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grayw0lf 05-29-2004 02:47 AM

Which Welder? Miller, Lincoln, Hobart
I'm looking at buying a Mig/Flux welder that puts out about 135 amps (no access to 220v). Lincoln, Miller, & Hobart all have very comparable machines. Miller tends to be just a bit more expensive.

So, I was wondering what is the best bang for my buck? What does the best job & will last me (occasional use) for about.... Life.?

Radke 05-29-2004 03:03 AM

home depot has Campell Hasfeld welders they are made by lincoln might check those

grayw0lf 05-29-2004 03:05 AM

Did you say Lincoln makes Campbell Hausfeld? All of them, or just a few? Cause even Wal-Mart carries Campbell Hausfeld.

piecesparts 05-29-2004 03:30 AM

I have a Miller 135 MIG welder, and I like it. The welder originally came with just the flux wire, that made to much spatter for me. I tried the CO2 bottle next, still to much spatter for clean welds. I now use the CO/ARGON mix bottle and this has worked real well for my welding. I have built throttle plates for carburetors, weldded sheetmetal parts up for my project truck, and even built 3/8 inch plate brackets for a sheetmetal bending stand. It is very versatile. I have had it for 7 years and I have approximately $600.00 invested in the welder and the cart.

JBARTGMC-10 05-29-2004 08:07 AM

i use miller at work for steel welding they are the best in my 18 years of being a welder i allways had the least down time with miller welders and i have used them all. right now i use a cobra-maitc alum. welder for tank trailer repair and wish they would buy me a miller they run much better

racedvl 05-29-2004 08:31 AM

I just bought the Lincoln 135 PRO, and I love it! I actually bought the 135T first, and traded it in for the pro. Great peice of equpment! And it was well worth the extra money. The place I bought it from says the smaller Millers are just not ass good as the smaller Lincolns. He said the he gets the Millers back all the time as apposed to never getting the Lincolns back. He did say, if you were looking to get a bigger unit, Miller makes a good peice. But for what you want, get the 135 PRO, it's worth the extra $$$. :D :flag:

Slams_58 05-29-2004 09:19 AM

We just have a cheapo Arcweld brand mig/fluxcore welder that cost $300. It can weld anything up to 1/8" plate. I used it for all my patch panels and my flatbed

Solver 05-29-2004 09:28 AM

I bought the hobart 135 a little over a year ago and have been very happy with it. It was a special deal hobart releases every once in a while where the cart was included. It also was set up for gas minus the tank. I am a rookie welder and have rebuilt a full cab and replaced other veicle panels and have been very satisfied with it.

cdowns 05-29-2004 09:37 AM

i have had a lincoln for about 7-8 years have been very happy with it, hobart and miller are also good quality machines. the quality of the welds has alot more to do with the operater than the brand IMO

FRENCHBLUE72 05-29-2004 09:50 AM

I bought a miller matic 135 about 6 month's ago and love it still learning the basic's of welding but it has been a great little machine. I did upgrade to the steelmix and not the flux and it sure make's a nicer weld that is easier to clean up...

Radke 05-29-2004 10:02 AM

The factory at lincoln told me that they build all campbell welders .

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 10:07 AM

While Millers are my favorite (I use a DeltaWeld 452 at work), the Miller and Hobart machines are essentially the same (like Chevrolet and GMC trucks). My Millermatic 210 is identical to the Hobart Ironman 210, just a different color and decal. I have a little experience with the Lincolns, but didn't like the performance of them. But that was a larger welder on 1/2" to 1" thick material. For auto sheet metal and smaller stuff, the little 135's from Miller or Hobart are excellent machines!

FWIW, Harbor Freight has the Hobart 135's on sell every once in awhile for around $430.

My personal favorites???

1972C10 05-29-2004 12:25 PM

If your going to buy a milermatic 135 you may as well get a hobart same parts different color case . same warranty Its not called the true blue 3 year but it does carry the same warranty I got my little hobart handler 135 for like 379 at TSC Its a good little welder I have never used a lincoln 135 so i cant compare but a friend of mine had one of those 115s from home depot it wasnt anywhere near the welder that this hobart is.

O and this hobart came with all the stuff for gas as well.

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by 1972C10
I got my little hobart handler 135 for like 379 at TSC Its a good little welder

Wow, that's a good price. They can't be found that cheap around here. What is TSC? Is that Tractor Supply?

I've had my Hobart 135 for a couple years now. Excellent machine! I am more partial to the Millers over the Hobarts for really only one reason....... I like the color blue!! :D

1972C10 05-29-2004 12:38 PM

Yeah Tractor Supply Company Its been a year or two since i got it but the prices havent gone up that much..

I was up there the other day eyeballing that hobart IRON MAN 210 for 999.99 I asked about layaway they said if i put down 10% and pay it off within 3 months so I may be boasting about my new 210 amp soon :D :burnout:

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by 1972C10
I was up there the other day eyeballing that hobart IRON MAN 210 for 999.99 I asked about layaway they said if i put down 10% and pay it off within 3 months so I may be boasting about my new 210 amp soon :D :burnout:

That will be the same as the Miller 210 I have, and I LOVE that welder! I have been using it more than the 135 lately.I can turn it down far enough to do auto body sheet metal with no burnthrough, yet still do frame work, and even up to 1/2" with no problems! I was wondering at first if I shouldn't have got the 251 instead, but I am very happy with the 210.

BTW, what is your avatar pic? Is that an SKS with a Monte Carlo stock? Can't quite tell, too smal for me eyesl :D

PanelDeland 05-29-2004 01:01 PM

"If I was going to buy a welder I'd buy this one cause it's blue.I really like blue."
From a local mower commercial.

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by PanelDeland
"If I was going to buy a welder I'd buy this one cause it's blue.I really like blue."
From a local mower commercial.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Palf70Step 05-29-2004 01:19 PM

I got a Lincoln through these folks

It was refurbished by Lincoln and warrentied by Lincoln as a new machine. Mine is a 110V welder also and it has served me fine for the last year. The cost of the refurbished unit was less than half the new ones. I believe with shipping I paid around $350 for the Mig setup outfit. Everything but the tank...I think mine is an SP-100T or SP-110.

72dually 05-29-2004 03:27 PM

Im considering the new hobart 140, they claim up to 1/4", and still house plug friendly
Ebay's got them for $424-434 from the same guy w/free shipping, it does'nt appear that he's sold any yet, he's still fishing the market, so I'll be patient till he drops the price to around $400, than I'll drop the hammer on one

1972C10 05-29-2004 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by glock35ipsc
BTW, what is your avatar pic? Is that an SKS with a Monte Carlo stock? Can't quite tell, too smal for me eyesl :D

yeah its a chinky with a monte carlo stock I just recently traded it off it was an impulse buy to begin with gave 100 for the gun and picked that stock up at a gun shop for 13 bucks I couldnt hit the red side of a barn with that thing I was fortunate to hit the same spot twice i think someone had shot alot of rounds trou it and then proped it up in a posistion to bend the barrel .

Aint no tellin those guns are old to begin with

I think if i ever got into another SKS i would get a unissued yugo out of center fire there only like 80 bucks Friend of mine got one its fairly accurate and really clean for a wood stock sks

Shane 05-29-2004 08:05 PM

My vote goes to the Miller as well. I have a Miller Cricket ... purchased it in the late 80's ... still works like a champ. I believe it is the predecessor to the smaller Miller Matic. It is designed for material up to 1/4" thick. I upgraded to the gas option and back when I purchased mine, you couldn't touch a smaller unit like this with the gas option for under a grand! So I can't really reply on the price ... but my Miller has seen it's fair share of use and abuse and is still tickin' like a Timex! :lol:

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by 1972C10
yeah its a chinky with a monte carlo stock I just recently traded it off it was an impulse buy to begin with gave 100 for the gun and picked that stock up at a gun shop for 13 bucks I couldnt hit the red side of a barn with that thing I was fortunate to hit the same spot twice i think someone had shot alot of rounds trou it and then proped it up in a posistion to bend the barrel .

Aint no tellin those guns are old to begin with

I think if i ever got into another SKS i would get a unissued yugo out of center fire there only like 80 bucks Friend of mine got one its fairly accurate and really clean for a wood stock sks

I love them things. I have 2 unissued and 1 shooters grade Yugo, 1 M59 Yugo (w/o grenade launcher), 2 Albanians, a Romanian and a Russian. Sold the Norinco a couple years ago.

glock35ipsc 05-29-2004 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Shane
My vote goes to the Miller as well. I have a Miller Cricket ... purchased it in the late 80's ... still works like a champ. I believe it is the predecessor to the smaller Miller Matic. It is designed for material up to 1/4" thick. I upgraded to the gas option and back when I purchased mine, you couldn't touch a smaller unit like this with the gas option for under a grand! So I can't really reply on the price ... but my Miller has seen it's fair share of use and abuse and is still tickin' like a Timex! :lol:

Wow, I forgot about the Crickets! My Dad bought on in the mid to late 80's too. He still has that thing! No gas, just flux wire, but it welds just fine!

1972C10 05-30-2004 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by glock35ipsc
I love them things. I have 2 unissued and 1 shooters grade Yugo, 1 M59 Yugo (w/o grenade launcher), 2 Albanians, a Romanian and a Russian. Sold the Norinco a couple years ago.

Yeah there alot of fun to shoot almost as cheap as a 22

Friend of mine just got a rusky its alot louder than the ole norinco i had same length barrel but man it was as loud as my -06 I thought about tryin to swindle him out of it but i made the mistake of telling him what its worth when he got i :barf:

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