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jugernot 09-02-2010 11:05 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by Liz (Post 4169209)
I really need you guys to keep it to who is owed what, and updates, and leave the chit chat out at the moment. Not to be an ass.. but this cluster is hard enough to figure out right now. And was all advertised, bought and dealt with, from someone whom was not even a site vendor, nor had any right to sell quantities on this site.

I would like to try and help whomever needs it.. but we need to know whom has not gotten what they have paid for

Liz, I paid for 4 wheels. two 20x10 chrome (received) and two 20x8.5 (not yet received). My order was made and paid for in the first round. I'm holding out for and hoping that the wheels will arrive, before I attempt the nightmare of getting a refund. Any help would be great. Thank you

Steelie73 09-07-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Liz, I also paid for 4 rims. I have not received any of the rims yet. The rims were two (20X10) chrome and two (20X8.5) chrome. I paid for my order in the first round. I am also hoping that I will recieive shipment of the four chrome rims when the news are made in a week. Any help would also be great. Thank you.

jugernot 09-10-2010 09:24 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Well, On wednesday I sent an email to, the national sales manager, and asked if he could let when I could expect my wheels.

Guess what. NO REPLY.....................YET...............

I did not get a chance to call Marcus at 800 242 4364, but will do that on Monday.

UPDATE... today, Saturday, I gave the above number a call and spoke to Eric, who told me that Marcus no longer works there. I asked about my wheels and he said it looks like they are coming off of production and will be boxed up soon. He further stated that he would give me a follow up call on Monday.

jugernot 09-16-2010 12:41 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
As of today I still have not heard anything from anyone at AEW. I just sent off an second email which is attached below. I think I will call again on Monday.


I'm sending you this email in hopes of obtaining some information on the wheels I purchased through the group buy on the web site. I originally placed and paid for the wheels in March of this year. I heard about and understood that there was a delay in the production of the 20x8.5 chrome wheels, which is what I ordered for the front of my truck. I also ordered and received the chrome 20x10 wheels.

This is the second email that I have sent and have yet to receive a response to my first email, which was sent on 09-08-10. I called (800 242 4364) on Sat 09-11-10 and spoke to Erik, who informed me that my wheels would be coming off the production line and should be box up soon. He also advised me that he would call me on Monday 09-13-10, but I have not received that call.

I have been waiting patiently since March, but know I'm getting a little frustrated with the lack of communication from your company. If I have emailed the wrong person or called the wrong phone number could you please provide me with the information of whom I should contact? I would like very much for someone to contact me regarding this matter. I have listed my details below.

Thank you, I look forward to hearing from someone and receiving my wheels soon.


brossow 09-17-2010 09:08 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Because Colin's been blocked from the site, he asked me to post the following info for people who need to contact him:


email would be the best way or when I'm in the office they can call me at (347)725-0051
Just passing it along....

jugernot 09-17-2010 10:55 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by brossow (Post 4196813)
Because Colin's been blocked from the site, he asked me to post the following info for people who need to contact him:

Just passing it along....

Thanks I just sent him an email.

Liz 09-17-2010 11:14 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by brossow (Post 4196813)
Because Colin's been blocked from the site, he asked me to post the following info for people who need to contact him:

Just passing it along....

Thanks for posting his contact info. I hate that ya'll had to lose contact via the site.. but when personal threats about showing up at our home etc are made, users lose access. And for the record, he had created a second id to gain access to the site. It was used to post replies elsewhere, and try to get the rubber chicken to visit.. not to clean up the mess left here with this deal.

There will be no further contact with the user and the staff of this site.

I hope everyone gets their parts and or money back at this point.

brossow 09-24-2010 12:44 PM

Boss 338 UPDATE
Here's the latest from Boss regarding the 338s. This info may be specific to just the chrome 20x10 (the size I'm waiting for) or the 20s in general:


Hello Brent. I have located these parts. They are on a truck headed to my chroming facility here in Chino Ca. The eta for these to arrive here at the door is 9-27-10. From there it will take about half a day to get the prepped for chrome, and about another 2 days for the chroming process. They will be ran through the hand dip line to make sure that any imperfections are avoided. Once completed. We are working on a way to expedite them to out Minnesota location for delivery to you. I apologize that this may not be the best news, but I am now aware of where the parts are and how long this process is going to take. I will keep you updated and let you know as soon as I see the wheels from chroming, and when they are ready to ship out of my location.
Thanks for you patience.

Shane 09-24-2010 12:57 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
the tap dance continues it appears ...

tcb-1 09-24-2010 03:37 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Shaner, that's one of my favorite Looney Tunes........ kind of like this thread.

what a cluster...... **shaking head**

koolaid, anyone?

jugernot 09-24-2010 07:18 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
I just called the phone number again and it seems like the person I spoke to knew nothing about the group buy through this web site. He asked what wheel I was waiting for, so I told him as well as gave my name and phone number. He said he would check into it and call me back.

Well I'm a little surprised while I was writting this reply I received a call from Ruben, who told me that the wheels were back ordered, but could not give me an ETA on arrival. He stated that he would have more information on Monday and call me again.

brossow 09-24-2010 07:56 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
There's a real problem with communication between the order desk (the toll-free number we've all been calling) and production and management. The person I quoted above is the head of the allocations department at AEWC and should be the definitive version of what's going on.

I cautiously suggest we be patient for a few more days and resist calling the order desk. I'm pretty sure that we at least played a part in Marcus being fired; he was trying to keep us happy and not getting or giving accurate info. Management there is aware there is a communication problem and are working to fix it, but in the meantime I humbly suggest we back off the order desk people for at least a few more days. Stuff is supposed to be out of chroming early next week and I hope to have more info straight from the top on shipping status (in general). After I have word that stuff is shipping again, then I suppose the order desk is fair game, but until the wheels are done being built there's nothing to be gained by calling the order desk.

I'm sure that sounds strange coming from me, who was breathing down their necks for the past several months, but now that I have a better picture of how things work (or don't work) there I think I'm justified in suggesting a bit of restraint for the time being. It won't help anything to call and no good can come of making more work for those guys before we know for sure the wheels are available again . Fair enough?


jugernot 09-24-2010 09:21 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
I understand what you are saying and will not call or send anymore emails. But please understand that for SIX MONTHS I have patiently waited for delivery of the wheels I ordered. I have waited in silence and hoped for weeks that the wheels would arrive.

I appreciate all the effort that you have put in to see that those who are due product, receive it.

But it blows my mind that the supervisor, who I emailed twice, can't take the time or make an effort to reply and share the information you received with me. I have about a thread of patience left. I'm not happy and will spread the word about the unacceptable customer service this forum has experienced from this company.

brossow 09-24-2010 09:51 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by jugernot (Post 4208181)
I understand what you are saying and will not call or send anymore emails. But please understand that for SIX MONTHS I have patiently waited for delivery of the wheels I ordered. I have waited in silence and hoped for weeks that the wheels would arrive.

Same here, man. No one feels your pain more than I do.


Originally Posted by jugernot (Post 4208181)
But it blows my mind that the supervisor, who I emailed twice, can't take the time or make an effort to reply and share the information you received with me.

The information I just shared isn't from anyone you guys have been in contact with, not on the phone or via email. I'm in direct contact with the allocation manager (not the sales manager mentioned earlier) and am now getting info from as close to the actual production line as I think anyone's gonna get. While I won't be sharing that contact info, I'll continue to share whatever production info I can. Even though I only got the ball rolling on this, I feel responsible not just to the people who are still owed product but also to the company who really fell victim to overselling by Colin, who either didn't understand the situation when taking the orders or took the orders recklessly knowing that wheels weren't going to ship right away.

No one foresaw the debacle this would turn into, but having a better view of the big picture from both sides now I think it's fair to say that AEWC to a large extent has gotten the short end of the stick as well as us. Product was oversold, product that they couldn't deliver and which they apparently never said they COULD deliver, either immediately or in the short term. Then their private order desk number (supposed to be only for dealers) was given out and Marcus got caught in the middle. I don't know exactly how he screwed things up either for us or AEWC, but he's no longer with the company.

AEWC is busting their butts trying to make this right. They made some mistakes in communicating with us (probably because they aren't used to dealing directly with end users; their business is 100% sales to retailers) and have addressed that in part by eliminating a problem employee, apparently. It's like this: imagine you have a paint brush and a couple cans of paint. One of your friends hears you have paint supplies and tells 50 people you'll paint their houses for them, that you'll do it by the end of the week, and that they have to pay up front. Try as you might, even though you weren't the one who made that impossible promise, you try your best to paint some houses anyway but because you only have a couple cans of paint, you can only get one of them done. Everyone else, of course, is pissed because they were promised that their houses would be painted and they paid up front.

Anyway, you see where that analogy is going, and I'm sure you see some obvious holes in it. But you get the idea. AEWC is doing their best, but the situation really isn't their fault (except insofar as they had a bad employee giving bad information; he's gone now). Bad PR isn't going to help anything and really isn't fair. They didn't create the problem but are trying their best to fix it nevertheless. They want us to be satisfied, and they're trying to make that happen.

That's really enough from me on the subject. I feel really bad about the part I played in slamming them previously, before I had the whole story. All I can do now is try to present the rest of the picture. Hope this helps.


big mike71 09-24-2010 10:24 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

Originally Posted by Shane (Post 4207393)
the tap dance continues it appears ...

Hello my honey, hello my baby, hello my ragtime doll.:lol:

brossow 10-07-2010 09:38 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Update from Colin:


I have another update for the board. Three more orders have been completely filled which leaves just the chrome wheel orders outstanding. The good news is the fronts are available, and being held in the warehouse right now for this group purchase. The problem is the rears are now out of stock, and since Marcus is no longer working for AEW the ones he stashed for me have been sold to other customers, they expect a delivery of more chrome rears to the warehouse tomorrow (Friday). But as we have all seen, I wouldn't hold my breath. This is good news for jugernot, he is waiting for chrome fronts only. The other two waiting for chrome wheels are waiting for a complete set.

I would also encourage clarification to the board members to remember that AEW corporate doesn't have any of your order information. These orders are being filled through my business, and through the warehouse facility I am in contact with. The drop ship information on the wheels doesn't enter the corporate office system until the wheels are located, billed out, and shipped. Calling the corporate office, emailing the corporate office, or any variation of that will not get anything accomplished. They can either contact myself via email or through the company phone number I provided or if absolutely necessary contact Ruben at the warehouse I'm working with. I discourage contacting Ruben as he's working on the wholesale side and his job isn't to be in contact with retail customers, but that option is there if necessary.

Thank you,

HID Solutions

jugernot 10-11-2010 02:15 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
I really really hope so...................................

jugernot 10-15-2010 01:08 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Today I got an email from HID Solutions (Colin) indicating that my order has been shipped. I will let you all know when it arrives.

jugernot 10-16-2010 03:17 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
2 Attachment(s)
We I can finally un subscribe from this thread. I finally got my wheels.

vasquezmrysvll 10-16-2010 03:24 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**

big mike71 10-16-2010 08:03 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Alot of B.S. to go through, but they're good looking wheels without a doubt.

brossow 10-18-2010 02:27 PM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Just got this from AEWC: "Today I will be shipping your wheels to my Minnesota location. I will send you the tracking info and the manager of my Minnesota location will contact you to switch these out." So seven months after ordering I should finally have a complete set! That seems reasonable, no? :D

brossow 11-06-2010 12:50 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Finally today I received the last rim to complete my set. Immediately took it to get the tire mounted before anything else could go wrong. Too bad everything is packed away for the winter already and it'll be at least six months before I can see them mounted on the rolling chassis....

darthwall 11-06-2010 01:34 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
man now I am really glad I went with the grey center wheels I haven't mounted them yet but it more piece of mind

Dirty Doug 02-01-2011 12:15 AM

Re: Boss 338 Wheels **GROUP BUY**
Did anybody buy these or have these on a AD ? I am looking to put 20x8.5 on the rear and 18x8 on the front. I am using a S-10 rear end with air ride that will lay on the ground and am wonder if there is a issue with back spacing. Thanks a-lot

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