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jay-dawg 05-08-2003 10:54 PM

beating this question to death! LT1/4L60E
I'm looking at a 95 LT1 out of a 95 Z28 camaro. Owner says it's from a car w/ back end damage. He has all the wiring, ecu, accesories, even the fuel pump.

I did a search and this is what problems come up:

1)Notching the frame where the A/C is.(I do plan to have A/C in these humid Hawaii weather).

2)Use the inline 6 mount holes to give more clearance between engine and radiator.

3)custom engine mounts.

4)wiring harness for column shift. (Probably go with an
aftermarket tilt from flaming river or something to make it easier)

5)buy speedo conversion

6)use auto crossmember moved towards the rear.

7) shorten drive shaft.

Anything else I missed?

Project1970 05-08-2003 11:04 PM

I don't think you need to fab mounts for the LT1, it should bolt up like any older smallblock.

adamls 05-08-2003 11:06 PM

I think instead of notching the fram for AC you can use the corvette brackets which moves the AC to the driver side and up away from the frame.

jay-dawg 05-09-2003 12:57 PM

Project 1970 I thought that was what I read with the engine mounts. Well, that's good, less to shell out for.

Adamls that's better but those hose lines would certainly be an eyesore unless I run it against the radiator and then back along the passenger side.

crazy4chevs 05-09-2003 04:24 PM

These guys have a tailshaft that lets you run your stock speedo and still has the hookup for the computer.

NPilot1975 05-09-2003 07:35 PM

I haven't gotten mine running yet, but have installed a 1995 Z28 LT-1/4L60E in my 1972 Chevy Chassis. it mounts with the stock 67-72 Chevy motor mounts and stock auto trans crossmember. You can use either the 6 cyl or V8 mounts, you will have to run electric fans so clearance is not an issue.

If you need wiring/computer work, this guy does a great job:

Also, you can find anything for the engine from Street and Performance:, they are a little pricey but have great stuff. They also have a tell shaft to run your stock speedo, I went with a custom dash with electronic instruments.

You will need to get custom accessory brackets or run the Corvette setup.

Any other questions feel free to e-mail me,
My truck should be up and running very soon.

gmc67swb 05-09-2003 08:46 PM


chevyman 68 C/10 05-09-2003 09:39 PM

One other item is the fuel lines and pump. I had a custom tank built and put a hole in the top to mount the part around the original fuel tank off of the 96 trans am donor car, so I could use the stock pump. A return line also has to be installed.
If you choose to use a pump mounted out side the tank it will work but is not nearly as effective.
I chose to use the 6 cylinder mounting holes so i could get better weight transfer and handling, it looked better to me slid back also.
Getting it to mount up is a snap and does not take very long at all, you will need v8 mounting brackets.
Headers are not a problem, any for a chevy truck will work just fine but remember that you will need the o2 sencer in the colecter or header.
The corvette brackets work good but are hard the find and they put every thing on the drivers side just backwards from the camaro firebird ones.
I am buying Street and performance brackets ans pulleys, but WOW they are really expensive.
I bought a wiring harness from a company called Howell becouse it was a little cheeper than Street and performance. They can also reprogram your computer to get the bugs that you dont want in your new set up.
If I can help you just ask.

jay-dawg 05-09-2003 10:10 PM this board great or what!!!

thanks guys.


minibike 05-09-2003 11:47 PM

There is really too much to cover in a post, but it sounds like you have it pretty much understood. I notched my frame and motor mount to clear the camaro ac unit. The camaro radiator and fans fit great, just move the radiator bracket back about an inch...

I wish I would have mounted the engine further back (6 cylinder location), but it fits either way.

If you have a broad band or good connection, I can send many pictures.

jay-dawg 05-10-2003 12:09 AM

your website is one of the few inspirations minibike.

send it over:

jay-dawg 05-10-2003 12:33 PM


Originally posted by chevyman 68 C/10

I am buying Street and performance brackets ans pulleys, but WOW they are really expensive.

do they keep the a/c comp on the passenger side?I'm gonna go look at their site.


NPilot1975 05-10-2003 12:50 PM

S&P brackets mount the a/c compressor high on the passenger side, the alt. high on the driver side, and the p/s pump low on the left, closer to the steering box.

jay-dawg 05-17-2003 10:23 PM


The Engine and trans have just over 71000 miles, ran excellent when pulled. The car was rear ended while parked, I bought it from the owner, who then pulled the engine for me.

I have:
1) Engine
2) Transmission
3) Harness
4) PCM (computer)
5) In-tank fuel pump (stock)
6) Air Box
7) MAF

I do not have:
1) Y-pipe with O2 sensors
2) rubber boot from T/B to MAF
3) Radiator
4) Cooling fan assembly

This is what I got back from the guy. He wont budge from $2500. If I use an aftermarket fuel tank from ECE, how hard is it to install the fuel pump?


minibike 05-17-2003 11:16 PM

That is not a bad price, but you may want ot get the radiator, condensing coils, fans, etc. They will fit in our trucks.

NPilot1975 05-18-2003 01:18 PM

Rock Valley Antiques makes stainless steel tanks that can have the pump in the tank. The cost around $850, which is the tank with a baffle installed and the pump in the tank, made to your specifications. There website is

jay-dawg 05-18-2003 01:45 PM

wow, $850. I thought I saw an article with ECE or something build a custom tank and had the fuel pump etc attached to it. I'll try and find it somewhere and give an update.


NPilot1975 05-18-2003 02:19 PM

The tank is around 400 and the pump is around 300. I priced them from everyone. RV allows you to send them a plan and they build it for you

dtlilly 05-18-2003 02:47 PM

I have a question regarding the fuel tank and pump.

I have an 88 Pontiac TA, with TPI 350ci, auto tranny. I want to put it in one of our trucks. Sounds like it will drop in fine. I will be using all wiring, computer, fuse blocks, sensors, exhaust, radiator, etc.

Can I fit the TA gas tank and pump under the rear of our trucks?

NPilot1975 05-18-2003 02:51 PM

I am not sure. If you remove the spare tire carrier and the rear crossmember and make one for the end of the frame on a short bed, you have 21" from the forward crossmember to the back one and 27.5" between the frame rails.

dtlilly 05-18-2003 03:13 PM

Hmmmm, Thanks.

Wootdog 05-18-2003 05:45 PM

RE Pics
Can you guys send me pics also? That is what is in the new project I have. LT1 with the 4L60. I also need pics of the plumbing, IE connections on the top of the motor for the metal pieces, and of course the sensors.Thanks in advance Wootdog

Jackal2k9 05-18-2003 06:05 PM

a guy is selling me a 94' rolled caprice for 1500. (lt1 / 4l60e / 88k) Steal? I have seen them on ebay for less tho. ecm reprogram and harness re-working seems to run about 400 bucks. any one know if it's done less anywhere else?

btw caprice has a/c compressor on upper driverside.

minibike 05-18-2003 06:15 PM

I could not fit the 94 camaro tank in my truck... I had a custom one made by a boat builder...$215. I used the camaro sending unit and pump, saving big $.

mtwheels 05-29-2003 12:46 PM

This is great info...I just bought my 72 C-10 over the weekend and am excited to get it started. I checked out your website minibike and the pics are great. Fortunatley, My father-in-Law has a police edition caprice with the LT1. I can basically have it. I have an I6 in it right now that has been overhauled. It has triple carbs, I thought that was cool, hadn't seen them before. The 6 will make it's amazing. I can't wait to get the LT1 in though. I can't wait to get started with my new project. Any initial words of wisdom from anyone as I get started?

Church 05-29-2003 03:39 PM

Man this is some awesome info in this post. I installed an lt-1/4l60e in an 88 Jeep YJ. My motor and trans came out of a 1996 Impala SS.
Some of these items were mentioned but I think they are worth mentioning again.

You will need to switch your inlet/outlets on the radiator. We bought a Be-cool Alum. radiator and switched the inlet & outlet ourselves.

Becareful with the vats on the newer vehicles (96 & up I think)
Vats is vehicle anti theft system. This thing can cause a MAJOR headache. Even with an aftermarket harness we had trouble with this. The chip on this went bad once. When this happened, the motor would turn over but not start for about 5 minutes, then it would finally run.

I heard these engines will run in LIMP mode, which basically means it will run but not give you the 300 hp it supposed to have.
Watch out for this. Also we had to get our comp. reprogrammed becuase we were running 39" tall tires with 5.39 gears. This really messes with the computer. It would switch to OD when the speedometer was reading 35mph. If you are running a tire that is about the same as what came on the orig. vehicle but are running a different gear, you might have to get the computer reprogrammed.

Make sure you get a fan that will cool enough. We had to switch from the perma-cool to the black magic even with the be-cool alum. radiator.

Lastly, Watch out for the waterpump and distributor on these engines. The LT-1 we had came out of a 96 Impala SS. When you have to go get a replacement, you better pull up a chair first. These things are outrageous!!

jay-dawg 05-29-2003 06:22 PM


Originally posted by NPilot1975
You can use either the 6 cyl or V8 mounts

can anyone else verify that i can use the 6 cyl mounts?


70cst10 06-01-2003 03:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Yes, you can. Mine is mounted on the 6cyl mounts in the 6cyl position. It fits right in and looks a little better imo..

jay-dawg 06-03-2003 05:39 PM

do I have the terminology correct? engine mounts vs. engine towers or are they the same?

jay-dawg 06-09-2003 01:47 PM


got my new used engine home. what an ordeal. A deal fell thru on a fairly new engine hoist so I had to scramble to find a new one (not easy on a Sunday). Found a nice fold up one for $300. Got that home and started to put it together. Whatever you could think of that could go wrong, went wrong. The instructions were'nt very clear so we had to redo some bolts about 3 times. It was muggy too with lots of sunshine. We built it on the grass in the sun so I'm a little sunburned from that. We needed to get some chains so we went to Lowes....and then the storm came in. It started to pour elephants and gorillas. I mean flash flood warnings. Thunder and lightning all over. I was thinking "man is god telling me something or what?" Anyway, we had to drive 40mph thru this stuff for 30 minutes which would normally take 10 minutes in normal weather. Anyway, we reach there and it starts to clear up. We got to the guy's house at 2pm and he had to leave for work by 2:30pm. We got out by then. Everything went pretty smooth from then on. I got pretty much everything including the stock e-fans. Anyway, good times are ahead trying to figure out the electrics. It's all intact though.

Anybody recommend an assembly manual and where I can find one?


jay-dawg 06-09-2003 01:56 PM


Originally posted by jay-dawg
do I have the terminology correct? engine mounts vs. engine towers or are they the same?
I found the answer while I was rereading the thread.....what a brainfart.


jay-dawg 07-03-2003 03:17 AM

Found a good article in Classic Trucks where they put Auto Meter Ultra lite electronic guages in a carbon fiber guage cluster. The speedo is electronic. Maybe that would be a good idea too? Just checking with the big boys first.

Last question....(well maybe not). Is there a GM part number for the accesory brackets for the corvette version? I think I can get a hookup at the dealership.


minibike 07-03-2003 08:07 AM

I don't have the part number, but I believe it requires quite a few different parts...I know you have to use a different flywheel for the vette brackets. By the time you do that, you may be better off getting a Street and Performance set of brackets...

I have also heard it is a different AC compressor with the vette style, but am not sure.

jay-dawg 07-03-2003 01:28 PM

Thanks for the info.


NPilot1975 07-03-2003 01:36 PM

Anyone interested, I have a reworked factory harness for sale. I spent $400 having it reworked to be stand alone and to delete emissions and MAF sensor. It also has the diagnostic plug, service light, and a fuel pump relay. I also installed new plugs that go into the computer. I have $450 in it, not including the harness itself. I would be willing to sell it for $400. Anyone interested e-mail me at or call me at 360-279-2020. Hope this will help someone.

wdz28ss 07-06-2003 02:43 PM

My only 2 cents is I used the Calif. sending unit for my tank to run the return line to and run an external pump....No need for a special tank. I did notch my frame for the Ac compressor and also notched a little for header clearance, but other than that it was all "bolt in" and runs awesome. I went thru fuel injection specialities for their wiring harness ans computer programming.

jay-dawg 07-07-2003 04:17 AM

Well, I'm relocating the tank to the bed so I'm gonna need the tank anyway. Besides, the engine came with the stock pump so I might as well use it. Nice to hear that your swap went great. I'm not so sure if I want to notch the frame yet.


NPilot1975 07-07-2003 07:10 PM

Anyone need any LT-1 parts? I have a lot of stock parts that I am trying to sell, including stock radiator with dual fans, modified factory harness, all brackets, p/s pump, a/c compressor, lots of other stuff. E-mail me at

minibike 07-07-2003 09:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's a pic of the stock fan/radiator set up...

minibike 07-07-2003 09:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
And here is the stock condensing coils (when I say stock, I am speaking of the stock camaro units in our trucks)

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