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Liltroy 07-11-2015 11:12 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
RodsGreen10, is that your truck in your profile pic? Cause it's sweet!!! Where in Knoxville are you?

Liltroy 07-11-2015 11:44 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
I live off merchants dr btw

RodsGreen10 07-11-2015 12:56 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by Liltroy (Post 7237663)
RodsGreen10, is that your truck in your profile pic? Cause it's sweet!!! Where in Knoxville are you?

Yes that is my truck!! I'm over here in Hardin Valley. Not that far away man.:metal:

aknovaman 07-11-2015 12:57 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
Let me know when you are 'done' with those headers. I will take them off your hands. :-)

Liltroy 07-12-2015 01:11 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by aknovaman (Post 7237715)
Let me know when you are 'done' with those headers. I will take them off your hands. :-)

roger that but its gonna be awhile before I can afford some good ones. Till then im probably just gonna run some flex pipe to my old exhaust system.


Originally Posted by RodsGreen10 (Post 7237713)
Yes that is my truck!! I'm over here in Hardin Valley. Not that far away man.:metal:

we'll definitely get together some time! I wanna see that bad boy in person!!!!

aknovaman 07-12-2015 01:16 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Those are the same ones i have on my engine run stand. I put stainless v bands on them. Good quality and not cheap junk.

Engine Run Stand Rev2:

Liltroy 07-12-2015 09:05 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
got fuel injection assembled today

And installed

Liltroy 07-12-2015 09:11 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
Couldnt help myself...I just had to see what it looked like with the covers and intake on lol

Just figuring the belt out...

OutlawDrifter 07-13-2015 09:27 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
that looks really clean!

Liltroy 07-13-2015 10:30 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by OutlawDrifter (Post 7239541)
that looks really clean!

Thank you sir!!!

Liltroy 07-13-2015 10:32 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
Ok so my driveshaft is waaay too short to even consider an extended yoke. I'm looking at Denny's driveshaft but $300 is gonna tap me out till next payday so does anyone know of a cheaper place to get a custom driveshaft???

OutlawDrifter 07-13-2015 10:46 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by Liltroy (Post 7239605)
Ok so my driveshaft is waaay too short to even consider an extended yoke. I'm looking at Denny's driveshaft but $300 is gonna tap me out till next payday so does anyone know of a cheaper place to get a custom driveshaft???

find a local heavy truck repair shop. most have the capability to build the driveshaft you need. ITP(inland truck parts) is a big chain. i'm sure in your neck of the woods there is something similar.

RodsGreen10 07-13-2015 06:06 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by Liltroy (Post 7239605)
Ok so my driveshaft is waaay too short to even consider an extended yoke. I'm looking at Denny's driveshaft but $300 is gonna tap me out till next payday so does anyone know of a cheaper place to get a custom driveshaft???

Give Aaron a call at skidmarkx off-road. He is out in Straw Plains. If he can't do something he will know someone who can.

MalibuSSwagon 07-13-2015 06:17 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
Measure up the length you need and hit the local pick n pull. There might be something there you can use.

Liltroy 07-13-2015 11:01 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by RodsGreen10 (Post 7240040)
Give Aaron a call at skidmarkx off-road. He is out in Straw Plains. If he can't do something he will know someone who can.

dude, aarons my half brothers cousin.....I havent spoken to my brother in over six years....long story, anyway id rather not have any contact with his family but anyway...small world,lol. :smoke:

I think I may have found somebody.Its a company called post trailor. Theyre owned by some of my wifes extended family and when Sonnys driveline went out of business they bought all the equipment and are now making driveshafts.....its just all about price now. I have to call them tomorrow.:metal:

Liltroy 07-13-2015 11:03 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by MalibuSSwagon (Post 7240054)
Measure up the length you need and hit the local pick n pull. There might be something there you can use.

I had thought about this but everytime i goto pull apart i spend hours and never find what i need. :(

RodsGreen10 07-14-2015 04:23 AM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by Liltroy (Post 7240384)
dude, aarons my half brothers cousin.....I havent spoken to my brother in over six years....long story, anyway id rather not have any contact with his family but anyway...small world,lol. :smoke:

I think I may have found somebody.Its a company called post trailor. Theyre owned by some of my wifes extended family and when Sonnys driveline went out of business they bought all the equipment and are now making driveshafts.....its just all about price now. I have to call them tomorrow.:metal:

Yes it is a small world. I don't know him and never have used him for anything but a few guys at work use him. And from I have seen he does do good work. But I understand not wanting any drama!
And if post trailer bought all of Sonnys stuff then that is who I would def call them.

Liltroy 07-14-2015 06:46 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
so just in case I havent said it before Ill say it now....wiring is my least favorite part of working on cars!! cant stand it and just trying to get it over with!!!

Liltroy 07-14-2015 07:12 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
So I officially started my mini three day vacation today and have alot to do in that time to get this thing ready for its first start. Whats worse is we've got really bad storms coming through so I cant get anything done right now. :(

RodsGreen10 07-14-2015 07:39 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap

Originally Posted by Liltroy (Post 7241238)
So I officially started my mini three day vacation today and have alot to do in that time to get this thing ready for its first start. Whats worse is we've got really bad storms coming through so I cant get anything done right now. :(

Put your big boy pants on and get to working. Lmao. It's not raining outside now. Plus it's not going to rain the next 3 days. Hit me up if you need help man.

Liltroy 07-16-2015 10:57 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
HELP!!!!! Need wiring help!!! What do I tie the two wires that used to go from alternator to fuse box to??? Do I just straight wire to battery? On the ls, the red wire off back of alt goes straight to battery so I don't know what to do. Somebody help please I've only got a few days off and really wanna hear this thing fire up!!! If anyone can help, pm me and I'll send my phone number.

Liltroy 07-20-2015 07:29 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
I took some time off work to complete my swap but due to circumstances out of my control, I ended up having to drive back and forth to south carolina and north carolina all weekend and didnt get to finish. The good new is that my wifes aunt who was hospitalized after multiple heart attacks is doing much better and Im thankful for that!

I DID manage to get some stuff done on Steppin Wolf before all this happened though so I'll post it up!

Liltroy 07-20-2015 07:35 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
First off, I had to get a custom driveshaft made. Local shop did the driveshaft out of 3.5 inch tubing conplete with yoke and ujoints for $280 out the door! Suppossed to be good to around 600hp and I hope so cause once I get my cam swap and the nitrous installed I should be close to that on the bottle....hopefully!

MalibuSSwagon 07-20-2015 07:37 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
The brown trigger wire for the Alternator should go to the PCM, looks like that's already hooked up in your harness.

Otherwise the red wire from the charge post is hooked to the battery feed to the truck.

Liltroy 07-20-2015 07:48 PM

Re: Project "Steppin Wolf" LS swap
Also got my fuel lines ran

This is for those of you who have never dealt with braided hose and are afraid of it...its not that big of a deal really

cut it off with a cutoff wheel to minimize fraying,and be sure to wrap it tight with duct tape...should come out like this

push it into the base fitting and twist a little till it bottoms out then dont forget to put a little lubricant into the hose before screwing in the end....ALWAYS USE PROPER LUBRICANT!!! I cant stress this enough. lmfao!!

Whan you're screwingf the ends on, you dont have to use these aluminum wrenches...I just happen to find one on sale for $5 the other day....I usually just use two regular wrenches and put a little masking tape inside to keep from scuffing the fittings. The important thing is that you dont try to over tighten them or they WILL strip.....they're just aluminum people!

And this is what you should end up with

And heres the finished product ran to my vette filter/regulator and then to my as of yet unmounted blazer tank.

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