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vtblazer 12-13-2004 06:55 AM

Day of "Bench Racing"
2 Attachment(s)
Well okay, call it truck talk if you want.
Met another board member on Sunday (12th)
He drove his 69 blazer up from NH.
Make that a thumpin' big block on 38's :cool: I heard him coming from a block away. :YES, I got to ride in it and yes it does ride WAY better than one might expect.
Anyway, -Greg72 showed up around 10am or so to pick up some parts.
We spent the entire time untill about 2pm just talking about and checking out trucks! Good day, good guy, always great to meet other board members/truck guys/gals. :)

GMC71k20 12-13-2004 01:15 PM

that blazer is insane. how wide are those 38s?

-Greg72 12-13-2004 01:58 PM

1st Gen...Good Times!
Those tires are 38.5" x 16.5" x 16"W

Here's a slightly clearer pic of the tire setup:

and another:

Yesterday was a great day!!! I had feared that my move to the East Coast would mark the last time I saw 1st Gen / Early Chevy trucks ever again. Boy was I wrong! Kurt has a secret stash of SO much good stuff that I was speechless. He even introduced me to a few other guys who "carry the torch" for the early Chevies.....not an easy task when living in the Salt Belt of New England.

Kurt's 1st Gen is amazing....I can see why he put it away for the winter. FAR too nice to drive this time of year. I was impressed to see a 3-Door Burb as part of his fleet also. It was another area where we share similar tastes.


Anyway....I'm sure Kurt and will be in touch a lot more. He is an easy-going and knowledgeable guy, so I'm sure we'll find excuses to hang out together more in the future.

TugOwar 12-13-2004 04:06 PM

Very cool guys. Sounds like a great day.

Greg that Blazer looks BadA$$. I can only imagine how good it sounds rummblin down the road! :D

I'm curious about the mirrors. They look like some I wanted to put on my 68 but the curve of the door makes the bracket stick up at a funky angle. Did those come as they are or did you have to modify the brackets?

-Greg72 12-13-2004 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by TugOwar
Very cool guys. Sounds like a great day.

Greg that Blazer looks BadA$$. I can only imagine how good it sounds rummblin down the road! :D

I'm curious about the mirrors. They look like some I wanted to put on my 68 but the curve of the door makes the bracket stick up at a funky angle. Did those come as they are or did you have to modify the brackets?

That mirror is off a F*RD.... I think. Believe me, you DON'T want to do what I did. The upper mount is simply wedged into the rubber weatherstrip, and the bottom bracket (which doesn't follow the body contour) is simply screwed in to one of the existing trailer mirror mounts in the door. It's ghetto-fabulous! :D It's one of those things I did when I first bought the truck....I drove it home from the P.O.'s house with NO mirrors (inside or out) and found that mirror in one of the "box 'o parts" that came with the truck. I slapped it on there just to get around more safely....and now three years later, it's still on there. I guess since it works OK, there was always something ELSE to spend time on.....

CPNE 12-13-2004 04:20 PM

A few more winter trips and you won't have to worry about cutting your rear quarters for tire clearance, they'll magically disappear. ;)

Some friendly advise - park it or lose it. That ochre burb should have brought you to your senses :crazy:

TugOwar 12-13-2004 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by -Greg72
That mirror is off a F*RD.... I think. Believe me, you DON'T want to do what I did. The upper mount is simply wedged into the rubber weatherstrip, and the bottom bracket (which doesn't follow the body contour) is simply screwed in to one of the existing trailer mirror mounts in the door. It's ghetto-fabulous! :D It's one of those things I did when I first bought the truck....I drove it home from the P.O.'s house with NO mirrors (inside or out) and found that mirror in one of the "box 'o parts" that came with the truck. I slapped it on there just to get around more safely....and now three years later, it's still on there. I guess since it works OK, there was always something ELSE to spend time on.....

I hear what you're sayin man. F**d or not I like those mirrors. :crazy: There was a set on my sons 77 1/2 ton when we bought it. They're simple and clean lookin. I would use them on my truck IF they could be properly mounted. I have my dounts that they could be properly mounted though because of the curve of the door.

I like a relatively large mirror for backing and good visibility but I'm not fond of the large trailer mirrors that bolt to the top of the door above the window, or the 3 point mirriors that bolt to the door, so I'm limited on options. I guess I'm just too picky.

And here I have gone and hi-jacked this poor thread against it's will. I'm sorry.

GMC71k20 12-13-2004 08:53 PM

ive seen your blazer over at coloradok5. i love your site. where did you move too? hopefully i'lll be able to see your blazer at a show this summer

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