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OhioDan 11-17-2004 09:29 PM

Mstr Cyl Question
Which resevoir goes to which brakes? My master cyl. has two resevoirs. 1 large and 1 small. Which one goes to the front brakes, and which one goes to the rear brakes? They're hooked up right now, and the small one is going to the front brakes, while the larger one is going to the rear brakes. I've seen them hooked up either way, and I want to connect them right. I have bench bled the master cyl. and have good front brakes, but no fluid going to the rear brakes. Any help would be appreciated. Thanx.

P.S. I have to replace my proportioning valve,(it won't shift back to the center position) is the reason I'm asking.

:flag: :gmc: :burnout:

68w/sbc406 11-17-2004 10:07 PM

asuming we are talking disc brakes, as far as i know he larger one if for the front cause with disc brakes as the pads wear down more fluid gets stored in the caliper, thus needing a larger resivor to pull from.

Longhorn Man 11-17-2004 10:29 PM

That is correct. Any vehicle with disc/drum and has one large and one small resivour, you can bet money that the large one is for the front wheels.

OhioDan 11-19-2004 07:06 PM

Thank you very much for the response. Not trying to second guess you guys, but asked another source about this, and he agreed with you. Huh, I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks? So Andy, and 68w/sbc406, thank you for the info. It is appreciated. Andy, do ya feel like ya lost yer best friend, now that ya sold yer GMC?

:flag: :gmc: :burnout:

Longhorn Man 11-19-2004 07:58 PM

Well, I'm still waiting for him to pull up hook up to the tow bar, but I have been an iritable a-hole all day.
I never woulda admited it, but I guess I got just a tad attached to the 'ole girl.

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