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stuckonchevy 07-04-2005 05:06 PM

F/S New SWB fleet Bedsides 68-72 in boxes
I got them in a trade and don't need them. Made by Certifit. First $750US, for the pair, your shipping or pickup. Will have pix for the interested.

tomatocity 07-04-2005 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by stuckonchevy
I got them in a trade and don't need them. Made by Certifit. First $750US, for the pair, your shipping or pickup. Will have pix for the interested.

where are they???

LUV2XCLR8 07-04-2005 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by tomatocity
where are they???

:agree: Your location would be a :gi:

bagged91 07-04-2005 07:56 PM

Did I understand you correctly that you want $750 for CERTIFIT bedsides???? Do you realize that they retail from Certifit for $330.50 ea? If you took them as a $750 trade value, you better catch that guy cause he robbed you :gi:
I believe this is located in Knoxville, TN.... He is friends with Dean aka. tnchev;)

LUV2XCLR8 07-04-2005 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by bagged91
Did I understand you correctly that you want $750 for CERTIFIT bedsides???? Do you realize that they retail from Certifit for $330.50 ea? If you took them as a $750 trade value, you better catch that guy cause he robbed you :gi:
I believe this is located in Knoxville, TN.... He is friends with Dean aka. tnchev;)

All though what you say may be quite true, it is against the rules to badger
his price, if they do not sell he will get the idea and lower them, I know you
are probably just trying to help him out, but let him figure it out on his own.

Roberty 07-04-2005 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by stuckonchevy
Made by Certifit.

How do these stack up in quality to the ones made by Goodmark Industries? I thought Goodmark was the only ones making these, BTW. Never heard of or saw anything made by Certifit. :confused:

PICKMUP 07-04-2005 09:38 PM

Don't slam another's prices
I don't know where you can get any bedsides for $330 "retail". Didn't find certi-fits web site, but I doubt those are correct prices.
A quick check of a couple good vendors we know on this board shows their prices at $400+.
That's why we just don't slam others prices. If you don't like them, pass on by. If you have questions, ask "politely". Save the negative comments. We don't need the hassle. Give him a break and let him sell his parts.

stuckonchevy 07-04-2005 09:40 PM

I got them from a board member in Ga. in trade. I am located in east Tn.

stuckonchevy 07-04-2005 10:10 PM

I could deliver to Carlisle in aug. Charlotte in sept. or Pheonix in oct.

55454 07-04-2005 10:12 PM

You know something Frank you are a straight up good dude, when you ask a price If I like it I buy if not I dont buy no hard feelings on either end. You dont give me special deals you just sell parts take or leave it, thats why I buy from you, if it means anything you have my respect and trust.

Big T

bagged91 07-04-2005 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by PICKMUP
I don't know where you can get any bedsides for $330 "retail". Didn't find certi-fits web site, but I doubt those are correct prices.
A quick check of a couple good vendors we know on this board shows their prices at $400+.
That's why we just don't slam others prices. If you don't like them, pass on by. If you have questions, ask "politely". Save the negative comments. We don't need the hassle. Give him a break and let him sell his parts.

Whoa!! Slow down Frank... I know & understand the board rules well. There is no badgering or slamming or anything of the kind happening on my part. I was simply informing the seller of the facts. My opinion has nothing to do with it. As far as them being correct prices, keep in mind they are not made by TriPlus/Goodmark as I believe the others are. The prices I quoted were taken from page 42 of the Fall 2004 Certifit catalog(new one isn't out yet so I'm told). Certifit part #'s CHTR60A1(RIGHT HAND) & CHTR60A2(LEFT HAND) @ $330.50 ea. If you would like their 800# I can give it to you and I can also fax you over the page from the catalog if you want so you can verify.

special-K 07-05-2005 08:04 AM

Maybe not badgering,but being helpful.Still against rules to make such comments on asking price.Pming the seller is the best way to be helpful.The comment about running down the guy that traded,I think,is what flavored it as other than helpful.Kinda insulting.

bagged91 07-05-2005 01:00 PM

Gotcha... I guess it's too late to "edit" my post so I will let it be.

StuckonChevy... If you want to delete this thread & repost it, feel free, I will keep my help to myself. Good Luck with your sale.

L8R - Joe

Liz 07-05-2005 02:45 PM

post closed... from now on use "report a thread" or PM an Admin or mod, instead of creating more issues by pointing out rule infractions...
stuckonchevy please feel free to repost this AFTER becoming a paid advertiser being the majority of your posts are for sale items.

edit: you are now banned for using a dummy account to get around being banned previously.

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