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marianne 09-06-2005 10:06 PM

Hey ya'll!

Marianne & C

marianne 09-07-2005 12:35 AM

Hey ya'll!
Just chiming in and saying hey. I tried to post for a while now but wasn't able to. I will try and post some pics of my Full Top Jimmy (it's actually my man's, he, he!) Looking forward to hanging out and great site.


All hail!!! G M C

70short/step 09-07-2005 01:18 AM

Welcome aboard from the West Coast! :)

OLDROCK&ROLLER 09-17-2005 06:56 AM

Hey ya'll! Welcome from the old north state.

N2TRUX 09-18-2005 10:09 AM

marianne Glad to see you are able to post now. Get us some pics so we can enjoy your Blazer too... :)

marianne 09-18-2005 12:23 PM

Hey now....It's a Jimmy. He, he. I have pics, tons of 'em. But I can only email them to you. Dont have a host account, and that Auto Trader 'run till sold' ad cost us some bucks. If ya'll know another way to post pics on here, let me know.

And if ya'll want pics, just give a holler. But bear in mind, each pic is .68 MB and we have almost 75 of them, so clear out your inbox. Me and Curt are on the computer pretty much all day today.

Anybody know how long it takes to activate an account once you register? I think it took me like 3 or 4 days. Curt registered early last week, but he can't post.

N2TRUX, nice pickup in your avatar.


70short/step 09-18-2005 12:30 PM

There are sevral places that host pics that are free. One I use is Try them and see. If not email them to me and I will put them up for you so we can all see them.

marianne 09-18-2005 12:36 PM

Thanks 70 Short Step! Give me a few minutes to get into my email.


marianne 09-18-2005 01:09 PM

Pics sent. Thanks again 70 SS!

Marianne and Curt

70short/step 09-18-2005 01:41 PM

70short/step 09-18-2005 01:44 PM

No Problem Marianne. But to post all the pics here will take up way too much bandwidth. So I put them in my webshots so they are available to all online. When I get them all uploaded I will give you the link so you can see them or post any of them that you want.

marianne 09-18-2005 01:55 PM

Fantastic. And if you know of a thread on here to explain how to post them, that would be great. I thought I saw a sticky somewhere, but can't seem to find it. I'll keep looking. Thanks again.


70short/step 09-18-2005 02:45 PM
Here is the link to all your photos. Look under FAQ and you will see the thread talking about posting pics. Enjoy! :)

marianne 09-18-2005 03:03 PM

Thanks for the link. Do I need to register? It's linking to a register page. And is there a password to your webpage once I do?


marianne 09-18-2005 05:28 PM

Tried to post the pics. Can't do it. Ain't workin'. I registered with community webshots and cannot see anything. Says the page no longer exists. Thanks for the effort though 70 SS. Ya'll want pics, you will have to get them via email. Gimme a holler.


Josh 09-18-2005 07:42 PM

marrianne, welcome to the board :) Try registering on and use their photo gallery, then you can post pictures using the img tags that are pre done for you in the gallery.


70short/step 09-18-2005 07:55 PM

Marianne. Seriously, Listen to Josh. He knows all...and sees all too!! ;)

marianne 09-18-2005 08:21 PM


Mr. Curt just figured out photobucket. I am posting a link to the photo page right now. Cross your fingers, he, he.


SEVEND2 09-23-2005 04:46 AM

marrianne, welcome to the board :cool:

Cant wait to see these pics of the Jimmy.

N2TRUX 09-24-2005 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by marianne
Hey now....It's a Jimmy.......N2TRUX, nice pickup in your avatar.Marianne

Ooops! Did I call it a Blazer. Sorry about that. I meant Jimmy. Hopefully someday my Blazer will be nice again too.

Try the FAQ forum for posting pic info. If that doesn't get you there then PM me and I will walk you through it. Also consider for hosting. It's free and they don't spam ya.....

jlive68 09-24-2005 02:28 AM

welcome from Pensacola, Fl.


marianne 09-24-2005 11:50 AM

Thanks for the interest in the Jimmy. Now... if we could just get someone to make an offer on it.....he, he.

Curt actually got a photobucket page. ( See For Sale section ) The problem is, when he tries to upload the pics onto the site, it says they are to big. If anyone wants to compress them and post them, by all means, let me know.

And we would like to get the truck sold by the end of this month, so if anyone is interested in a Square Body Jimmy Full Convertible, let us know A S A P! And dont be shy about making an offer. Thanks for looking.


N2TRUX 09-24-2005 01:49 PM

Don't upload them. Right click on the pic and copy the "Address:". They will look like this for the pic I posted below-
Now copy those and click on the insert image option above-
Paste the url to the pic and hit eny=ter. It should look like this-
[IMG][IMG] excpet there will be a / in the last set of [IMG] tags before the letters.

marianne 09-24-2005 01:59 PM

marianne 09-24-2005 02:00 PM

I think we got it. Thanks again N2TRUX and others.

Curt and Marianne

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