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Daniel U 02-22-2007 05:41 PM

Mom's '54 project build thread
Here's a bit of history of my mom's '54 Chevy truck in relation to my '54. When I bought my '54, I had no idea that my mom was so fond of it. Sure, she told me she liked it and even taught me how to drive (I was 16 at the time) with the manual trans. I also didn't know she liked the long bed. Even more, I didn't know she'd ever buy one for herself and want to restore it. So when she bought a short bed '54 and asked me what I did with my long bed chassis I about choked. I had cut it in half to make a trailor. So the search was on for an Advance Design longbed chassis. As of now we may have found one in the Sacremento area. I traded her bed sides, so no worries there. I also traded her my grill for her's as I wanted a chrome one and my original didn't lend itself to that. She'll be using the carbed 305 from my '84 Camaro and a 700R4 trans with a 10 bolt rear. She's going to be going for a different look than I am planning on, but it should be a clean driver for her. Well here's a few pics of her "rough" start. My brother will be doing most of the work ( BTW, no start date set as of yet) and I'll be docummenting it for her as she's not "comfortable" with forums. Enjoy!

Kabwe 02-22-2007 06:57 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
So its all in the family huh? That's really cool

CAL 58 GMC 02-22-2007 08:39 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Wow, I wish my Mom was into classic trucks. That's really COOL!! :metal:

Daniel U 02-22-2007 08:52 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 2043725)
So its all in the family huh? That's really cool

Yeah, this shot was at my brother's place the day I traded her bed sides and grill. My brother's got a few projects himself. I guess he'll be going to get the chassis this weekend.:)

Igotachevyor2 02-22-2007 09:21 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

BUXMAN66 02-24-2007 11:49 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
that's pretty cool !:ww: keep us posted to the progress!!

Jebb1978 02-25-2007 09:28 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Cool story, I will watch for progress.

Hart_Rod 02-25-2007 11:20 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
That's awesome, Daniel. My dad passed the "old car bug" to me and I hope to pass it on to my children.

Daniel U 02-28-2007 05:13 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
UPDATE:The longbed chassis for mom's '54 is being sand blasted this week. Pics to fallow....

52streetrod 02-28-2007 08:20 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
cool... cant wait to see the build

Daniel U 03-02-2007 12:10 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Originally Posted by Hart_Rod (Post 2047171)
That's awesome, Daniel. My dad passed the "old car bug" to me and I hope to pass it on to my children.

My dad did the same for me and my brother when we restored his original owner '68 Plymouth Road Runner. I've always been a Chevrolet guy though? Anyways, I hope to pass it on to my son.

Daniel U 03-03-2007 03:48 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
My brother/father ordered the Must.II front end yesterday for my mom's '54! Pics ASAP.

84 400 03-03-2007 07:27 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
wow nice progress. So is it going for a long bed street llok?? sounds really neat!

Daniel U 03-04-2007 09:48 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
My mom likes the look and stance of the 3/4 ton longbed, so there will be plenty of room for wheel travel, lol. It will have an updated feel to it without the solid front axle, and stop better with 4 wheel disc. She just wants a clean driver. She's selling her Caddillac when it's finished.

84 400 03-05-2007 02:40 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
WOw good luck and it sounds like a meanningful project

Daniel U 03-19-2007 09:07 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
My brother stopped by my place today with my mom's '54 sitting on the longbed chassis she wants. He installs the Must. II front this weekend. Here's a few pics:
Front end: this is the most rust damage inside(Pass. side floor pan) After reviewing the pictures, it looks like there will be a bunch of bondo and rust to remove.
Enjoy! Daniel U

solidaxel 03-20-2007 11:58 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
2 Attachment(s)
I could sure use some measurments from your cab firewall to the front of the frame horns, and a second one from the bottom of the firewall, at the toe board at the frame to the front of the frame horns.
I am trying to place the engine mounts on the frame without the cab in place, and yours is where mine would be if I had the cab removed from my running truck!

Daniel U 03-20-2007 03:43 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
I'll measure on Sunday when the welding is finished. They put the cab on for a second measurement. I'll get back to you then.

solidaxel 03-21-2007 12:48 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Thank You, when ever you get around to it !!

Daniel U 03-24-2007 02:11 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
A few teaser pics until it's all welded in:
Long bed box
Factory(ish) running hieght
9 bolt Borg Warner 3.27 rear w/posi & disc.
Front end shot
I'll get those measurements as soon as it's welded in all the way. Right now it's just tacked up for mock up. It should roll out Sun. night on 4 wheels:metal:

Daniel U 04-03-2007 01:40 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Originally Posted by Kabwe (Post 2043725)
So its all in the family huh? That's really cool

My brother just got a 50 GMC truck last week. He'll be joinng the site soon.

Hart_Rod 04-03-2007 08:09 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Originally Posted by Daniel U (Post 2091051)
A few teaser pics until it's all welded in:
9 bolt Borg Warner 3.27 rear w/posi & disc.

That's the rearend I have in my 48. It works great, although new gears are a little pricey.

Daniel U 04-03-2007 12:30 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Yeah, the 9 bolt rears were built in Australia. She(mom) is fine with the gear ratio of 3.27, so the inside wont be messed with too much. They seem to be in good shape. The brakes will need lots of work, but we new that. Not bad for $200.00 though. GM said the 9 bolt rears were supposed to handle up to 300 hp. The H.O. 305 she's going to be using out of my '84 Z/28 wont ever make that much hp. Though it will be a big step up from the factory inline 6.

Sweet&LowPro55 04-03-2007 12:35 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
:agree: ..Thats a great story !! keep up the good work & keep us posted...:metal:

Daniel U 04-07-2007 11:25 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Here's some pics of what's been done to the front and rear as of yet. Anyone following my build thread will recognize the long bed The rear 3/4 ton trucks had leaf springs that mounted on the oustide of the frame rails. The new 1/2 ton kit mounts inside. She likes the look and stance of the 3/4 ton, but wants it to ride more comfortably. And this will be a daily driver for her. Also, it's sitting on 14" GM factory rally wheels from my dad's '70 El Camino. We're trying to talk here into a 16" wheel with wide white walls.
side shot
A view from above without the hood and motor.
bed from the rear
bed from front

pgf545 04-08-2007 07:12 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Daniel, is that the CPP leaf spring setup? It looks like the one I put on my dad's truck. He was looking for a more level ride height and that looks exactly what he is looking for. Looks like you are making more progress than I am though. Hopefully I can get down there next weekend and weld the floor in. Keep posting progress to keep my butt


Daniel U 04-08-2007 07:20 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
I'm not sure what rear kit was ordered, but the front is from TCI with the stiffest front springs they had. A lot of the front fender gap will go away with a V8 and 700R4. I'll ask my brother which rear kit he ordered for the leafs. He's coming over with it tommoro afternoon. We're pulling glass, and interior/gauges, and anything else before soda/sandblast.

pgf545 04-09-2007 06:34 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Daniel, A little trick on the glass that I learned the hard way. That rubber gets so hard that you can't remove the glass so we cut the outer ring and removed the glass. I broke one side of the windshield before I figured that out. We were going to replace the rubber anyway so it was no big deal.


Daniel U 04-09-2007 11:33 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Thanks, that's how I did mine, but my rubber seal was much more plyable than my mom's trucks windows are currently. I appreciate the heads up though.

Daniel U 04-09-2007 11:11 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
I helped my brother on my mom's '54 today. The glass, rubber for the door jams, and gauges/ignition/choke/etc. are out. The floor pans and fenders will be replaced to save time. The cab has plenty of bondo and rust to keep my brother busy. The bedsides are in fairly good shape. She'll need new front and rear bumpers too. Between my old '54 doors and her's, she has enough to make a pair. Here's a few pics from today:
Clear firewall
No glass
My brother Tim pulling the last gauge cluster out.

Daniel U 04-15-2007 06:38 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread

Originally Posted by pgf545 (Post 2115804)
Daniel, is that the CPP leaf spring setup? It looks like the one I put on my dad's truck. He was looking for a more level ride height and that looks exactly what he is looking for. Looks like you are making more progress than I am though. Hopefully I can get down there next weekend and weld the floor in. Keep posting progress to keep my butt


The rear leafs are from TCI and are a 1/2 ton.

Daniel U 04-15-2007 11:38 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Mom's truck went to soda blast this morning. It should be bare metal by this Friday. If I'm not at work, I'll post some pics.

Daniel U 04-25-2007 02:50 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
I only got pics of these parts, but the rest of the cab and bed are at my brothers. Blasted and ready for prime and body work.

Daniel U 04-27-2007 04:05 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Here's a few pics of the naked cab and a few more parts(:whine: pretty rough):
My old nose cone:
Brake stuff:
Passenger side from outside:
Driver's side:

solidaxel 04-27-2007 06:30 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
3 Attachment(s)
I must have found mine in the same field!!!

Hart_Rod 04-27-2007 08:14 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
5 Attachment(s)
And to think, all you AZ and Cali guys think you have all the best sheet metal. :lol: JK. I found my 52 in Rockford, AL, just north of Montgomery. It's about as clean of body that I've seen. Here's some pictures. All original cab corners, floors, cowl, doors.............:metal:

Daniel U 04-27-2007 11:15 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Yeah, we knew it was rough, but the exterior was hidden with body fill. We knew the floor boards were pitted, just not that bad. For time sake, my brother may end up working with the original cab and replacing the fenders. As it is the floors and cab corners will need attention. The rest of the cab is riddled with "whooptee do's" as my brother put it. If my mom did'nt need a '54(her birth year), we would've found another truck. So my brother is pushing for an Oct. finish date for her bithday. Very optimistic, I say. The good news is she's not concerned with all the details I am(A/C,CC,PW,booming stereo,leather interior,etc). So it will kinda be a "plain Jane" '54. But that's what she wants. She's even planning on keeping the starter on the floor. :c2:

Daniel U 04-30-2007 02:30 AM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
I talked to my brother today. The cab is black with an etch primer used on bare metal applications. Here's some pics:

solidaxel 04-30-2007 01:22 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
Hey Rob, not all of the Az and Cali. lived there all there lives here from the looks of mine it came from the snow belt for most of its life!!! The 55 GMC that I have I am the second owner and for fact it lived its entire life here, and it shows

Daniel U 05-01-2007 03:27 PM

Re: Mom's '54 project build thread
The black etch prime really shows the flaws in the body. (Pics above^^^^)

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