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dtlilly 01-09-2004 09:32 PM

Thanks Josh for the sticky.

James got some money from me back in March, and I never recieved the parts, I would have been happy to at least recieved something, I'm glad he's gone. Maybe we could send this to Ebay to let them know what a weasel he is.

DSW 01-09-2004 11:12 PM

Hey if this guys from tx i ran in to him in Arlinton TX and bought a chrome glove box door for $15 I didn't trust him then but the price was right. he also told me he was on Ebay as Truckparts67-72 and dose the white face guages now i know THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP!!!!

73stepside 01-12-2004 05:09 AM

i bought a 700r4 from him. i went out to his place in lone oak tx and looked at his chrome stuff too. needless to say the 700 was the only part i brought home with me. good thing i new what to look for in a 700. his chrome parts are old parts he pulls from the junk trucks and sends toa chrome shop. he doesn't even try to fix them or clean them up before chroming.

TEXAS 68 01-13-2004 12:26 PM

I'm from Texas and don't like guys like that putting out bad impressions so I want to take the time to say that all members from Texas are not like that,I have dealt with nightmare,smonty,and superchevy from this board and have met them in person and must say they are some of the nicest people I've come across in my short time here on this board. So thats it IMO.:D

KTLX 01-13-2004 11:22 PM

I guess I have been very fortunate. I have bought many parts from truckparts67_72 on ebay and have been very pleased. I recommend using pay pal so you can dispute the credit card charge if you are not satisfied. All in all I guess I dont agree, or I have been lucky.

dinnut 01-14-2004 01:29 AM


Originally posted by TEXAS 68
I'm from Texas and don't like guys like that putting out bad impressions so I want to take the time to say that all members from Texas are not like that,I have dealt with nightmare,smonty,and superchevy from this board and have met them in person and must say they are some of the nicest people I've come across in my short time here on this board. So thats it IMO.:D
i agree!
one day next summer us houstonians (and outlying areas, such as spring :D ) should have a gettogether

Randy70C-10 01-15-2004 12:55 PM

Eric, we already know about you. (j/k) :D :lol:

dinnut 01-15-2004 10:45 PM


TEXAS 68 01-16-2004 08:30 AM


Originally posted by Bowtiefreak
I have been keeping my mouth shut for months now on this issue but due to the recent sticky note, I want to share something. Do a search on sliciknsmooth72 and smooth72 and YOU WILL SEE that this person seems to be using the same phone number. I called smooth72 awhile back about some doors that he was selling and he said his name was James,but I never bought them because he would never send me pics. Then a couple months went by and I was going to buy a cab from slicknsmooth72 and quess what NO pics again, then I realized the voice sounded the same as smooth72 and so I asked what his name was, quess what, this guys name was James again. So I then did a search on the two names and found out that the phone numbers were the same. After getting a little pissed I confronted him about being smooth72 and slicknsmooth72 and asing if his name was James B. he hung up the phone. OH btw, he said he was never a board member before when I was talking to him as slicknsmooth72. You be the judge.

Just sharing some info.

That sounds a little fishy to me,maybe Josh will check it out.

19mike69 01-19-2004 12:01 AM

yeah,i bought a grill from the guy at a swap meet in Greenville last year....he told me on the phone and through email that the grille had already been polished and cleaned and all that and looked like a brand new one....needless to say when i got there i saw it wasnt what he said it was,he dropped the price WAY down,and i bought it....was also supposed to be getting this "in great shape" upper trim for a longbed...wasnt any better than the junk i took sure i wont ever buy from him again....i too saw his chrome collection at the meet and i wouldnt have bought any of it for a DAILY driver

krazy_texan 01-19-2004 05:21 AM

atleast you guys have not had to have a swap meet booth next to him, that guy is so annoying and he would not leave me the f### alone, this was before i knew all this info to and when he was starting to get into trouble on the board, i think i actually did more buisness than he did

19mike69 01-19-2004 05:46 AM

you talk about annoying,you are soooooo right....he was so da** annoying just to be around for the 15 minutes i was...and all he did the entire time was gripe and complain about this board and how this place was less than 10% of his actual business....i wanted to say "ok dude,i dont care...shut the f**k up"

autolabor 01-20-2004 03:22 PM

What comes around goes around..... Just ask the inmates that I baby sit for everyday....

69c10stepside 01-25-2004 01:26 AM

I haven't been on the board in .. several months .. and when I left this guy was just starting to show his true colors.. I am happy to know we have a webmaster stepping up to keep everything / everybody fair :) Good job.

Bartcore 01-27-2004 01:04 AM

How can somebody like this be in buisness? If this were in my town this dude would be blacklisted period

dinnut 01-27-2004 01:47 AM


Originally posted by Bartcore
How can somebody like this be in buisness? If this were in my town this dude would be blacklisted period
easily, people dont know about him... see he has some huge rating and buy from him because its chrome.
see, we know about him. and weve seen how bad some of his stuff is. i think most of his business is first time buyers... or should i say 1 time buyers :rolleyes:

rolson1039 01-29-2004 10:17 PM

lol i thought there were suppoused to be alot of really tall trees and short ropes in texas for people like him ( at least thats what the toby keith/willie nelson song says):D :D

seriously thanks for the heads up and good job josh

99-2door 02-02-2004 06:54 AM

I am glad I read this I was looking at some interior pieces this guy had on e-bay. Thanks for the heads up!

BEAVIS 02-08-2004 11:59 PM

Ok guys, I am a junior board member to the board and had no dealings with this guy, but I ran a check on his ph number listed on e-bay and it came back as a business "Lisa's Cuts and Curls" seems like this guy likes to pretty em up before he puts the wood to his customers. Anyway I will be in Paris Texas sometime this month which is about an hour from Lone Oak and plan to see this jack**s in the flesh. Keep up the good work, I love this board.

dinnut 02-09-2004 12:09 AM


Originally posted by BEAVIS
Ok guys, I am a junior board member to the board and had no dealings with this guy, but I ran a check on his ph number listed on e-bay and it came back as a business "Lisa's Cuts and Curls" seems like this guy likes to pretty em up before he puts the wood to his customers. Anyway I will be in Paris Texas sometime this month which is about an hour from Lone Oak and plan to see this jack**s in the flesh. Keep up the good work, I love this board.
he has a lot of stuff at his place. he talks ALOT! make sure you go in his office and see all his chrome stuff (hahahaha). he wanted me to send to parts a p.o. box but i said u send me the stuff first and then ill send u ur parts and he never sent my parts... so he is NOT gonna get his.
he claims he has mint rust free cabs for like $350. i just cant beleive that.

btw if anyone is interested i have his house and cell phone number

RooRDaDDy 02-14-2004 11:42 PM

THX alot all i have never done business with him but thx for the heads up

sixty8c10 02-15-2004 11:04 PM

i'm not going to type what i really think, but it sounds like he is a bad bad man.

71402BB 03-04-2004 11:25 AM

damn, I guess I missed it all!!! I have only been on the board here and there for the last 6 months at least so I didn't even know about this shister! I sure hope not many of the good people on this board got burned by this a$$wipe! I glad to see you got rid of him Josh! keep up the good work!!

camelot 03-07-2004 10:42 PM

Hi all, I am just reading up on what has been going on. I used to work for eBay and wanted everyone to know that if they have not reported this guy to eBay - do it. He can get suspended there too and if he starts a new account - he'll get suspended again. And if you paid by PayPal, report him there too.

On a side note, I am glad to see that the board monitors what goes on. I have not posted/bought/sold on the board for a while because someone here ripped me off - $150 for a box of junk and over a month to ship.

crossy 03-18-2004 01:34 AM


Originally posted by BEAVIS
, . Anyway I will be in Paris Texas sometime this month which is about an hour from Lone Oak and plan to see this jack**s in the flesh. .
look for a guy wearing an ass for a face and really bad teeth :-)

Honestly, your not going to believe this of a guy from NJ but it just so happens that i lived real close to there once.(and I stole one of your Texas Women) .Lone Oak is just south of Greenville on Rt.69. I still have some very good friends that live near by that are reputable business men and bonified Chevy gearheads and they laugh when i mentioned his name. One of my friends had ONE dealing with him and said that was enough. DAVE

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