301593)
We were warned but.....we were not prepared !!!!

Well said sire!!


raider65 11-18-2010 06:05 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Dammm if your selling.......ROAD TRIP!!!!!

67cheby 11-18-2010 06:09 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
i dare say if Indiana Jones would have heard about this collection first he woulnt have been looking for the ARK of the Covenant

redbaron69 11-18-2010 06:12 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
WOW Steve! when you were up here last week i think you "forgot to mention":lol: a few things in your collection. excatly which of the 76 fenders pictured is the one we talked about:lol::lol::lol:

don t. - 72gmc 11-18-2010 06:19 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
If the wife aint complaining, what's the problem?(grin)

qksilver 11-18-2010 06:24 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
all of them............pretty much everything in the shop is either perfect or very good condition or has a use to patch, didn't show the electrical collection!
It all started when i sold my restaurant after a grueling 5 years. I had found a 57 burb complete from a barn in Nevada, perfect rust free. I found it at 4am in the morning on god knows what classified. Went with money in hand that morning and the owner, who I talked to that morning before a 3 hour drive decided he would give it to his body man to finish his 50 merc.
Oh well, then I decided to travel and collect project trucks, you can ask quite a few people on the board where I went! 65,000 miles on the 99 burb and 22,000 miles on my 2005 Avalanche. Sold afew things on and on and scrapped more, after stripping hem.Never knew what I might need.
After getting that front end from you I started thinking, very dangerous......
Still up in the air, but I think I will put almolst everything up for sale. I will not answer all. Other than a few things that have already been asked for in the past, your fender and inner is included in the already asked. I have so much stuff packed that I have to start with the stuff I can easily get to first.

The almost rust free 72 burb and the panel will be first, then small stuff. It still will be a few weeks until I make the final decision. Everything is paid for and the rent on my shop is cheap. I paid fair prices not to mention time, miles and gas!



BADPURPLE70CHEVY 11-18-2010 06:24 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
I am interested and in n.c. if you decide to thin em out.:chevy:

qksilver 11-18-2010 06:26 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
The wife isn't complaining, she doesn't know, other than 3 trucks at the house, learned that with the first wife. The shop is 9 miles away!


VA72C10 11-18-2010 06:57 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Amazing collection. You should have a board meet/yard sale if you do decide to liquidate it. That way you get rid of it a lot on one day instead of hundreds of visits and a lot of wasted visits/meetings with craigslist type..... (I speak from experience here) ;)

ScottH 11-18-2010 07:20 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Steve, all I can say is WOW!

Keep me in mind if u decide to let the 65 van go.

Thanks and good luck with whatever u decide.


ksjh1316 11-18-2010 07:37 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Damn man that is the hoard!! Man if the Army Blazer hits the blocks let me know seriously

STOCKISH 11-18-2010 07:41 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Hey man, nice collection. I would be highly interested in a rust free 67-72 cab if you happen to have one and look to sell. Please keep me in mind! Take care.

bigguy69 11-18-2010 08:45 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?

Cole Trickle 11-18-2010 09:15 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Lots of cool parts and stuff......

On the flip side I am not programmed like that. You could eat off my garage floor and everything in my life has a home. If I haven't used someting in a while I start to get the shakes and it gets sold to fund other wants.:lol::metal:

When I start a project (car,house,whatever) I will literally kill myself to finish it in a timely manner.......Were all sick just in different ways:chevy:;):lol:

flashed 11-18-2010 09:22 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
WOW ,what a collection you have . I only need 3 items from all that ,2 doors and a passenger fender .I cant believe all I just saw .Whatever you do I wish you good luck with it.

POPO1984 11-18-2010 09:28 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Start selling that stuff man. Sharing is caring

glider_6969 11-18-2010 09:30 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
That's a heck of a gold mine you got there:gmc2:

qksilver 11-18-2010 09:40 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
Funny part about is I am a cook, used to be a chef and everything else, house and work are spotless. When I first started it was organized and getting stuff put together. I was given one truck, then another bought a few parts trucks and it overwhelmed me. Couldn't say no and i work alone, the other thing to consider is that in 2000 I was run over on the interstate helping a lady change a flat tire. I got her on the road then the next thing woke up in the hospital 17 days later.....pretty much my right side is metal and scar tissue . i won't go into details but consider doing all this by yourself! Oh and of course he didn't have insurance and mine only went up to 300,000. The bills were 3 times that amount, but as anybody who has met me I do pretty
But I can tell you where any part is..............!


lil hoodlum 11-18-2010 09:41 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
[SIZE="5"]WOW!!![/SIZE Very nice collection! I am a bit envious. But, I do think that maybe too much for one person. (I'm not in the market to purchase any of it. LOL) Do you have the means, time & money, to get all of the projects done? Maybe pick out a couple of must haves and a dozen or so other projects and focus on completing them. Of course, what you sell off would provide the funds to help finish off all that you want to complete.

I really like the idea of a board meet at your place. You could sell off what you decide to get rid of, and the all of the members could pitch in have a serious wrench session to get some of these projects off to a good start! You would be helping others and others would be helping you. It would be neat to see what could be accomplished with so many other "sets" of hands. Just a thought!

Good luck in what ever you decide to do!


67chevy1series 11-18-2010 10:00 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
you wouldnt happen to have any 67 passenger fenders would you:lol::lol:

qksilver 11-18-2010 10:00 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
The board meet is a great idea.........about the only thing I think I would keep is the 67 SWB 4x4. The stuff I have at my buddies places the first couple of pix I have had people interested in , so those wouldn't be a problem. The later model stuff except for the ccvc blazer are parts vehicles and nothing special. The tow trucks are in good shape and had lots of offers so i am in the process of calling people back.

I will start listing the trucks in front of the shop after Thanksgiving, the 72&68 burbs and the 57. The 78 burb is from Pa, 67,000 miles bb 1/2 runs perfect and interior is perfect but rust all along the edges......I have started to strip it and will finish that. I want to keep the bb. With those gone I will set up a board meet to clear out the shop.
I do have to unload all the trim and glass parts out of the 72, all the sheet metal patch panels and interior parts out of the 68 and the gas tanks and good roof sections in the back of the 57.

Thanks for the plan of action guys.......I got burned out because of the sheer amount of stuff. I could sell all the extra parts and finish what is in the shop, but reality is that what i have at home needs very little and selling this stuff would help a lot of people and save me rent that i pay on the shop.


too much stuff 11-18-2010 10:26 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
I can say this, steve is a stand up guy. I remeber a few years ago he was interested in some parts i had. We made all the arrangements to close the deal on some oversize parts and he would come pick them up. Plans are all set, but at the last moment we both figured out he was going to grand rapids michigan, not minnesota. "no big deal" he says. Only an extra 500 or so miles... We stood around and BS'd for awhile and i tried to make sure his burb was full when he left. Just had to share that story...
Good luck with your decision steve. I am glad i don't have to go through that.......... much... HAHA. Eric

qksilver 11-18-2010 10:41 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?
that was an interesting ride, between the 2 tires coming apart on the ride up and almost hitting a moose in the fog leaving! good trip all and all and yes that burb was packed and after picking up my trailer full of stuff..........thank god I don't have to go thru weight stations

gcburdic 11-18-2010 10:48 PM

Re: When is enough, enough?

i would be interested in more details on the 72 burb and your price....are you going to list them on here too?!?!

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