70c10stepside |
02-07-2013 11:16 PM |
Re: I need a little schooling on manual transmissions
Originally Posted by Billett
(Post 5873417)
Oh and not related to the topic,
Enjoy your truck! Everyone I know thinks I'm crazy for using a 45 year old truck as a DD, but trust me it will still make you smile every time you start it up for years to come!
Thanks for all the info! Your truck does pretty good mpg, If i can pull 10 or so I'll be happy. Also, My friend dd's a 69 camaro, and another friend dd's a 68 c10 lol We all enjoy old vehicles, a lot of people think we are crazy. But, oh well lol
Originally Posted by Lattimer
(Post 5873649)
Don't do the 3-speed. You will regret it. I have one with a floor shift, and while it works fine, there is nothing fun about it. Mine is getting a 4-speed very soon. I have all the parts, just need to arrange for help to install it.
I'd rather do a 5 or 6 speed and have the overdrive, but the 4- speed was free.
That bad? Its a only if I have too..