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Fast68Chevy 03-21-2002 12:36 PM

third gen camaro hatch release relay location ?
anyoen know for sure where its mounted at ? the thirdgen board gave me two answers and dotn know for sure where its at lol

they say its in the console and then the say its in the hatch under interior panel

anyoen know ? i really need ot find it so i can find out why thr release doesnt work


-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28(Z28) 1G1AP87GXEL100000 with H.O. 305/4bbl/190net/hp(L69) 3.73 rear(GT4/YC4) 700R4(MD8-MXO) & other goodies :)
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt,
paint is overrated
Randy- Lincoln, IL
© RSS Enterprises 2000

MarineNav 03-21-2002 12:39 PM

Not sure on the relay, but have you checked out the release itself. Those go bad quite often. Sorry I couldn't be much help.

70' C-10SWB beater with a heater, one day haulin a$$ with class

bouncytruck 03-21-2002 12:41 PM

Is it inside the console, a small button under the lid of the console. I had a friend with one once, and I think that is where it was. I remember him lifting the lid to open the hatch.

'69 K-5 Blazer - 350/TH350, 6" lift, 35" tires
Bothell, WA

Fast68Chevy 03-21-2002 12:55 PM

well the thing is I odnt hear the relay click when i press the switch, so...
i was told that it only works with car ign off, but it doesnt work in off or on or acc position or anything, so,,
fuses are all fine, i done been through the panel already,

bouncy, i think you mean switch, the switch is the one in between the window switchs on the top side of the console, im talking about the relay box deal that activates power from the switch to relay power to the release unit in the hatch

unless i misunderstood you.
what year was his maro ?

ar least i found out that the dome lamp system fuse was toast however, so now i have them and courtesy lamps too, now.
and i also have lamp for the tranny gear selector deal and for heater controls panel too finally bulbs were missing lol.. wierd,.

thanks !

TERRYP 03-21-2002 01:11 PM

No relay was on my '82. just a hot lead to the solenoid at the hatch. used the same solenoid to release my monte carlo trunk too, used no relay, set so was hot always, so can open trunk with no key in ignition.

Everett, Washington
57 3/4 rat, 235, 3spd
66 C-10 Panel, SWB. 350 from '68, 200R4 tranny, 3.55 rear ratio, restoring
68 C10 LWB 250 from '66 4spd, dump runner
82 Camaro, 305, THM-200-R4
84 Monte Carlo 305 TH350, land tuna
85 Tercel SW, snow runner

[This message has been edited by TERRYP (edited March 21, 2002).]

Fast68Chevy 03-21-2002 01:21 PM

maro guys say that theres a relay in the maros for this, and yeah its only supposed ot work with ign off, so.,.


wonder where its at for sure,

68SWB4x4 03-21-2002 02:00 PM

moving to general discussion.......

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68 4x4 short fleetside 327 CH465 edelbrock intake and carb MSD distributor its the "SHAGROLET"
56 big window short stepside 235 dual 1 brls
64ImpalaSS 327
70 C10 LWB fleetside custom/10 350/TH350
IM me on aol SN= SHAGROLET

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