![]() |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Glad you and Nicola had a great time!:uhmk:
Gotta admit, earlier when I read your Email it didn't make sense to me because my American brain read "pissed" as upset.:dohh: Then when I read this post, your caveat woke some more grey matter and I remembered "pissed" in context meant drunk...:lol: Have a great night!!! Cheers Mate |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Not much to report but nice to report.
Mate Martin and his wife Amanda are just back from the USA and he brought loads of spares back in his baggage. I popped over today after taking a motorbike up to Worcestershire at 05.45 and being back in Maidstone by 12.30 So once the dogs had settled we started to go through all his treasures, and they are impressive..... from a full new wiring loom to disc brake conversion and power steering, the man has it. I also got lucky, and a great surprise it was. I am now one of the Walmart Family.... with a cool T-**** in size XXL http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps198fc82b.jpg An also added was a parking reserved sign for the garage ...... Thanks mate !! http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps96ae31df.jpg Looking forward to seeing Martin's truck develop over the next few years. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Walmart Family...:haha:
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Yesterday I splurged out on an early Christmas prezzie for Nicola. She is always so good at bargain hunting and spending pennies, not pounds, so when she mentioned that she really wanted a Radley Messenger bag, but could not justify it, I told her to just get the bag...... she still searched the web, Ebay etc to find the best price.
[img src="http://www.radleycollector.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/radley-signature-away-day1.jpg" alt=" "] [img src="http://icemaidencakes.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Radley-Bag-Cake-Detail.jpg" alt=" "] In the end we went to Blue Water, to the Radley shop and got her a different over the shoulder bag to what she had planned, but it does not come with the Radley dog tassle (Your girls, wives n women will know) so I decided that I would make her one in wood. One very happy woman. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psb372705c.jpg Started by Googling the shape of the dog and drawing one on paper...... then cutting it out with scissors. Next up, found some wood, cut a sliver off it. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps1dfb73b8.jpg Followed by copying the design onto the wood. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psa1eb9d3b.jpg Then onto the bandsaw, and again I realized, wood is unforgiving, with metal you can weld in some metal, with wood, if it is gone, then its gone. Cut out the shape. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psec2fc7e7.jpg One dog cut out..... next up, hand sand and shaping. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7797b226.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6fbb5e5b.jpg Lastly a leash and collar made up from an old neclace out of my spares box. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7378c0e0.jpg I guess the most important thing to mention is that Nicola called me a "Clever Bear" Looking forward to winter kicking in so that I can start working the wood again. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Thanks for the Preview of the doggie for Nicola's new handbag...:mm:
Thanks for the goodies...:metal: http://imageshack.com/a/img30/5841/kct6.jpg Cheers Mate! |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
About 6 months ago I sent one of my number plate trading buddies, Herb, on Garagejournal.com a parcel with some random stuff including some number plates I thought he may like. After he got the parcel and messaged me it was obvious he did like the stuff I had sent. This week I got in from work and found a parcel from Kansas...... Opened it and was blown away by the contents. Herb had collected very specific things for me over the last six months. Firstly, a 1:24 model of my Chevy in red, as a recovery/wrecker with a Corvette behind it. Just this week I had forwarded an Ebay Germany link to Nicola of a 1:24 model of a C10 Chevy in the hope that the hint would get me one for Christmas. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...pse7831989.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps381d89ce.jpg The other things in the parcel including a used US Army number plate...... perfect for me as I am trying to specialize in what I collect. Thanks a mil Herb !!! http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps784ca8c7.jpg |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Not quite my truck, but I guess here in the UK we have to stand together as these trucks are not so common, and Martin is a bit of a bodywork guru as he managed a bodyshop for many years so I will surely be needing his help as well when I get to painting and prepping the truck.
So hopefully this update makes sense. Bought an older 210 liter compressor from a friend last week, collecting this week. Happy at £100 for it. Plan is to clean it and service it, then use it to paint the Chevy truck. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps45c5bf60.jpg Years ago I restored a 1963 VW Beetle from this..... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...pse4e26b8e.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psd5c16931.jpg In other news, I went over to help mate Martin to put up a car port frame yesterday, started at 0,5'C at 08.00 and turned into a good day. We ended up working till about 19.00 which was about 2 plus hours after dark and then I went back today to help him get the roof on as well. Bunch of pics of the process. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psc6687758.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps81737979.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psd4ba3307.jpg Front corner post was actually correct. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps1a9b6860.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psef5973eb.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7c3ea3f4.jpg After dark we carried on with the neighbours spotlight http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psb58d26f8.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...pse628c29c.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps59afb9fd.jpg Today we got half the roof on when rain stopped safe play. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps704c5b3e.jpg Of course the whole motivation for this roof build is so that Martin can work under some cover over winter prepping his truck. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps2243b540.jpg And that pretty much brought another weekend to an end. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Nice score on the compressor...:uhmk:
Helping your mate Martin...:metal: Da Bears won today… Early BDay present to me!!!:hot: Cheers Mate!:mm: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Fetched the compressor last night in mate Jon's VW T5 van.
What a heavy bit of kit, nearly killed the two of us to get it in the van, so we left it in the van last night and tonight after work Jon and Martin, along with myself got it out using a coupleof sections of pipe and a pait of scaffolding boards. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps3169f9bd.jpg Too dark for pics in its temporary resting place. So I just took a few pics of the plates on its various parts. Seems it was built on 12 November 1973, so 40 years old. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0ffdc3eb.jpg 1.5 bhp single phase electric motor http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0781738e.jpg Air filter...... Made in England too. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0673bf8c.jpg Name says a lot. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps39d3559d.jpg Plans include getting some trolley wheels under it, cleanup and repaint, service. Then use it for painting the truck and other jobs. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Came home from work yesterday and skipped Friday admin, instead choosing to go spend two hours with 6 litres of petrol some brushes and dismantling parts of the compressor.
Started here...... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps2c019346.jpg Finished here...... Next up will be some new paint after the prep. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0c47ad54.jpg I was up early to get over to Martins today with the truck, to get a 4x8 sheet of MDF and my tall ladder to his place so that we could complete the rest of the carport roof for his truck resto. It was really great to get the truck back on the road again, its been some time. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps1ee75518.jpg Martin's truck earning its keep. We were done with the roof after dark, and by 5pm I was on the road home again. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0e61bca3.jpg Every time I drive my truk it leaves a HUGE SMILE on my face. The cost of fueling it up, disappears with the sound of that V8 rolling down the road. Looking forward to the new year and getting the body and paint sorted. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Here we bottomed out at $2.86 a gallon, slowly creeping back up, today is $2.99:sumo: Cheers Mate! |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Well, as my buddy Martin is not as much of a reporter as I am, I think this will fit into my thread as he will ultimately be involved in my trucks bodywork as an advisor and trouble shooter (trouble maker)
He has been looking for a V8 engine to go into his truck for quite some time. Martin's truck is going to be a lot of show and less go as he does not need a 400BHP monster. He found a seller on Rods n Sods recently who was selling a 307ci motor with auto box for sensible money and decided to drive the 180 miles there to go look at the motor and see it all in the 57 Chevy truck it is in at the moment. The motor and box were from a Chevy Caprice wagon Roger broke a few years ago. So on Saturday morning, armed with some wood, hammer, nails, tie down straps, overalls, gloves and a bag full of food and coffee,with my trail bike trailer behind his dog walking Mondeo ST estate we set off at 05.40 to drive up to Derbyshire......Heated seats were a bonus. Stopped after 2 hrs for the loo.... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps60e7808d.jpg We got to the sellers home at exactly 09.00 and found a real petrol head and his wife living there. Roger has had some Street Machine featured cars, including a mad Orange SAAB years ago, tubbed and madly modded, which lives in Germany now. He still has a bunch of varied Saab's and is a keen old skool Scooterist with a bunch of stunning Lambretta scooters as well as some projects that are in process. First to meet us was this Saab pickup, made from a Saab 7 seater estate that he saved years ago and uses as a general runnabout. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psd89ce996.jpg Front view. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6abe4931.jpg Chopper in process. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7512d528.jpg Beauty. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6e1ed2d8.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps4fd6084e.jpg Saab with Ford V4 power. Another one of his winners. The guy really does love his toys to look good. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps28b9ce73.jpg And another Saab in process, that will end up like all his other spotless examples...... Leadsled with 3500cc Rover V8 with a blower on top. Should make for an interesting car. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psdc4bd7b8.jpg Having seen and heard to motor run and move under its own power, Martin agreed to buy it. The deal was good for Martin with the engine and gearbox being unbolted from the truck and sold as it was with all ancillaries including power steering pump etc. Roger also threw in a pair of Kenlowe fans, a massive radiator with integrated oil cooler, a prop shaft and other bits for the build. One of the biggest scores of the day was a pair of block hugger headers that Roger gave to Martin along with the motor they were fitted to. Having all the bits n pieces from its original Smog control still on the carburetor etc, Roger had built from heavily layered glassfibre a nice under bonnet scoop to cover all the unsightly bits and pieces. From the time we landed Martin could not keep his eyes or hands off this piece that bolts down over everything..... in the end he convinced Roger to sell it to him for £75.00 which I thought was a great price as you could not make it for that money. Rogers truck. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psc525ffe4.jpg Clean bay before removing the motor and box, and I have to say, not a mark on any of the paint after all was done and removed. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps088571a3.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps48e6debf.jpg Time for a change of Face..... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps14e4b9c3.jpg Martin trying so hard not to buy the scoop..... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps51393e8c.jpg Ready to rock n roll.... Strapped down, one of the hooks still managed to make a bid for freedom by the time we filled the car a couple of miles later. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6c28c598.jpg The rest of the road trip was filled with talk, driving and eating all the food we had brought alon. Got to Martins place, moved the truck out the way, unhooked the trailer and stashed it behind the truck. The engine will go into the garage once he moves his V-Rod to his mums garage and makes space to store the engine till he is ready to fit it. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psc6d0816a.jpg That's all for now. Hopefully Martin will pull finger and start his own build thread some time. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Awesome score for $75. The dress up parts are worth that much. And even though the 307 is no hot rod it is a real good motor. Much better that the 305 that replaced it.
Bret |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
I will have to start my own thread Rian but I would rather spend more time on the truck and less on the internet ( only joking ) as you always find time to do great threads and come and help me a true friend thanks martin
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Cheers from the Colonies!:metal: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
No problem Martin. You forget your own unselfish help. I do not know many people who would tell an invalid customer to come to their home over a weekend so that they could repair a wheelchair lift while perched up on a carport he is building. Shout if you need me to come remove that engine when you get an engine crane. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Had yesterday and today off as annual leave and today moved a lovely leather clad chair and large foot stool over to my stepson, Tom's father's home for him to put in his bedroom.
The truck obviously did not feel the load. Tom asked to ride in the back on his new chair, but of course in this day and age it could get you locked up for years..... So when we got there he got to test drive the chair in the back of the truck. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps2cf6c75c.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps41cba8b0.jpg After dropping him and the chair off, Nicola and I went off to Hempstead valley shopping centre for a walk about, and coffee and cake. She thoroughly enjoys watching people trip over their feet and walk into stuff when the Redneck Express comes by. Parked to one side of the carpark, as the truck takes up a bit more spae than most modern family cars here. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps027e195a.jpg As always, the smiles per mile ratio far outweighed the miles per gallon delivery. This truck really is one of the best Bucket list things I have ever done. Thanks to my wife |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Looks cool!
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
It is hard when the USD is not stronger than other country money. I thought Japan was going to bankrupt us during the week we stayed there it was $5 = 1 yen. It sucked. Goes a long way in getting you to sympathize with our Canadian and Mexican neighbors.... :lol: Just poking fun guys :metal: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Hi Mike, you are right. In spite of the exchange rate, we have to add import duty and postage/freight cost to our purchases, so we still hurt. I think for Martin it was the difference between making it himself or buying ready made. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
I ask as I think I will need to replace both of mine. I looked in on mine today, and the outer skins are quite rotten, as is the inner support. I do not know if they are all in one when you buy the part from LMC, see the link below, part no7. http://www.lmctruck.com/icatalog/cbe/full.aspx?Page=18 There is no pic or illustration of how the inside looks like. It also looks like there are two parts t make up the repair, the outer panel and the inner support ?? If you have a photo or photos of the inside and outside of what is needed to repair or replace this, please post up. If you look at the truck below, it does not look too bad, but see the brown mark at the bottom of the rear end of the fender. The support behind it is rotten too. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psd437f804.jpg |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Had Martin over for a few hours today, to bring back my bike trailer after unloading his new motor and gearbox into his garage.
We recently took out the one rear indicator unit as he wants to fit recessed indicators as per originals, which his truck does not have. After taking it out, we could not get the light to work again, so after resoldering the wires etc, it turned out the one wire on the switch was loose. The next job Martin did for me (I made tea and coffee) was to wire in a Beeper into the indicator circuit. My truck has no indicator stalk on the steering column, having a three position swith under the dash, I have on occasion driven well beyond a turning with the indicator merrily flashing away. So now it will drive me nuts when I use it, necessitating the fast switching off of it. The way its fitted, the beeper is now under the dash and muted to a mildly irritating level. Here is a demo..... One of the other things we figured out was that my truck must have been a Manual truck at some time in its life before the current incarnation. We also tested the new compressor to see if it had an auto pressure switch. Goes to 100psi and then stops filling. I have still not quite figured out where the pressure goes when the pressure switch goes, as the motor does not stop......:mm: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Hmmm, just wondering why someone would add those???:crazy: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Ohh, and by the way, I do not always use them, only when I need to indiate, and now they are muted, it is hardly audible over Metalica and Ozzy Osbourne :metal::metal::metal::metal::metal::metal: |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
I am always amazed at the variety of your adventures. That finished Saab and scooter are very cool. It would be interesting to see the supercharged car finished. I’ve never seen a Saab with a chopped top before. That must have been a ton of work.
Don’t have any info on patch panels, but the following link will show you what the inner structure looks like up close, starting at post #19: http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=444502 The pictures may take a while to load as Imageshack is sacrificing their paying customers while all their focus goes toward a new upgrade. If a “missing picture” box with an X in it appears, right clicking and selecting “show picture” may cause it to load: FYI if all of the gaps are not closed up, the repaired fender is just going to rust out again some time in the future as the openings create a compost heap in the inner brace. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
I always love the peripheral stuff that goes on in people's lives, and expect you guys in the USA to also enjoy the weird and wonderful, so am happy to post up stuff I see. Things like the scooters and Saabs are part of the sellers story, so to me, firt into the story. Thanks for the guidance. Looks like there is a certain amount of making it up as I go along when I get to this repairing. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
I have both my front fenders off right now. They both are rotted real bad. I will take some pictures of them for you. The fenders are real easy to get off by the way. You only have to take the cowl extension off to access all of the bolts. My driver side inner fender brace has some rot also. I also recomend http://www.topbananaparts.com/. I just bought my rockers and floorboards from them. I plan on getting the fender patches as well. Bret |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Thanks for the reply Bret.
Here's a great thread with more links. http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=576875 Based on the questions I asked in this thread about fender repair. http://67-72chevytrucks.com/vboard/s...d.php?t=607222 |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Got a real helpful message this morning.
May be useful to others. Hey Grizz, I saw your post on rust repair asking for pics. You might want to look on Youtube and type in "1960 to 1966 front fender rust repair part 1". This video shows you step by step on how to do this task. I did my own on both sides and came out great. The reason I sent you this in PM is because I'm not sure about advertising Youtube on this site. Good luck. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
And typically today I have a day leave that I had to take...... Aaaaaand??
Nicola needs some quick Christmas prezzies for friends. You know those "Honey Do's" Women never seem to realize, it's never "quick" Anyway, been at it for just over three hours. Made 5 different candle holder blocks that hold between two and six tea light candles and their glass holders. Day ended up costing about six hours to make this lot, but I am happy, been a while since I was really productive. Pics. This is a two sided candle block. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps06b467ef.jpg And the other side. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7b3c92ed.jpg These fit really tightly into the base holes, so will not get knocked off. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psff75a0f5.jpg First lot done. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps93622f3e.jpg Then came in, had some lunch (sandwich n coffee) after whih I hand sharpened all my tools to a silly keeness. Then grabbed this lump, lined it up and got going...... http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6e4d8c9d.jpg Making this pair of tea light holders. The dark details is created by forcing a tool against the wood at speed, so that it burns the wood. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps91fc19ef.jpg Lastly, pulled a piece of oak from the firewood offcut bucket and thought I would give it a go. I made the ashtray for my mate Era, who is also known as Oldone Racing, he builds championship winning Mazda Rotary motors. When he smokes in his workshop, he usually has incense burning too. So an incense burner/ashtray. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psc91b2cee.jpg And that is the lot for today. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psf27e12f1.jpg I have some more time off before year end, so may just go to the shed for more therapy. I also have to build a wheeling trolley for the compressor I recently bought. But the weather sucks big time right now...... |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Nice days work mate...:metal:
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Mind boggling! Man you do impressive work!
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Wish it paid the mortgage though. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Not sure whether I should laugh or cry....... Having you..... The Alchemist and Master of all things detailed and perfectly finished make such a comment, Thank you very much. I said to Nicola earlier that a friend had made some nice comments on FartsBook about the bits I did today and she said that the same way I was gobsmacked when I showed her your diorama before, people sometimes see my woodwork bits. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Those really do look good sir!
The Grizz logo, is that a brand, as in super hot branding iron? |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
Thank you for the reply and compliment. I still think you guys are the masters, I just mess with wood as I do not have the metal working skills you guys have, though that will have to change when I have inspected my truck in the next day or two and ordered the patch panels I will be needing, as I cannot see myself making up repair panels from flat sheet metal at this point. The Grizz Logo was kindly made by a guy called Shep, who frequents www.ukgser.com which is a BMW GS motorcycle forum I play on. He completely randomly sent me a PM and asked if he could make me a brass heat brand to mark the stuff I turn.... of course I said yes please, as it was always something in the back of my head. Drew up some artwork and had a friend who is clever on PC's etc do a vektor pic that he then fed into the work machine cutter and he produced and posted me the brand. Here is a link to my wood turning thread on Retro Rides's "Readers Other Modifications" section http://www.retrorides.proboards.com/...gain-16?page=1 As delivered: http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1030630.jpg I just use a pair of long nosed pliers to hold it in the butane flame of a weed burner I found at the tip, as it loses a minimal amount of heat and thus heats up fast, not wasting gas. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1040087.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1040089.jpg Used it on the inside and outside of the Electric Cigar Box Guitar I built about two years ago as a challenge. BUILD THREAD LINK: http://www.retrorides.proboards.com/...having-youtube http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1040094.jpg And a pic of Harley, the security cat stuffing her face. She loves the woodwork shed and garage. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1030649.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1040147.jpg Always checking if everything passes security. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...x/P1030594.jpg Right, the garage calls. |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
HAHAHHAHAHAHHA!!!! My cats are the same way! lol!
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
They do fill a special gap, like dogs and gold fish.... ;) |
Re: Grizz's Redneck Express 1966 Chevy Short Fleetside BILLYBOB
This is a bit of a cross over reply.
I bought a 210 liter compressor from a mate for £100.00 a while ago, but the thing is £&%$$%£ Heavy. So I decided to add some wheels. Original plan was to buy four with single bolt fixing...... But then I said to Mickey next door that a shopping trolley would work well. He then got me a broken bakers trolley from a skip at a job he was on. So the trolley was the Tip Treasure. [img src="http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm90/niknakpix/Billybob178_zps45c5bf60.jpg" alt=" "] Said trolley http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps0e4ce88d.jpg Stripped wheels off. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps8dcdf9a1.jpg Had some 10mm steel plate to cut to size for mounting the wheels onto http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psb7edb2de.jpg Was going to engineer and drill holes, recess the heads etc, to recycle the allen head screws and nuts, but decided it was a PITA not worth pursuing. So welded the holes onto the plates and tacked the corners and edges. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps6c2caea6.jpg Went out for the afternoon, getting home around 16.00 and then back to the garage. It was already getting dark, but then who needs light when you weld?? I used the small jack to lift the tank to the right height and a couple of magnets to hold the wheels in place. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps93189cc1.jpg http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psf5e39bd9.jpg View from outside. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps039cd838.jpg JOB DONE......Mobile compressor. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...psae200465.jpg Close up time for today. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/m...ps7c97342a.jpg Tomorrow I need to get under and about the truck to see what bits of patch panels I need to order in from the USA. Looking forward to getting on with the body work and of course paint in the new year. |
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