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05crewcab 06-11-2011 07:53 PM

Did a little junk yard run today :)
5 Attachment(s)
I finally made it to closest salvage yard to me today. It was a beautiful day, nice long drive in the '71, things were good. Here are some pics of the 67-72 area. What they had was picked over pretty good, but there were 3 50th anniversary trucks, and a LOT of 3/4 tons...they also had a 3/4 ton 4x4 rollong chassis that looks in good shape. On my way back out of the yard with nothing to show for it, I stopped at a mid-eighties blazer and saw some hubcaps in the back seat...wait, are those 3/4 ton caps!? yes, yes they were :) Three are driver quality and one is dented, but all told they were $20...SOLD. Today was a good day.

budnikguy 06-11-2011 08:17 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Wow......wish I was closer....looks like a '68 50th there!! Neato...

Longhorn Man 06-11-2011 08:21 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
decent 73 - 76 hubcaps... I wish our junk yards had that kind of 'picked over' trucks.

Frkypunk70 06-11-2011 08:24 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
If I had a junkyard like that around me I would be working there. Or a least doing construction for free:lol:

05crewcab 06-11-2011 08:32 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 4730133)
decent 73 - 76 hubcaps... I wish our junk yards had that kind of 'picked over' trucks.

Thanks, I thought I did ok for $20 on them...i will be painting them and maybe popping out the concave part...who knows.

well not super picked over, but basically no drivetrains and no interiors in any of them. most had the rearends still, but were slowly sinking into the dirt, and the bodys were mostly junk.

68 IRON 06-11-2011 09:09 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by budnikguy (Post 4730127)
Wow......wish I was closer....looks like a '68 50th there!! Neato...

Yaaaaa! I see what might be a couple of them! Nothin' like that in the Northwest!!!.....that I know about!!!!:lol:

05crewcab 06-11-2011 09:10 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by 68 IRON (Post 4730267)
Yaaaaa! I see what might be a couple of them! Nothin' like that in the Northwest!!!.....that I know about!!!!:lol:

yep, there are 3 of them...i thought they were scarce...guess not in central minnesota!

VA72C10 06-11-2011 09:18 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
me = jealous :chevy:

Indyuke 06-11-2011 09:28 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Wow! Those are considered picked over. Here they would be literally untouched. We're lucky if we go to a junk yard and find four or five of our trucks there with about a dozen goodies between them all. You're lucky!

yuccales 06-11-2011 10:19 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
I sure have not seen any place like that out here. I'm bummed. BTW great pictures!

05crewcab 06-11-2011 10:38 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by yuccales (Post 4730430)
I sure have not seen any place like that out here. I'm bummed. BTW great pictures!

That yard is a great place! i guess it's been around forever. it's about 80 acres and this was one little row in it. I didn't think it would be as organized or would have as many of our trucks there. the 60-66 trucks were the next row over, then the 50's trucks, etc. out in the back 40 were all the OLD cars pre-60's stuff...didn't get a chance to go back there but will the next time.

too much stuff 06-11-2011 11:13 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Looks like a good yard. You didn't find anything except the hubcaps out of all those? Do i dare ask where it is?

05crewcab 06-11-2011 11:45 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by too much stuff (Post 4730543)
Looks like a good yard. You didn't find anything except the hubcaps out of all those? Do i dare ask where it is?

you should know where it is eric. it's about 10 mins south of Annandale & hwy 55 (not sure that i can name drop on here)

I was on a time crunch and wasn't looking for anything in particular. there were some badges on some of them that I'd like to have...i just happened upon the hubcaps by chance on my way out the door.:metal:

A couple of cool things that were there:

a v-6 in a GMC didn't see if it was the 351 or smaller
2 blazers - a CST blazer (pretty picked but the CST door badges were there) and a highlander i think (the backseat looked highlander)...both had their tops...didn't look at them too close.
'deluxe' badges on a custom/20
most of the trucks had their glove box doors

otherwise all the "fun" parts were gone.

Ryan5O 06-11-2011 11:55 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Ok, I really dont like you right now.:jdp::jdp::jdp:
Looks like a honey hole.

o6r1man 06-12-2011 12:27 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Now that is cool!!!

gonnuts 06-12-2011 12:44 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by longhorn man (Post 4730133)
decent 73 - 76 hubcaps... I wish our junk yards had that kind of 'picked over' trucks.


Jeffs70 06-12-2011 02:13 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
wow now that is a gold mine. lol least for us addicted to these trucks. great find and wish there was something like that in my area.

ubtripn 06-12-2011 08:14 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a dream junkyard, can you take parts???? or just buy the whole truck

Bishops Trucks 06-12-2011 09:53 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Thats the most organized looking yard I've ever seen. Wish we had one like that around here.

smallwin67 06-13-2011 04:30 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Wow man,nice pics.

Trailrider95 06-13-2011 08:15 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by 68 IRON (Post 4730267)
Yaaaaa! I see what might be a couple of them! Nothin' like that in the Northwest!!!.....that I know about!!!!:lol:

Never! Everything's rusted through, or pull'n apart around here!

yfs200p 06-13-2011 09:20 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
I went to the two junk yards within an hour from me and they both said that they havent even seen a 67-72 come thru in a long long time... They didn't even have any square body trucks; oldest style they had was 88-98. Kinda stinks, I would die to see a section like that around here.

VA72C10 06-13-2011 09:58 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by yfs200p (Post 4733779)
I went to the two junk yards within an hour from me and they both said that they havent even seen a 67-72 come thru in a long long time... They didn't even have any square body trucks; oldest style they had was 88-98. Kinda stinks, I would die to see a section like that around here.

pretty much the same around here....they get a couple a year but tend to scrap them fast because they don't realize the parts value...

Dave 06-13-2011 11:07 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
WOW! Alot of those trucks still have a fair amount of usable parts. I wished I lived close by. With a whole section dedicated to our trucks the owner has to be aware of what he has.

Like Jonathan said, most yards get a couple of these trucks a year and are crushed almost as fast as they appeared.

05crewcab 06-13-2011 11:28 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by Dave (Post 4734066)
WOW! Alot of those trucks still have a fair amount of usable parts. I wished I lived close by. With a whole section dedicated to our trucks the owner has to be aware of what he has.

Like Jonathan said, most yards get a couple of these trucks a year and are crushed almost as fast as they appeared.

This place knows what they are doing and have been doing so for a VERY long time. They saw me pull up in my truck and said you want the hill to the left. :)

If a mod tells me it's cool to do I will link their website...I know I can't buy/use all the parts there, and if any of you guys get some parts from them it will make me happy. Plus I figure if they get 500 calls from you all on 67-72 truck parts they will go out of their way to keep the stock fresh...haha

SOON2BLAZE 06-14-2011 12:16 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
pic 1 and 2 show a 68 gold and white 2 tone. 50th??????????

05crewcab 06-14-2011 11:39 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by SOON2BLAZE (Post 4734194)
pic 1 and 2 show a 68 gold and white 2 tone. 50th??????????

There are three of them i 3 and 4 show the other two.

A.T. RockDriller 06-14-2011 12:49 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
4 Attachment(s)
Gee Whiz, Crewcab....
That junkyard is something to behold.
Us folks from the left-coast might charter a bus and go on a roadie with our tool purses.
Here are a couple of pic's of what I did to cover up the wagon-wheel rims that my tires were on....that I didn't like.
I think these are '73 & '74 caps.....with a few hrs of masking and a can of white paint.
(and a day of engineering the attaching hardware)

Before....that I didn't like too much.
And then after...

68 IRON 06-14-2011 04:13 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Hey Driller, do you have the old wheels? I might know a buyer;)

68 IRON 06-14-2011 04:16 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
If name dropping is wrong...can you link a google maps image of the place?
No names needed.....just a clue!

yellowGT 06-15-2011 12:16 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Makes me sad to see a "junk yard" with all those trucks just dumped there when they could be out on our streets/roads.

05crewcab 06-15-2011 12:39 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by yellowGT (Post 4736018)
Makes me sad to see a "junk yard" with all those trucks just dumped there when they could be out on our streets/roads.

What makes me sad is looking at the license plate tabs on some of these and when they were last on the roads. The ocre and white truck in the foreground of the third picture was last licensed in 2009...within a year and a half it has gone from driving to stripped and laying on it axles. It's a shame.

Rodk65 06-15-2011 02:52 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
I'm making a road trip and going shopping this weekend.

71swb4x4 06-15-2011 10:58 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
05crewcab, do you remember if there were any 67 bench seats? I need one and will be in the cities this coming weekend/week.

05crewcab 06-17-2011 12:39 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by 71swb4x4 (Post 4737616)
05crewcab, do you remember if there were any 67 bench seats? I need one and will be in the cities this coming weekend/week.

I don't recall specifically, sorry. You could call them. ...It's French Lake Auto

kcfirstbuild 06-17-2011 08:54 AM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
What junk yard is that ? I live in Red wing MN and Might be in the need of a new cab if the price is right.

A.T. RockDriller 06-18-2011 01:46 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
68 Iron..

My truck had aftermarket steelies on it when I got it.
I have no clue what happened to the originals.

RPBurris 06-18-2011 02:43 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
Please post the location somehow!! Planning a trip to Minnesota in July and this is a must stop location!

FRENCHBLUE72 06-18-2011 04:09 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)
I wish that place was closer...

05crewcab 06-18-2011 07:14 PM

Re: Did a little junk yard run today :)

Originally Posted by RPBurris (Post 4742368)
Please post the location somehow!! Planning a trip to Minnesota in July and this is a must stop location!

Look at post #35. That will get you where you need to be :)

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