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Keith Seymore 04-06-2023 01:41 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by joedoh (Post 9194108)
man the one i want answered is the four way stop, when its YOUR TURN, WHY do you wave someone else through?

you arent being nice, you are creating an uneasy issue for everyone else at the other three side of the intersection who already knows its your turn. if you dont want to learn the rules stay your butt at home.

This, This, this-ity this this!!


dmjlambert 04-06-2023 06:39 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?
Why do I buy an old beat up truck with dents and rust, and drive it with care and park far away from other cars in the parking lot at the grocery store? Just why?

And then why do I come out of the grocery store and somebody has parked right next to my truck even though they had thousands of other spaces in the empty sea of a parking lot to choose from? Just why?

Steeveedee 04-06-2023 07:33 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by dmjlambert (Post 9194180)
Why do I buy an old beat up truck with dents and rust, and drive it with care and park far away from other cars in the parking lot at the grocery store? Just why?

And then why do I come out of the grocery store and somebody has parked right next to my truck even though they had thousands of other spaces in the empty sea of a parking lot to choose from? Just why?

:lol: So true! And it spans the decades. My dad had a 10-year old '26 Chevy coupe that he usually parked well away from the rest of the cars. Only car in the lot one time, and came out to find a bent up fender. Really?!?

kwmech 04-06-2023 09:14 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by joedoh (Post 9194108)
man the one i want answered is the four way stop, when its YOUR TURN, WHY do you wave someone else through?

you arent being nice, you are creating an uneasy issue for everyone else at the other three side of the intersection who already knows its your turn.

Going along with this are the people that will hold up through traffic to allow someone in the opposite direction make a left turn in front of them---which results most of the time that left turn car getting creamed by somebody coming up on the right hand side that is unaware.

68bowtie 04-06-2023 09:15 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore (Post 9194110)
This, This, this-ity this this!!


So true! Similar thing on the freeway when the truck going 62 wants to pass the truck going 60, turns on his signal, and a car in the fast lane slows down to be “nice” and let them in, and in the process slows down 10 cars down from 70 to 62…

kwmech 04-06-2023 09:26 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by 68bowtie (Post 9194215)
So true! Similar thing on the freeway when the truck going 62 wants to pass the truck going 60, turns on his signal, and a car in the fast lane slows down to be “nice” and let them in, and in the process slows down 10 cars down from 70 to 62…

AND it always seems to be on an up grade where the semi is trying to keep his truck in the power band without slowing down and dropping a gear.

special-K 04-07-2023 05:27 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by kwmech (Post 9194214)
Going along with this are the people that will hold up through traffic to allow someone in the opposite direction make a left turn in front of them---which results most of the time that left turn car getting creamed by somebody coming up on the right hand side that is unaware.

Yes! This is a new thing I never used to see. I am a courteous driver and that is not courteous, it's stupid. It goes right along with the failure to obey the simplest principles of the road going on these days, right of way. First comes the disregard, then it becomes the norm. No no no, this is a foundation that does not move. This is the foundation that all safe driving is built upon. It is the end-all answer to who goes first, who has to stop, who has to merge... It's the answer to, "How can all these vehicles drive on the same strip of pavement in two to four directions without running into each other?"

FleetsidePaul 04-07-2023 09:27 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?
It's all two lane roads up here, no signals. Almost everyone speeds. I speed faster than I'd like sometimes just not to be in the way and have no problem using the turnouts to let some Dale Jr. wannabe go past me.
But not everyone does that. I've seen slowpokes with a line of cars stacking up behind them. I've seen sheriff's get on their loudspeaker and tell cars to either speed up or get out of the way. That's what the turnouts are for.

The only exception I see is someone towing a heavy trailer. They can't go too fast or easily pull over.

I was driving with a sheriff in front of me and the guy in front of him was going kinda slow. You could tell he was spooked by the sheriff behind him. But he was driving even worse trying not to get pulled over. I'm sure the cop knew it too because he passed him. :lol:

I know the feeling but mine was different. I was going 110 mph which I never do but it was a long straight stretch of road and I had my Corvette, nobody around. Eh. WTH let's see what this baby can do. I found out what it could do...It can do 110 and get a sheriff on your rear bumper going just as fast as you are. :eek::dohh:

I wasn't nervous. Too late for that. I had already been caught red handed. I waited for the lights to go on. They never did. He let me go. :) I guess he figured just another old guy who's inner teenager got the best of him.

72c20customcamper 04-07-2023 03:51 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by 68bowtie (Post 9193951)
This thread is for posting questions.

Any question will do.

Serious, silly, sarcastic, or sincere.

I will start with a serious question (yet kind of funny). I truly want to know.

Why do people WALK on the street when there is a perfectly nice sidewalk? I am not exaggerating, I see this all the time. Probably 6 times in the last 2 months. I understand for serious joggers it may be easier on the joints. I am talking about WALKERS. I really would like to understand the benefit.

Attachment 2265857

She’s also walking on the wrong side . Suppose to face oncoming traffic for safety .

Maybe a big pile of dog poop made her walk into the road ?

GOPAPA 04-07-2023 07:25 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?
Why is it that most grocery stores have a traffic lane right as you go out the door with your groceries ? Seems by now they could of designed a way to not have to cross through traffic ..

68bowtie 04-07-2023 09:33 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by GOPAPA (Post 9194491)
Why is it that most grocery stores have a traffic lane right as you go out the door with your groceries ? Seems by now they could of designed a way to not have to cross through traffic ..

Maybe because you’re literally the first person who ever thought about it… lol

Steeveedee 04-07-2023 10:41 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by GOPAPA (Post 9194491)
Why is it that most grocery stores have a traffic lane right as you go out the door with your groceries ? Seems by now they could of designed a way to not have to cross through traffic ..

Where else would all those lazy joggers and 10k runners park? :lol: I swear, I see them parked in the red curb zones and in the "no parking" part of the handicapped spaces all the time. They weigh about half of what I weigh; walking a little further shouldn't be a problem.

FleetsidePaul 04-08-2023 02:27 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by Steeveedee (Post 9194536)
Where else would all those lazy joggers and 10k runners park? :lol: I swear, I see them parked in the red curb zones and in the "no parking" part of the handicapped spaces all the time. They weigh about half of what I weigh; walking a little further shouldn't be a problem.

I see that too. I do park in the handicapped spaces. And for good reason. I don't walk too well. Especially on uneven surfaces. Curbs and stairs are tough for me. I have the DP license plates and the placard hung from my mirror. So I'm totally legal parking there.

So. I go to the market and some idiot has squeezed himself onto the area that's for wheelchair unloading. There's still enough room to park my little Porsche so I park. When I come out with a couple bags of groceries I go to put them in my car and there's a ding in my passenger door. :censored:

He just must not have liked the fact that I had a nice car and could legally park it in the good spot so he hit it with his door. That ding was definitely not there before. I should have set the alarm. No way that I could get out there fast enough if it went off but maybe someone could.

special-K 04-08-2023 06:12 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?
Why do people drop someone off and wait directly in front of the doors where, oh I dunno, EVERYBODY needs to walk??

I've been walking across to the store entrance, a car comes up without yielding to me, pulls across my path, and sits there while his wife gets out. Even in the rain. I have slapped a rear quarter with my hand more than once. Only once did the driver get out and say something. Yes it's asking for trouble, same as they did. I can handle it.

GOPAPA 04-08-2023 08:08 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 9194579)
Why do people drop someone off and wait directly in front of the doors where, oh I dunno, EVERYBODY needs to walk??

I've been walking across to the store entrance, a car comes up without yielding to me, pulls across my path, and sits there while his wife gets out. Even in the rain. I have slapped a rear quarter with my hand more than one. Only once did the driver get out and say something. Yes it's asking for trouble, same as they did. I can handle it.

This is the reason why I brought this up,, the cars do have the right to use this street in front of these entrances and exits ,and so do the people at the store,, it causes a stand off as to when can a car can get through when a steady line of people are coming and going across this street in front of the store...frustrating to both ,, a redesign of the parking lot would resolve this problem

special-K 04-08-2023 08:44 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?
Drivers yielding to pedestrians is the design that works. Add in a touch of consideration and even better. Why stop, and especially remain stopped, dead in front of the doors? Why not pull forward the length of the vehicle. Can't the person being saved from walking across the parking lot at least walk the 10 extra feet? Especially when they are climbing out of a dry vehicle while others walk across the parking lot in the rain? I don't believe redesigning parking lots for inconsiderate people is the answer.

Also, it's a parking lot, not a hiway. You should expect to have to wait for pedestrians, as well as vehicles maneuvering in and out of parking spaces and people pushing shopping carts with unpredictable children at their side. A parking lot is a place where you are to expect a combination of vehicles and people, with a higher level of people than you'd expect on a hiway.

Here's another big "why" I feel takes the same lack of consideration. People walking into the doorway and stopping dead square in the middle of EVERYONE ELSE'S path? Step off to the side if you need to get your bearings, close your umbrella, or finish up your phone conversation. I've had people come rushing past me to get to the door first (Yay! You won) only to see someone they know coming out, then commence a conversation dead in the way of the person, me, they just passed. I'll bump my way through as they act offended about that... Really? I have no patience for people with their head up their favorite portal

kwmech 04-08-2023 11:02 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 9194579)
Why do people drop someone off and wait directly in front of the doors where, oh I dunno, EVERYBODY needs to walk??

Then there is the person/people who upon walking inside the door of the grocery store... stops dead in their tracks just as they have taken 2 steps into the store. I can't count how many times I've almost walked into people doing this

GOPAPA 04-08-2023 11:42 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?
What Ever ! It's most probably called a fire lane anyway ,, so will always be just the way it is..

Keith Seymore 04-08-2023 01:45 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by kwmech (Post 9194627)
Then there is the person/people who upon walking inside the door of the grocery store... stops dead in their tracks just as they have taken 2 steps into the store. I can't count how many times I've almost walked into people doing this

People do this pulling into parking lots, too.

Pull in, and then stop dead while they figure out where they want to go, leaving me hanging out in the road.


Boog 04-08-2023 03:43 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?
I've said it too many times before: when moving into the center turn lane can't everyone look in their rearview mirror first then move BOTH ends of their car squarely within the painted stripes of the turn lane so as not to hold up everyone else in the world in the lane behind them? Geeeeeeez!

kwmech 04-08-2023 07:06 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by Boog (Post 9194698)
I've said it too many times before: when moving into the center turn lane can't everyone look in their rearview mirror first then move BOTH ends of their car squarely within the painted stripes of the turn lane so as not to hold up everyone else in the world in the lane behind them? Geeeeeeez!

Yup, that's a peev of mine also

Steeveedee 04-08-2023 07:47 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?
People can avoid that by just driving in the center divider until they can make their turn. I saw a guy doing it yesterday (well, I'm guessing that it was a guy, since even the windshield was tinted limo black) and he was even driving in the wrong direction when the opposite direction turn lanes came and went. I would like to have a huge truck made from railroad track for the frame and bumpers, etc., so when one of those donkeys run into me they suffer hard.

special-K 04-08-2023 10:33 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?
Why do people who have stopped in the road start moving once you are going around them? "I'm already going around you. Just keep on sitting till I pass!"


Originally Posted by Keith Seymore (Post 9194670)
People do this pulling into parking lots, too.

Pull in, and then stop dead while they figure out where they want to go, leaving me hanging out in the road.


Yep, or even out on the road before making a turn.

3757chevy 04-08-2023 11:14 PM

Re: Just WHY?!?

Originally Posted by GOPAPA (Post 9194645)
What Ever ! It's most probably called a fire lane anyway ,, so will always be just the way it is..

I'll walk past a car waiting in the fire lane for someone in the store and say "Nice Firetruck A:censored::censored:Hole". :sumo: And then there's the car you been waiting to pass the intersection your at only to watch them turn their turn signal on after they already started turning the corner your at. :dohh: or not use their turn signal at all. :banghead:..WHY?

FleetsidePaul 04-09-2023 02:00 AM

Re: Just WHY?!?
It may be petty but I always get annoyed when I'm waiting to make a left and the oncoming car makes a right with no signal when I was just sitting there waiting for them to pass. Thanks for the heads up.

The only one is worse is the ones that put their turn signal on and then decide to go straight with the blinker still blinking. Nothing unsafe about that. :rolleyes:

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