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68chvy 01-12-2014 07:30 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
you have a link of what you would need like what controls and compressor I.would.need.. I plan on doing.this drop soon so gathering my parts list.. thnx

MattPSU 01-12-2014 07:41 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by 68chvy (Post 6467532)
you have a link of what you would need like what controls and compressor I.would.need.. I plan on doing.this drop soon so gathering my parts list.. thnx

Here's a link to the air management systems that Pro Performance offers. The Manual, Pro 1 and Pro 2 kits are nice in that they include everything you'll need. I'm sure you could piece one together, but these kits will have all the wiring, fittings, air line, etc. that you'll need.

I highly recommend that you call Travis at Pro Performance and tell him what all you're looking for. He'll help you put together everything so that you don't miss anything. If you want to do some variation on one of these kits (two tanks rather than one for example), he'll create a package to meet your needs/goals.

If you need more help, let me know. If you want my number/email, let me know and I'll PM you with that info.

BTW - just checked out your truck. Very nice. You guys and your LS swaps have me thinking that may be my power plant route when I get to that point.

Thanks - Matt

Desert.Chevy 01-14-2014 11:39 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Good info, Thanks. Truck looks good too.

c10Dream'n 01-29-2014 10:24 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
That was one heck of a write up. thanks for the visual. I have made up my mind and plan on piecing mine together since i won't be able to drop all the cash at once on the whole set-up.

My setup currently consists of CPP tubular control arms, ECE 4/6 kit wit 1" blocks in the rear. I have a CPP bolt in notch as well. I will have to talk to Nate or Travis bout my options.

do you know what the difference is between having a 3 or 5 gallon tank? along with having 1 or 2 compressors? Thanks again.

PBFAB.COM 01-29-2014 10:33 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by c10Dream'n (Post 6497013)
That was one heck of a write up. thanks for the visual. I have made up my mind and plan on piecing mine together since i won't be able to drop all the cash at once on the whole set-up.

My setup currently consists of CPP tubular control arms, ECE 4/6 kit wit 1" blocks in the rear. I have a CPP bolt in notch as well. I will have to talk to Nate or Travis bout my options.

do you know what the difference is between having a 3 or 5 gallon tank? along with having 1 or 2 compressors? Thanks again.

We recommend running 2 compressors if you go to a 5 gallon tank. One compressor per 3 gallon tank also works well. We make some neat brackets that mount a compressor and a 3 gallon tank to the frame rail.

MattPSU 01-29-2014 01:23 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by c10Dream'n (Post 6497013)
That was one heck of a write up. thanks for the visual. I have made up my mind and plan on piecing mine together since i won't be able to drop all the cash at once on the whole set-up.

My setup currently consists of CPP tubular control arms, ECE 4/6 kit wit 1" blocks in the rear. I have a CPP bolt in notch as well. I will have to talk to Nate or Travis bout my options.

do you know what the difference is between having a 3 or 5 gallon tank? along with having 1 or 2 compressors? Thanks again.

Piecing it together is exactly what I did. It's taken a year and a half, but I'm happy with the results.

I would recommend talking to Nate and/or Travis about which components you can use with your current set-up. I think you're ok, but I'd check just to be sure.

My understanding on the compressors/tanks issue is pretty simple. The more compressor out you have, whether it's one or two, the faster you can fill your tanks. The more tank space you have, the longer it'll take to fill. But, the more tank space you have, the quicker you can raise your truck back up. I've been told that if you're not planning on playing around much, and you're never going to be in a hurry, you can get away with a smaller compressor and/or tank. But if you want to play and/or have a quicker response time, larger and/or multiple compressors and tanks are recommended.

The way I see it is that it seems like no matter what I do, I always want more! I lowered it some, then I wanted it lower. So with tanks and compressors, I'm was initially thinking I wouldn't play much, but when I let the air out of the bags using the schrader valves now, everyone watching smiles. I know I'll want to play at least a little, so duel tanks and compressors will be the route I go. And I'll mount them using the Porterbuilt brackets above. One of each on each side.

Good luck - Matt

chevjayfsd 01-29-2014 04:39 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
I agree Matt... Being able to pull up to grab some milk for the kids and airing it out while you run in, with people looking at your truck and hearing it, is an awesome experience... lol.

c10Dream'n 01-29-2014 04:53 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Thanks for your point of view Matt. I to like the set-up they provide with the bracket for compressor and tank. DECISIONS DECISIONS!!!!!!!!!

mano 02-04-2014 11:22 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by nds1968 (Post 6443438)
I am going to run shrader valves on the rear bags. I was thinking about going with coils again but I already have the bags, line and shraders. I just want to get my truck back in one piece again ;) Then I can decide if I want to fully bag the truck. I'd rather not spend the money or the time messing with that now.

I grew up in Arlington (on the hill above South Side). I live in Brentwood now. My Dad moved out your way a few years ago to Freeport. Now he tells people he lives out in the country :lol:

Your truck looks awesome, keep up the good work. Nate

Ha your not even 5 mins away from me. lol I lived in Brentwood for 6 years.

muckyp 03-14-2014 09:48 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
MattPSU - are those 15" wheels on the truck in the photos? If so did you have issues with the wheels rubbing the lower control arms?

dec010974 03-14-2014 10:38 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
muckyp, I had clearance issues with the lower control rubbing/interfering the inner rally wheels and wheel balance weights. I also had to clearance/grind the tie rod area of the drop spindle. For my application, a grinder was my best tool until I decide to buy larger wheels. Im running my stock rally wheels which are 15x8. I used the belltech 3 inch drop spindle, stock lower control arms, & the air bag in the lower control spring pocket. I also used a PB stage 1 lowering kit which relocated the shock mounts. i hope this helps.

MattPSU 03-14-2014 11:57 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by muckyp (Post 6574576)
MattPSU - are those 15" wheels on the truck in the photos? If so did you have issues with the wheels rubbing the lower control arms?

Yes, they are 15x7's and they rubbed on the lower control arm which did a great job of shaving my wheel weights. I don't have a picture of the arms, but I do have some pictures of the wheel weights. I can try to take some pictures of the arms this weekend.

Enjoy! - Matt

muckyp 03-14-2014 10:25 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MattPSU (Post 6574797)
Yes, they are 15x7's and they rubbed on the lower control arm which did a great job of shaving my wheel weights. I don't have a picture of the arms, but I do have some pictures of the wheel weights. I can try to take some pictures of the arms this weekend.

Enjoy! - Matt

I have the same drop spindles and bags in front. Did you grind the lower control arms? I plan a larger wheel but those things are $$$$$, so I need some time prep the wife for the purchase.

MattPSU 03-15-2014 05:10 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by muckyp (Post 6575757)
I have the same drop spindles and bags in front. Did you grind the lower control arms? I plan a larger wheel but those things are $$$$$, so I need some time prep the wife for the purchase.

I trimmed them with a sawzall & cut-off wheel, then cleaned it up with my grinder.

MRWGN 03-28-2014 08:26 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Just wondering how much lower (if any) having tubular control arms would make it?

I ask because the way the bag mounting happens with the stage 1 kit it brings the mounting surface flush with arm and not recessed into the cup.

Would a set of porterbuilt tubular arms/CPP arms in standard form change those dimensions and make it lower again in the front?

King Cary 03-30-2014 11:59 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Thanks for the chart Matt... Awesome lay out for everyone to use as a comparison when building their trucks... I see you're in Lyman S.C., I'm originally from Columbia.

MattPSU 03-30-2014 07:48 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MRWGN (Post 6600491)
Just wondering how much lower (if any) having tubular control arms would make it?

I ask because the way the bag mounting happens with the stage 1 kit it brings the mounting surface flush with arm and not recessed into the cup.

Would a set of porterbuilt tubular arms/CPP arms in standard form change those dimensions and make it lower again in the front?

No idea. Maybe Travis or one of the Porterbuilt guys will chime in and let us know. If they send me a set, I'll install them and take some pictures, too!


Originally Posted by King Cary (Post 6602750)
Thanks for the chart Matt... Awesome lay out for everyone to use as a comparison when building their trucks... I see you're in Lyman S.C., I'm originally from Columbia.

You're welcome. Small world!

hass18 03-30-2014 09:18 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Does anyone have any pictures of how and where all the air valves and controller is mounted? Just looking for ideas on how to plumb and set up.

MattPSU 03-31-2014 09:09 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
5 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by hass18 (Post 6603532)
Does anyone have any pictures of how and where all the air valves and controller is mounted? Just looking for ideas on how to plumb and set up.

Here are some pictures of my air management set up which is Pro Performance's Pro 2 kit. I mounted my valve block, relays, & power distribution block on the cross member that's just behind the axle. The tank is mounted on a 2x2 that spans the rear of the frame where the original rear cross member used to be.

MattPSU 03-31-2014 09:13 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
1 Attachment(s)
I don't have any pictures of the AVS controller but here's one of my gauges inside the cab.

Pro Performance 03-31-2014 09:53 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MRWGN (Post 6600491)
Just wondering how much lower (if any) having tubular control arms would make it?

I ask because the way the bag mounting happens with the stage 1 kit it brings the mounting surface flush with arm and not recessed into the cup.

Would a set of porterbuilt tubular arms/CPP arms in standard form change those dimensions and make it lower again in the front?

The PB arms will lower the truck more, by placing that bag mount lower in the a-arm as you described. I don't know the exact measurement, but you will see appx. 3/4" more of drop.

- Travis

hass18 03-31-2014 10:07 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MattPSU (Post 6604125)
Here are some pictures of my air management set up which is Pro Performance's Pro 2 kit. I mounted my valve block, relays, & power distribution block on the cross member that's just behind the axle. The tank is mounted on a 2x2 that spans the rear of the frame where the original rear cross member used to be.

Thanks for the pics. That was where I thought would be the best place to mount.

Carbajal 04-02-2014 01:08 AM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Truck looks good. I like the way it looks That's the setup I'm going to put on my c10. What size tires do you have??

clemsonteg 04-03-2014 01:21 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Thanks for the chart. I asked about this about a year ago and this is exactly the information I was looking for. I see in the first few photos you are at 80 psi front and 40 psi rear, but in the last few you list ride height at 60 psi front and 25 psi rear. Is that where you have always kept the ride height, or have you reduced it over time to fine tune the firmness you were after?

MattPSU 04-03-2014 09:11 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by hass18 (Post 6604204)
Thanks for the pics. That was where I thought would be the best place to mount.

Your welcome!


Originally Posted by Carbajal (Post 6607507)
Truck looks good. I like the way it looks That's the setup I'm going to put on my c10. What size tires do you have??

Current tires are 275/60R15 on 7" rally wheels. About 27.5" tall. Someday I hope to upgrade to 20's.


Originally Posted by clemsonteg (Post 6609967)
Thanks for the chart. I asked about this about a year ago and this is exactly the information I was looking for. I see in the first few photos you are at 80 psi front and 40 psi rear, but in the last few you list ride height at 60 psi front and 25 psi rear. Is that where you have always kept the ride height, or have you reduced it over time to fine tune the firmness you were after?

At 80psi front and 40 psi rear, the bags are about fully inflated and that's as high as the truck can go. Initially I was thinking about showing the possible difference from fully deflated to fully inflated. I wasn't thinking about ride height which is somewhere in between. The more I drive it, the more I've been able to dial in the ride height which is more like 60psi front and 25 psi rear.

Clemsonteg - Be sure to check out the link to the Upstate GM Trucks Club that's in my signature. We've been getting together about once a month and we had 35 trucks show up in March.

clemsonteg 04-03-2014 10:33 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart
Matt- thanks for the heads up. I've seen the pics in the regional forum. I definitely want to make it out, I just recently got the front end back on the my truck and got it back on the road. Once I get the kinks worked out I'll feel better about driving it to greenville.

Desert.Chevy 04-16-2014 02:47 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MattPSU (Post 6610655)
Your welcome!

Current tires are 275/60R15 on 7" rally wheels. About 27.5" tall. Someday I hope to upgrade to 20's.

At 80psi front and 40 psi rear, the bags are about fully inflated and that's as high as the truck can go.
Initially I was thinking about showing the possible difference from fully deflated to fully inflated.

I wasn't thinking about ride height which is somewhere in between. The more I drive it, the more I've been able to dial in the ride height which is more like 60psi front and 25 psi rear.

Clemsonteg - Be sure to check out the link to the Upstate GM Trucks Club that's in my signature. We've been getting together about once a month and we had 35 trucks show up in March.

I would like to see some pictures of the three heights, and the psi they have.

MattPSU 04-16-2014 03:50 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by Desert.Chevy (Post 6631913)
I would like to see some pictures of the three heights, and the psi they have.

The 4th, 6th & 7th pairs of pictures show you the heights as they are now in various pressures.

The 4th pair of pictures is aired all the way up, the 6th pair is at ride height, and the 7th is aired up.

Hope that helps. - Matt

Desert.Chevy 04-17-2014 01:03 PM

Re: Porterbuilt Stage 1 Front and Rear Kit Chart

Originally Posted by MattPSU (Post 6631996)
The 4th, 6th & 7th pairs of pictures show you the heights as they are now in various pressures.

The 4th pair of pictures is aired all the way up, the 6th pair is at ride height, and the 7th is aired up.

Hope that helps. - Matt

Awesome Thanks.

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