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NastyBuzzard 06-14-2014 05:53 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
I looked some more at the D.S. frame rail for running fuel line... It is basically bare and empty.. It is real tempting. However, I would like the fuel to be on the p.s. that way it can level out my 190 lb ass in the drivers seat lol. I don't want it to lean :lol:

I did some cleaning today though.



Doesn't look too terrible... I mean it did have close to 150k on it. Run her till she goes then swapping in something bigger :)

I did find this tho... Apparrently it was already sheared and just hangin in there... The rear ones seem to have already been broken too? How the hell to get out. Aluminum scares me.

oh well...

Whats this for?

Also it isn't perfectly clean.. What do yall use for paint? I mostly use duplicoler or rustoleum brands.

Also opinion on painting trans?

My plan is just to pretty much paint the block black.. Cant decide what I want to do about timing cover, oil pan, valve covers, and accessory brackets.. Do yall paint them, they dont seem to clean up easy and just oxidize like a few months down the road.

Also... What you think, should I replace water pump? It was working fine, they are just expensive!! Considering what I am used to paying for one for a sbc.

Flatpat 06-15-2014 02:46 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
I've read that people use the screw on EFI fittings to adapt the truck senders to AN. Something like this:

NastyBuzzard 06-15-2014 09:04 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Flatpat (Post 6721600)
I've read that people use the screw on EFI fittings to adapt the truck senders to AN. Something like this:

Thank you for that! If I go the AN fitting route I have no clue what to get exactly.

Flatpat 06-16-2014 02:54 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by NastyBuzzard (Post 6721687)
Thank you for that! If I go the AN fitting route I have no clue what to get exactly.

-6 AN is the norm to switch to for both supply and return. Are there fittings on the ends of you hard lines? If so, there are adapters. If not, I believe you can use the fittings I linked you.

NastyBuzzard 06-16-2014 07:33 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Flatpat (Post 6722772)
-6 AN is the norm to switch to for both supply and return. Are there fittings on the ends of you hard lines? If so, there are adapters. If not, I believe you can use the fittings I linked you.

Fittings on the end of my hard lines? Which ones the 2001 donors hardlines or the 87?

The 87 has dual saddle bag tanks. For some reason they ran hard line on it all the way to the selector valve then about a 1' 1/2 of rubber hose to the passenger tank then from selector valve there is some rubber hose that goes back into hardline which follows a crossmember over to the d.s. then rubber hose connects to the d.s. tank.

I am thinking with the combination of the fuel lines I have I may not need AN fittings. I think I can use a combination of them by cutting the lines and connecting with high pressure FI hose w/ smooth clams. Although I may be wrong.

If I do need AN fittings to connect to the 87 sending units... I don't know which ones I would need... That would be nice to atleast have ones to connect to them so If I can find out which ones I need I would like to buy them atleast.

Still trying to figure out a way to combine the 87 sender with the 01 sender so my fuel level signals will be right. I think I also got to find a way to do pressure sensor and low fuel light and all. I'm still troubleshooting.

Also I did get the block painted, my plan is to paint the ACC brackets cast aluminum finish as well as oil pan and transmission.

NastyBuzzard 06-17-2014 08:22 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
So I think I figured out how I am going to run fuel system. I am going to combine the 87 with the 01 using a inverted flare coupler. Doing this way I won't need any AN fittings for now. I will use high pressure FI hose w/ smooth clamps to connect to the 87 sender and everything else will be hard line. When I go back and swap in the 20 gal tank I plan to get a blazer sending unit and use AN fittings & steel braided hoses then. Unless anyone has some blazer lines laying around they wanna send me.

I just need to find a decent tubing flare tool that can double flare the lines. Trying to find one on Amazon but they all seem to have nasty reviews.

What do yall use?

y5mgisi 06-17-2014 07:58 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
For removing the bolts, the prefered meathod is a welder to weld nuts onto the broken bolt. Its almost impossible to get them out with a drill and ez out. I guess the problem is the factory used bolts that were hardened or something. THis made them very brittle, and very tough to drill. As for the "whats this thing" that is a "guard" for the fuel rail. Theory is that if you get in a wreck, that guard will prevent the firewall from braking the fuel rail off and getting gas everywhere.

NastyBuzzard 06-17-2014 08:05 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by y5mgisi (Post 6725283)
For removing the bolts, the prefered meathod is a welder to weld nuts onto the broken bolt. Its almost impossible to get them out with a drill and ez out. I guess the problem is the factory used bolts that were hardened or something. THis made them very brittle, and very tough to drill. As for the "whats this thing" that is a "guard" for the fuel rail. Theory is that if you get in a wreck, that guard will prevent the firewall from braking the fuel rail off and getting gas everywhere.

Guard for fuel rail. Guess I'll keep it if it doesn't get in the way.

So you're saying I shouldn't drill it and use an easy out? The main two I have to get out, aren't sticking out the head, they are recessed inside it about 1/8 of an inch. Nothing to really weld to.

Also what are good replacement manifold bolts? Oem replacement or what?

y5mgisi 06-17-2014 08:25 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Read here,


Bottom line is... use a welder on the first attempt. You WILL break off an easy out in the broken bolt, since they are glued in from the factory.

NastyBuzzard 06-17-2014 08:28 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by y5mgisi (Post 6725326)

Nice thread. Unfortunately, since shop burned down I don't have a welder anymore. :(

Hate to try n borrow a friends just for 2 bolts.

NastyBuzzard 06-17-2014 09:57 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
What you guys think about these rims? They are 16x8 and off a Tacoma? Think they will look good on the 87? I can get them for $100

NastyBuzzard 06-22-2014 08:57 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Started working on putting in the transgo HD2 shift kit.

Found some stuff I didn't like.

So I did the one thing I told myself I would not do on this swap!

Pulled the trans!

I tell you, those torque converter bolts were a pain in the ass to get out!!!!

I decided it was probably a good idea for a rebuild on this trans... I didn't want to do it but looks like I should definitely do it. Luckily I already have a rebuild kit laying around that I got it and the shift kit for it for $50. Now to decide if i should rebuild myself or what.. Kind of what it done fast so thats a drive to let someone else do it. It would take me a few weekends.

Otherwise got most of engine painted up and all.

So this week I will be ordering some parts.

What replacement torque converter bolts and manifold bolts do yall recommend? Is there some that are better or should I just got to fastenal and get some high grade replacements?

Also really torn if I should replace torque converter or not. Opinions? I would go back stock stall only.

Rebuilding trans was probably a bad idea. I was really wanting to start tearing the 87 apart next weekend.

Hankster 06-27-2014 12:24 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Well at least you got another trans already!

NastyBuzzard 06-27-2014 07:38 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Hankster (Post 6737872)
Well at least you got another trans already!

I do? I have the 700r4 that is built but I will need to use this 4L60E. Currently talking with two builders. One guy says he could use my rebuild kit I already have and get it done for $600 and all that is left to purchase is a new torque converter and a new seperator plate (mine is rough).

I still have to ride down to the other builders shop for him to look at what I have for him to give me a quote.

Still need to find decent replacement torque converter bolts and exhaust manifold bolts.

Got a bunch of parts and tools on the way though.

I am also still trying to source some LS1 fbody exhaust manifolds w/ flanges but can't find any at a reasonable price! I watch LS1tech everyday and ebay.

Flatpat 06-28-2014 05:10 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
They are little pricey (worth it to me) but ARP should have the bolts you are looking for.

NastyBuzzard 06-28-2014 08:57 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Flatpat (Post 6739247)
They are little pricey (worth it to me) but ARP should have the bolts you are looking for.

I think a little pricey may be an understatement lol!

Jonboy 06-28-2014 05:15 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
How about OEM converter bolts?

NastyBuzzard 06-28-2014 05:29 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Jonboy (Post 6739871)
How about OEM converter bolts?

I guess I need to call GM and price some. Damn them using an Allen head though. Thought about using stock ones, not sure.

Though about just going to fastenal and getting some "grade 8" or whatever the metric equivalent is.

Good news is I got a really good trans guy building my trans using what I have and providing a torque converter, replacing all the plastic pistons and adding corvette servo with my shift kit. He's gonna build it real tough for $600 where all I have to do is pick up next sat and install. :) psyched about such a great price. I'm actually selling a spare built sbc and it's finding the rebuild and then some.

NastyBuzzard 07-15-2014 07:51 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Trans will be finished this saturday!! Dirty dingo mounts are on the way.

I also traded my spare intake and cable throttle body for a 04 intake and 04 manifolds. I wanted to delete egr and I think this is the easiest way to do it. Cleaning all that up soon.

As soon as I get all my parts home I will start taking the 87 apart!

Still trying to figure out how I am going to get the 01 sender onto the 87 pump assembly. Or if I can get the 01 pump assembly to go into the 87 tank... I think that is my last real big hurdle as far as what it will take to get her running!

Also plan to run out to the junkyard this weekend and pick up the diesel auxillary battery tray. If I didn't spend so much money last week installing a new drain field and then replacing top of my septic I would buy the 91 front end from the junkyard... I gotta see if I can spare the extra $300.

Hankster 07-15-2014 11:21 AM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Can't wait to see you get to work on it!

NastyBuzzard 07-15-2014 12:08 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Hankster (Post 6761790)
Can't wait to see you get to work on it!

You and me both! I feel bad I haven't been updating lately but hasn't been too much to show.

The time is coming though! I have just been reluctant to take apart my running driving truck b/c it is my only truck and I do use it quite a bit on the weekends. So the time its down is gonna kill me!

Been thinking about trading my 99 z28 6speed convertible for a 03+ chevy silverado...

Hankster 07-15-2014 01:57 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
Nooooooo, Keep the z28 man, wait it out, The 87 will be everything you want in a truck.

NastyBuzzard 07-15-2014 02:01 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by Hankster (Post 6762018)
Nooooooo, Keep the z28 man, wait it out, The 87 will be everything you want in a truck.

I know it will, when its done!! But it will never be done! Plus b/c of my family now, it would be real nice to have a 4 door truck. Still scouting for a 85-91 crew cab to put on my leftover 2001 donors frame.

Hankster 07-15-2014 03:15 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build
That will be cool! I wouldn't mind seeing a picture of that Z ... I love them cars!

mcbassin 07-15-2014 03:27 PM

Re: 1987 GMC V1500 Sierra Classic LS swap/build

Originally Posted by y5mgisi (Post 6725326)

I had the same problem with a broken bolt on mine, I just welded a 3/8 washer to the stud, came right out.....LINK

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