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belldar 04-24-2016 11:01 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
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belldar 04-24-2016 11:09 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Like I said its in darn good shape besides the few dents and the kick panels and a little floor rust. I know the box may have some surface rust due to hauling grass in the old days. I just want to make sure I offer him a fair to above average fair price for it. I don't want to upset him but I also just can't pay crazy money for it. It's hasn't been started in over ten years for sure. I'm a little worried about the old antifreeze in it and what all I may have to do or watch out for. Would replace all fluids and Hass lines. Also would have to do some break and Bering work I'm sure after sitting. Tires have good tread but are cracked up. Don't know if I could trust them at highway speed. The cab and dash is in great shape besides the rust issue on the floor.
If it was running and all the lines were good and fluids up to date what then would it be worth? Thanks for the help today it helped me not freak out too bad!

12secondnova 04-24-2016 11:28 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I would also like to raise my bid lol. That truck is much nicer than I previously thought. 4.5k would be my new high maybe even up to 6k because of the sentimental value. Looks like a very clean truck and the paint is a cool color:metal:

Z10 04-24-2016 11:42 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
You said he was good guy and a past coach. I would play on his since of fair play. I would offer him what you think it's actually worth to someone else then factor in your heart, and offer him that amount. If he's as nice a guy as you say, he'll be reasonable. If not, ask him to contact you if he get's a better offer and maybe you'll be in a better position in the future to match it.


belldar 04-24-2016 11:55 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Exactly what I was thinking Z10! At least if he doesn't sell it to me I know he will take good care of it and that he dose not want to sell it to anyone that would change it. Will have to make some serious sacrifices either way. It's funny my wife is on my side but my father wants me to forget about the whole thing. She understands but he doesn't. Going to be some sleepless nights!

Thundarr 04-25-2016 12:03 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I didn't see you mention what HE paid your grandfather for the truck. If it is now in similar shape as when he bought it but has 20 years of rot, I would say only pay him what he paid for it. The appreciation would offset the deterioration he has let set in on the vehicle. In the 90's when he bought a truck in barely running condition, it wasn't a classic. Just an old truck. Any of these trucks will give you the same memories and the most fun will be for you to try to recreate your Grandfathers truck in another one THAT IS ACTUALLY RUNNING.

Soon enough, your kids will remember it as "Dads Truck".

$5k max. Not a penny more.

Joesjunk 04-25-2016 08:33 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Best of luck to you, it looks to be a pretty nice truck. And it's been stored indoors. I bet that thing will start right up and drive.

67ChevyRedneck 04-25-2016 09:37 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I'd start low, you can't start high and go back.

Coley 04-25-2016 10:29 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
At first glance....looks like a fair $5k truck.....might be a bit more and might be a bit less depending on the detail specifics that are currently unknown.
If the truck doesn't is not worth (much) more than that, that may actually play out in your favor while establishing value.
Negotiate respectfully with him and respectfully assert that the truck doesn't currently run so you have to work that into your budget.
Keep trying tho'......but hold your ground.
Remember the 'flake factor' in having something for sale is sky high when it actually comes down to people actually showing up...and presenting money, so that is heavily in your favor.

Keep us posted.

old Chevy guy 04-25-2016 10:39 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
You said he had offers, is he actively trying to sell it? You said he thinks it's worth twice what he was offered that would be 16 k. That's just ridiculous if that's what he's thinking. As far as sitting being inside you will probably be surprised at how little you might have to do to get it going. Was it running and driving when he bought it? Offer him a lower price $4000 maybe but only because of the attachment if he says no let him sit on it awhile then go up $500 and wait again if the answer is no then repeat the process but don't break the bank ,sentimental or not. If he doesn't want to sell it anyway it's not going anywhere. And if he does want to sell it chances are he won't get a much better offer either. Don't let him think your desperate but ask him to let you know if he gets a better offer so you can try and match it. A legit confirmable better offer. I'm not sure I believe the site unseen $8000 offer. At any rate nobody with brains would send a check and have it shipped without having someone look at it first.

belldar 05-09-2016 03:04 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Ok guys I am getting a letter and some info together to send the owner. This has engulfed my life the last two weeks and I just need to get it over with! I have a few adds I found that we're close or similar to the truck that have been for sale for quite some time. Most are in good running driving condition and most have more options then the truck I am looking at. I am planning on offering around $3,500-4,000 and some trade addition up to about $1,200. I don't want to low ball and don't think I am. In fact it's probably way more then I should offer but if he dose some research I want him to know I'm serious! Do you think I'm on par or nuts? I know when his father who was a good friend of my Grandfathers bought the truck is wasn't for much ($800?)17 years ago, not that that matters now I guess. Feel like I'm going nuts! I added things in my letter about how much the truck would bring the way it is, running/driving condition, and good condition with all rust and dents fixed (don't think the truck would be worth much over $8k with all that fixed???). I also mentioned how it has no options other then a radio which are things that bring the actual coat down. I would hope it wouldn't take a guy much more then $1,500 getting her up and going again(odds and ends and new tires), but the rust may take me a while to get good depending on if it got into the inner rocker or not. Everything I know about the condition is from what I could see in a dark garage in a corner so hopefully there isn't too much more wrong that needs fixing and I hope the tranny and engine are still in good shape. If not that could get real spendie! All in all I hope this all works out and he can do some research and see what it's worth. I need to get this out of my head either way as I have lost enough sleep over it and the anxiety is getting to me. Please let me know what you think.

Thundarr 05-09-2016 04:29 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I think you are more than fair. He would need to put 2-4k into it just to sell it anywhere near what he is asking and that's if he does the work himself.

Z10 05-09-2016 05:04 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I just read your additional comments to this thread. I think I would call him up and tell him you are ready to make an offer, but would like to take a closer look at the truck in the sunlight. After a good inspection, you can up your offer or lower it, based on things you might find that are currently hidden. If he see's the same issues you do, in real time, he'll probably soften his position.

Remember, the first to offer up a price is usually in the weaker position.

Good luck!


67ChevyRedneck 05-09-2016 05:11 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I wouldn't write a letter. This needs to be discussed further in person. Again, start low, you can't go back down.

You knew the guy well, he knows your family... just talk it out.

belldar 05-09-2016 05:38 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I would love to discuss it with him in person but two reasons that may be tuff. One is he doesn't get around to often and doesn't live close. And two is that I have all the data and price points down for him and encouraged him to do some research on its value himself. I'm worried with what he thinks it's worth it may sink in more and be easier for him to understand and reference to if he has it on paper. Maybe I am way off!? Hell between you guys, lots of friends that are into these trucks, local dealers and not local car guys I have a lot of people that are telling me exactly the same thing. I feel like a deer caught in the headlights on what to actually do. Waiting till he comes around May cause me an aneurism but the letter may be a hit to the ego!? I must say I think it is well written and that is the way I got him to contact me about the truck in the first place. Hmmm, come to think of it maybe that was a mistake also! Damn sentimental value.

71CHEVYSHORTBED402 05-09-2016 05:56 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!

Originally Posted by RichardJ (Post 7571491)
>> Seat is shot but has a cover <<

That alone says it has 177k miles or more.
Chances are it DIDN'T run in 1999 and that is why it was parked.
With cash in hand, offer what you think it is worth to you and can afford. If he says no, turn and walk away. Remember, he called you and a good chance he'll call back.

If he really is interested in selling it and is in good of shape as he would have you believe, he can pull it out, clean it up and get it running.

I don't know about that. My bench seat was pretty well shot on the driver's side when I bought it in 1989. It was at approx. 90K miles. The springs on the LH side are bad as well. I suspect the original owner was a big fellow. The visors, arm rests, dash pad and panels are near mint.

scampr 05-09-2016 06:22 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I would come right out and ask him what is his bottom line on it.. it might supprise you and you might own it... if not you have something to think on...its worked many times for me... food for thought

belldar 05-09-2016 11:08 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
What worries me is what he thinks it's worth and that his bottom line will be way more then realistic. That's why I was thinking of sending the info and prices I have figured what it may be worth in three different conditions. Thinking I may omit my offer from it and do what Z10 mentioned and just let him know I would like to look at in a little more in depth before I come up with an offer. The conditions are current state 3-4.5k. Running and no fixes 3.5-6k and running everything fixed rust and dent wise up to maybe 8k?? Let me know if I'm in the right ballpark on those figures?? It's pretty much a low option truck. Only option may be radio and 350 engine?

scampr 05-09-2016 11:37 PM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
He is thinking about selling it.... have it in your mind what YOU think its worth,,, you have seen it....have it in your mind your limit and then ask.... thats a salesman trick they want YOU to come up with a number. A lot of the times that number isnt as high as you might think...When i had a tool company,,, the main co trained us to let the buyer come up with a figure... it was usually in your favor... worked most of the time. In your case he wants YOUR money... so let him set a price... you can say NO... then the dealing good luck ... To me the sitting doesnt bother me at all.. since it was inside and dry. Rust is a pain... everything else is easy

In The Ten Ring 05-10-2016 12:20 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Oh gosh man, I will be praying for you on this one.

I don't much care for lawyers but I read a book by one on the subject of negotiation. He wrote "never want something too badly as you will pay too high a financial or emotional price for it."

It seems to me that you are very excited right now (I'd put the "letter" idea aside for the time being): I would think it best to talk with this man in person, as you two have some history.

It might be best if you got some time to relax on this, to get your emotions in check. It's never a good idea to do any sort of negotiations when one's emotions are high.

These other members have bought far more vehicles second hand than I have, I'll let my advice end here.

El Dorado Jim 05-10-2016 01:13 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!

Originally Posted by belldar (Post 7588105)
What worries me is what he thinks it's worth and that his bottom line will be way more then realistic. That's why I was thinking of sending the info and prices I have figured what it may be worth in three different conditions. Thinking I may omit my offer from it and do what Z10 mentioned and just let him know I would like to look at in a little more in depth before I come up with an offer. The conditions are current state 3-4.5k. Running and no fixes 3.5-6k and running everything fixed rust and dent wise up to maybe 8k?? Let me know if I'm in the right ballpark on those figures?? It's pretty much a low option truck. Only option may be radio and 350 engine?

I definitely think you are in the ballpark, and would go ahead and send your letter....good luck, hope you can make a deal

dazza 05-10-2016 09:44 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
hmmm... what would your Grandpa's advice be?

dads longhorn 05-10-2016 10:17 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
Some great advice on here. I understand the emotional attachment, but you did live without the truck for years and survived. It doesn't sound like you've inspected it thoroughly enough to get a complete picture of its condition. It's difficult to know what to offer if you don't really know what you're getting. I'd recommend what's been said before, have him pull it out and you inspect it well. Take cash and be willing to walk away. That sometimes motivates the seller to grab at the offer before it walks away. Keep us posted

drfloyd 05-10-2016 11:34 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
I'm not a psychologist but i did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night. I get the feeling you are afraid to negotiate face to face with this guy. Or even verbally on the phone. There's nothing better than being face to face when you do this so that you can read their facial expressions and pick up on their voice deflection when offers are made and prices discussed. The simplest way to buy something like this is to ask him what he will take and make an offer. Then go up if you left leeway in the price. I can promise you and you can take this to the bank, if you are close and he really wants or needs to sell the truck, he won't let you leave. Be nice, articulate and assertive in negotiating.

craigg1 05-10-2016 11:47 AM

Re: Want to buy grandpas c10. Need help!
If it were me, I think I would offer my best price and be done with it, he will either accept it or not and then you can move on, no need in beating yourself up about it everyday. If he doesn't accept it find a similar truck at a decent price and make your own memories with your kids.

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