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In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 05:45 PM

I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I hit a black bear on I 64 last night about 9:30 PM. I drive slow, at 55 mph, as it gets me much better gas mileage and reaction time. I saw it with enough time to slow to maybe 30 mph before impact. My car still runs, I drove it home, but I'll need a new hood and bumper cover. It's 13 years old so I am fearful of insurance totaling it out. (Honda Accord).

Had I been driving my 1972 Chevy truck, with stock bumper, Luverne grill guard, and 1/2 ton height, would it have shrugged that 200 pound bear off, assuming I had slowed to the 30 mph I did in my Honda?

What do you guys think?

*A lady in an SUV hit it after I did, totaling her Chevy Traverse and killing the bear.

The bear, after the hit by the SUV and one round from a deputy's AR 15.

My car. Insurance paid for it all but I did pay the difference on an OEM hood.

trac209 11-24-2015 07:12 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Hitting a two hundred pound bear would have done lots to damage truck too,and which do you value more? Obviously the truck or you wouldn't be on here. I don't know how your insurance works there but I'd just fix it myself if it's not too bad. Depending on deductible and insurance rate hikes etc. I'd rather total my daily then hurt mine I know that

jeffahart 11-24-2015 07:21 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I think your truck would have fared well against a small bear. 200 lbs on all fours. You probably would have ran it over. Most of the bears around where I live remind me of a big fat dog. Not that you see them very often, they stay pretty well run off into the hills around here.

Glad you are OK though... have a great Thanksgiving!

Ol Blue K20 11-24-2015 07:27 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Glad you're ok, better the honda than the truck in my opinion. Didn't realize you had a lisp lol. I think you meant wish instead of with in the title..

swamp rat 11-24-2015 08:03 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring (Post 7387636)
I hit a black bear on I 64 last night about 9:30 PM. I drive slow, at 55 mph, as it gets me much better gas mileage and reaction time. I saw it with enough time to slow to maybe 30 mph before impact. My car still runs, I drove it home, but I'll need a new hood and bumper cover. It's 13 years old so I am fearful of insurance totaling it out. (Honda Accord).

Had I been driving my 1972 Chevy truck, with stock bumper, Luverne grill guard, and 1/2 ton height, would it have shrugged that 200 pound bear off, assuming I had slowed to the 30 mph I did in my Honda?

What do you guys think?

*A lady in an SUV hit it after I did, totaling her Chevy Traverse and killing the bear.

I think you would have had damage to your truck too, recall the post about a month ago titled "I got a deer...with my truck" He lost a fender, grill bumper and what else?

I'd rather loose a Honda than damage my classic truck.

swamp rat 11-24-2015 08:04 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 7387748)
Glad you're ok, better the honda than the truck in my opinion. Didn't realize you had a lisp lol. I think you meant wish instead of with in the title..

ROTF! Well I can attest that he has no lisp, just a southern accent. :)

In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 08:29 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
:lol: You guys! I noticed the "with" in the title but I couldn't edit it after posting.

I do have a southern drawl, when I let it show.

It was a crazy event. And had things gone differently, someone easily could have been killed.

I think my truck would have been jeffahart said, "run it over." Its head hit my front bumper cover (I saw it hit there and I saw the slobber mark) and its shoulder hit my hood. My car, I love my car, but it's 13 years old so this may total it out. I am weighing my options. If I let the insurance pay it off, I plan to take the money and buy another 1999 to 2002 Honda Accord but EX and manual.

I love these cars that much. Stay safe out there guys.

In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 08:31 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 7387781)
ROTF! Well I can attest that he has no lisp, just a southern accent. :)

When have we talked swamp rat? I assume we have! :lol:

Oh ya the "got a deer, used my truck" thread was on my mind last night! I didn't really "get the bear," the utterly freaked lady that was hyperventilating and vomited on herself with the now-totaled Chevy Traverse "got the bear." I just knocked it down, she killed it.

REEDS 72 11-24-2015 08:56 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I don't know never hit a bear before lol.

special-K 11-24-2015 09:47 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Thmathing into a thmall bear would hurt the bumper thome I think. The bruth guard dothn't protect the bumper, really. At leath not very muth. I think it would have thaved the grille.

In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 09:55 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 7387932)
Thmathing into a thmall bear would hurt the bumper thome I think. The bruth guard dothn't protect the bumper, really. At leath not very muth. I think I would have thaved the grille.

Is your autocorrect acting up? :lol:

(I sit here, knowing you are mocking me, but I also sit laughing and smiling).

fartblossom 11-24-2015 10:05 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
A 200lb bear would be really small, wouldn't it? Hell, I weigh more than that.

special-K 11-24-2015 10:23 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Not really mocking. More like rolling with it. Thith thite is thomething Thpecial. We are all friends (I think? :lol:)

Ol Blue K20 11-24-2015 10:39 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 7387932)
Thmathing into a thmall bear would hurt the bumper thome I think. The bruth guard dothn't protect the bumper, really. At leath not very muth. I think I would have thaved the grille.


Husker 11-24-2015 11:21 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
There's a video out there somewhere where they crash tested a 50 something Chevy and a 2000 something Chevy. Which do you think fared better?

Husker 11-24-2015 11:22 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 11:26 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by fartblossom (Post 7387952)
A 200lb bear would be really small, wouldn't it? Hell, I weigh more than that.

Internet jokes and even insults have to get pretty bad (ie, actual threats) for me to get upset.

I guess the bear was about the size of two full grown German Shepherds. Wild animal bones seem very tough though. I think since I was hard braking and my front end was pitching downwards, that's why the hood took the brunt. I was perhaps doing 30 mph when I hit it. I am just glad I cruise at 55 and that I pay good attention.

I had already decided to put on the grill guard when the truck is running, but this incident cements it! The 1972 inner grill is weak as can be.

cherokeejohn 11-24-2015 11:45 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Did you at least get to keep the bear. the hide would make a cozy winter seat cover, lol.

About 3 yrs ago i hit a 265lbs sow on I68 in western MD at around 4AM. I was in a 95 Chevy 3500 repo/snatch truck. It ran across in front of me and truthfully , I was "haulin a**", around 85 mph. I stomped the brake pedal but there was no way. I was coming down a steep hillside slope at interstate speeds with a repo in tow. The bear caught the front bumper on the drivers side and it was a head shot, so it was "lights out for the sow". Now, I was by myself and I don't believe in wasting a good bear so I brought it home for meat and hide. I couldn't pick it all the way up to put it up on the boom deck so i did the next best thing. i put a tarp in the front seat of the repo and rolled the bear in to the front pass seat. In the morning, our lot attendant has to log in all the repo's from the night before and do a full condition report, " including belongings left inside the vehicle. I waited around that morning just to hear the scream, lol and a scream i heard. She said she opened the drivers door and sat right in to record the milage and looked over and saw her life flash before her. I "with" I had taken pictures, lol

In The Ten Ring 11-24-2015 11:53 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by cherokeejohn (Post 7388101)
Did you at least get to keep the bear. the hide would make a cozy winter seat cover, lol.

About 3 yrs ago i hit a 265lbs sow on I68 in western MD at around 4AM. I was in a 95 Chevy 3500 repo/snatch truck. It ran across in front of me and truthfully , I was "haulin a**", around 85 mph. I stomped the brake pedal but there was no way. I was coming down a steep hillside slope at interstate speeds with a repo in tow. The bear caught the front bumper on the drivers side and it was a head shot, so it was "lights out for the sow". Now, I was by myself and I don't believe in wasting a good bear so I brought it home for meat and hide. I couldn't pick it all the way up to put it up on the boom deck so i did the next best thing. i put a tarp in the front seat of the repo and rolled the bear in to the front pass seat. In the morning, our lot attendant has to log in all the repo's from the night before and do a full condition report, " including belongings left inside the vehicle. I waited around that morning just to hear the scream, lol and a scream i heard. She said she opened the drivers door and sat right in to record the milage and looked over and saw her life flash before her. I "with" I had taken pictures, lol

Your sir, are a "living god." If we ever meet, I will fall to my knees before you. :lol: Yes, I with you had her reaction on video too!

I thought about trying to get the hide but it would cost me a couple hundred at least to make it into a rug and I didn't have a tarp. :lol: I think I'll get a dash cam would have been one heck of a youtube video.

cherokeejohn 11-25-2015 12:14 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Lol, we had a camera in the windshield and one to the rear "for security and ins reasons" , when we viewed it wasn't very good due to several reasons. 1 it was night/dark out, 2 the hood blocked the impact area, and 3 my excessive rate of speed. We could only see it in the corner for a brief second before it went under the viewing area. Believe it or not, it actually only put a softball size dent in the front bumper, and a little outta alignment. I do authentic native brain-tanning of leathers and leather-working for a hobby and side cash. so I try and salvage any hide i can be it hunting, trapping, raodkill, and gifts from a butcher friend. Im actually considering covering my seat and a few other things in my truck with some of my leather. A little wet-tooling on the edges (similar to the factory scrolling) and a little burn/branding design in the center... So many ideas and so little time, the story of my life, lol. glad your ok tho, sux about your daily tho.

special-K 11-25-2015 12:19 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I can't image why she'd be startled :lol:

Bears are a solid bundle for sure. That's 200 lb is a small dense package compared to a man. A 100 lb dog or deer will hurt a vehicle pretty good. For that matter, I've seen damage from cars hitting people and it ain't good. Hey, I think I lost my lithp!

In The Ten Ring 11-25-2015 12:34 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I took a pic of the bear and of my car, I'll try to get the computer fixed tomorrow so I can upload pics again.

I wanted video of the lady doing the mileage check screaming! LOL

GTSideSwipe 11-25-2015 02:59 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I personally would value my truck more than if I had a different vehicle as a daily driver so I'd be happy if I were in the car.

72kool 11-25-2015 08:59 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
1 Attachment(s)
I wouldn't mind hitting it with my truck cuz then insurance could pay for rust repair Haha. But honestly if I hit anything, I hope it's in my wifes dd til I get grille guard made for the truck. Here's my wifes,ready for critters

iostorm 11-25-2015 09:11 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 7387781)
ROTF! Well I can attest that he has no lisp, just a southern accent. :)

I though this was a thread by Mike Tyson....

AirSpeed 11-25-2015 11:07 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by swamp rat (Post 7387779)
I think you would have had damage to your truck too, recall the post about a month ago titled "I got a deer...with my truck" He lost a fender, grill bumper and what else?

I'd rather loose a Honda than damage my classic truck.

Yea, it caused a lot of damage, grill, fender, core support, radiator, fender well, bumper, bent my hood, frame, cowel, door and it was only a 120/140 lbs doe at about 50 mph. Also knocked the front end out of alignment. The final bill was $7500. They had to repaint the front half of my truck.

sawyerrm 11-25-2015 01:09 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
that's the funniest thing I've read all day ...

cypressbog 11-25-2015 02:11 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Glad you are okay!

special-K 11-26-2015 12:15 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by iostorm (Post 7388327)
I though this was a thread by Mike Tyson....

Thut up thupid or I'll bite your ear...Thucker!!

72kool 11-26-2015 05:47 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
1 Attachment(s)
We have been getting rain,ice and snow here today and saw this on Facebook and laughed

fartblossom 11-26-2015 09:13 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring (Post 7388079)
Internet jokes and even insults have to get pretty bad (ie, actual threats) for me to get upset.

I guess the bear was about the size of two full grown German Shepherds. Wild animal bones seem very tough though. I think since I was hard braking and my front end was pitching downwards, that's why the hood took the brunt. I was perhaps doing 30 mph when I hit it. I am just glad I cruise at 55 and that I pay good attention.

I had already decided to put on the grill guard when the truck is running, but this incident cements it! The 1972 inner grill is weak as can be.

Sorry if I upset you in any way, wasn't my intention. I'm sure hitting anything 200 lbs would cause a lot of damage. I just imagine bears as big honking 600 lb things, so I'm guessing one that small would be under a year old?

In The Ten Ring 11-26-2015 10:57 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
No worries.

With a name like "fartblossom" I'd laugh no matter what you posted. :lol:

I know very little about bears, it was perhaps very young. If I had been the only one to hit it, I am certain it would have shrugged that off and continued on its way.

Insurance will fix my car, although at 13 years of age the damage is "55 percent of blue book."

I had another look at my grill guard tonight, it is 3/8 of an inch thick. I really do think I would have ended up running it over had I been driving my truck. Hopefully none of us ever have to find out.

68C15 11-27-2015 11:24 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
They're gonna fix your car? Damn! I was gonna hit you up for a front splash apron. You see, I have a 2000 Accord myself. Wouldn't give it up for anything. A deer fits in the trunk, an AR fits in a custome holder between speakers in top of trunk, gets 39mpg, has 4 doors and is very reliable. Good luck finding parts at salvage yard. Not many of these to be found there

In The Ten Ring 11-27-2015 11:44 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
"Splash apron?" Is that the bumper cover?

It probably isn't cost-effective but I kept full coverage on the car all this time. I'll probably drop that and just keep a few thousand dollar "repair reserve."

My first deer, back in 1997 (30.30 Winchester 94), I took home in the trunk of my 1988 Honda Accord! "The head stuck out one side and the back legs the other" as I have told the story.

This Accord is much too nice of shape for deer (or bear) blood in the trunk! :lol:

The shop will try and use aftermarket parts but if I can find OEM or NOS I'll buy those and insurance can pay me back what aftermarket would have cost. I did that once before when a dog jumped out in front of me.

39 mpg? Is yours a manual shift? *I can get 39 mpg but only on an interstate trip and if I keep my speed to 55 mph. I would have replaced this car with another 1998 to 2002 Accord but a manual had this bear taken mine out.

68C15 11-28-2015 06:51 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
"splash apron" as in the black piece under bumper and up each wheel well.

yep, 39mpg running 80mph with the automatic

a cheap tarp works to keep mess contained. Field dressing and a good washout using washer fluid jugs filled with clean water. I carry 8 of them in trunk when I go out

EARNHARDT#3 11-28-2015 09:44 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
You can with in one hand and thit in the other and see which one fills up first LOL


Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring (Post 7387810)
:lol: You guys! I noticed the "with" in the

title but I couldn't edit it after posting.

I do have a southern drawl, when I let it show.

It was a crazy event. And had things gone differently, someone easily could have been killed.

I think my truck would have been jeffahart said, "run it over." Its head hit my front bumper cover (I saw it hit there and I saw the slobber mark) and its shoulder hit my hood. My car, I love my car, but it's 13 years old so this may total it out. I am weighing my options. If I let the insurance pay it off, I plan to take the money and buy another 1999 to 2002 Honda Accord but EX and manual.

I love these cars that much. Stay safe out there guys.

In The Ten Ring 11-28-2015 11:42 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by 68C15 (Post 7391405)
"splash apron" as in the black piece under bumper and up each wheel well.

yep, 39mpg running 80mph with the automatic

a cheap tarp works to keep mess contained. Field dressing and a good washout using washer fluid jugs filled with clean water. I carry 8 of them in trunk when I go out

39 mpg cruising at 80 mph in a 2000 Honda Accord with automatic transmission? I do not believe that one. I am, however, open to being proven wrong.

So you use your Accord as your "hunting vehicle" then?

Splash apron sounds like inner fenders. :P

68C15 11-29-2015 08:17 AM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.

Originally Posted by In The Ten Ring (Post 7391556)
39 mpg cruising at 80 mph in a 2000 Honda Accord with automatic transmission? I do not believe that one. I am, however, open to being proven wrong.

So you use your Accord as your "hunting vehicle" then?

Splash apron sounds like inner fenders. :P

keep in mind our flat terrain here. I was surprised as well and have yet to duplicate it. Lately my goose hunt trips have netted a solid 34mpg.

Yep, it makes a great deer hunt rig. If there are spot checks by the game wardens I get waved to go through since I take my camo off. Just another guy cruising down the road. You just have to make sure and clean the blood off the bumper and back window prior.

In The Ten Ring 11-29-2015 01:00 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
Results must be consistent or at least duplicatable. It could be a fluke in your calculation method.

Flat roads would help! I think if I could get my Accord onto some truly flat roads for a long run, I could see 45 mpg. The best I ever got was from WV to NY at 39 mpg even though it all seemed slightly uphill. That same distance back again was 38.25 mpg but I had to slow to 20 mph for a good bit due to heavy fog in PA.

I don't think I'd ever carry a deer in my Honda! (or on it). Hopefully I'll get the truck running by deer season next year.

rusty knuckles 5 11-29-2015 03:12 PM

Re: I with I had been driving my truck last night.
I will put my two cents in , I look at the new cars as paper plates , use them up and go get a diffrent one , the older trucks i feel it is our family we must take care of and restore the best we can

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