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jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 02:48 PM

What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
For 2007 We are trying to get as close to the reader with TRUCK BUILDER as possible. What would you, the reader like to read in a truck magazine?

Let me know!:c2:

Yukon Jack 03-06-2007 02:58 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I like low budget builds - I enjoy reading about the high end trucks but I always appreciate the lower budget projects more. I think an article on differences of trucks by year are always interesting. An article on finding and fixing electrical gremlins is usually worth reading. I also like to read articles about event coverage.

Frizzle Fry 03-06-2007 03:07 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
How about a "Project Garage" section like Hot Rod has. You have plenty of material right here on this board!

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 03:09 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Great and that is something I would love to cover more of. Of course you need the Foose stuff but what about that awesome truck so and so built at home. I love things like that and for 07 I would love to really get out there. Matt Emery and I are always busy and love to hear what you are looking for.

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 03:11 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Frizzle Fry, that is what I mean, with help from the '67-'72 and the other boars as well from 47-99, we can make this book really about the reader. I want to help you guys. I build my own trucks and am not a truck genious but I know enough but some things and visit all the big shops to learn. I am going to be heading down to Rockwall Texas later this month to shoot the totm.

bobthecop 03-06-2007 03:11 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
How about an engine build 350ci into 400hp with all the specs.

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 03:15 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I am working with the guys at Holley real close right now on a deal. I would like to break the modern belief that you have to buy a crate motor for 8,000 bucks rather than simply heading to the machine shop.

WorkinLonghorn 03-06-2007 03:16 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Not familiar with that one (where can I find one?),but I would want to hear about performance results. It's always nice to look at pretty trucks but I want to know what combinations yield what 1/4 mile times,and personally I would want to also know which HAULS the most stuff fastest.That last idea probably wouldn't be too popular because I guess most people "building" a truck are doing so for aesthetics and speed.To me though,a truck is still a truck.

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 03:20 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Power seems to be the major peice of the puzzle no matter what type of vehicle it is. I am really hard with a local dyno to be able to provide numbers with installs rather than simply installing heads and saying, "I think it goes faster and they are nicer than the old ones" . You can pick our books up at major retailers such as Books a Million and Barnes and Noble

bobthecop 03-06-2007 03:37 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!

Originally Posted by WorkinLonghorn (Post 2062068)
Not familiar with that one (where can I find one?),but I would want to hear about performance results. It's always nice to look at pretty trucks but I want to know what combinations yield what 1/4 mile times,and personally I would want to also know which HAULS the most stuff fastest.That last idea probably wouldn't be too popular because I guess most people "building" a truck are doing so for aesthetics and speed.To me though,a truck is still a truck.

I agree, a truck is still a truck, and needs to work from time to time, horespower is good, but will it still pull a boat out of the water without spinning the tires?? HP and usable torque.

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 03:39 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
That is a very good point and that is what I am talking about. I personally use my yellow '47 at the shows and it has been known to carry five editors, camera equipment and a cooler at the NSRA nats. I love the idea of using a truck.

seanu 03-06-2007 04:03 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Ok, I'm an regular reader of Truck Builder, Super Rod, American Rodder, The Rodders Journal and Street Rod Builder...and I would like to see the same things out of all of them...

More how to articles, for the average garage builder...the one who doesn't have $5k tools needed to do a job, or a nice lift...ect.

Maybe specific series that cover restoration issues for certain years, i.e., panel replacements for 67-72, or rust issues. (details, details, details)

More shop tours, from shops around the country, to give the reader an idea of who's close to him/her (maybe a regular monthly shop tour) with photos of works in progress?

More build up articles, and photos...I'm sorry, but I'd rather see 5 photos of bare metal projects, than 5 photos of a $20k paint job that although is really, really nice...I'll never be able to afford. At least "build" photos, I can see how things were done...

A complete section every month devoted to average readers rides...with details...

hmmmm...I'm sure I can think of some more...let me go home and flip through some of my "archives"...and I'll get back to you;)

But I will say, that this is probably the best step to us a chance to let you know! THANKS:metal:

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 04:24 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!

That is what I am talking about and as you know we do a ton of tech stuff. The only problem is that it is very hard to find at times. In Truck Builder these past few months you can see that I have tried to add more of the '67-'72 tech. This next month I have done a GMC to Chevy conversion and replaced the front clip and talked about what is needed to make a converison. I want to do more of what you were saying. In Street Rod Builder I try to do a lot of tech but again, we are having to search high and low. I love going to a buddies and getting backyard tech. Anytime you or anyone else is doing something, let me know or better yet shoot it step by step in 6mg or higher. We are all tech guys here. I have done just about everything I can on my yellow '47 and my '68. I hope to do a step by step rocker and cab repair on the ' 68 in the next couple of months. I am glad you do buy our books, good job security lol!

zacut 03-06-2007 04:32 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I would like to see step by step how to article on modifications that average garage mechanics can complete. LED tail light build ups, disc brake conversions (with stock GM pieces vs ready made kits), tilt steering column installs, guage rebuilds, fuel tank relocations, proper way to measure wheel/tire/backspace combos, etc. Simple body work how to articles would also be good.

au03z71 03-06-2007 04:37 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
First, where can I find this magazine:) ? I've never heard of it and it sounds quite intruguing.

Secondly, I don't own a classic truck but am planning on buying one in the next couple years to restore/customize. That said, why not a section for the novice, including points on frame resto/modification, engine performance, drivetrain; basically everything that might be overlooked by the untrained eye?

...Just my $.02

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 04:41 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Exactly, two months ago we handled actually spotting a purchasing your first C-10 which pointed out several things on our trucks. In the upcoming issues, we are going to look at ten trucks to build for under ten grand. Sounds a little impossible in the market we are in today. That ten grand includes initial purchase of the truck and yes there will be Fords in there. You can purchase it at Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Bi-Lo, Red Food Store, Hastings various places that Street Rod Builder is sold.

cfoust3 03-06-2007 04:42 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I subscribe to Hot Rod and Classic Trucks, the problem I have with all of the magazines are the same, too much 3K to 10K build sections. Who of us are able to fork over that kind of money in a weekend? Personally I would love to see a magazine that has a section devoted to weekend projects. A guy, his garage, and 50 bucks worth of parts then cover every detail of the project that is what I want to see. That's the projects that I do and that most of us do. Projects that NEED done like replacing the weatherstripping around the wing windows in our trucks. Putting in a sliding rear window to replace the old non opening rear glass. Installing a carb. Setting the timing. I know these projects are not glamorous but they would much appreciated by most readers.

chevguy7 03-06-2007 05:06 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I definately agree on the idea of doing a budget build. I know that there are a lot of us that cannot afford to spend a ton of money on our trucks but want to be able to get them looking nice.

jkaylor68gmc 03-06-2007 05:16 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
That is right, I started out in the same boat building my 47 when I was 12. Ten years later and I am very happy with it. I 50, then 100 and kept going. It isn't the best but I built it myself so I understand where you are coming from and I look for these things.

seanu 03-06-2007 05:45 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Yes, absolutely! I'd like to see an "Average Joe Garage Budget Build"...building up a good daily driver, out of an average truck you would find to start with nowadays..

You know, like a $1000 truck, and go through reworking, replacing and fixing all of it, with just what you would find in an average garage, with tools that don't break the budget (like a $500 mig welder, not a $2,500 tig welder). And instead of replacing all the steel with new aftermarket parts (which might cost $$$) do the patch panel route....everything that would be done should be well within the grasp of the average enthusiast. Right done to the paint...everything! And detail the entire build...details...details..details...Start with the teardown, and go from there!

Maybe set a $5,000 limit, and see how close you can stay to it...including the purchase of the truck.

A 67-72 would be great for that story!!

I'm sure I'll be back to this post.....;)

Yukon Jack 03-06-2007 05:56 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Can you post a pic of the front cover of your mag - I also am not familar with it but would be interested in checking it out.

timcos 03-06-2007 06:32 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
I had not heard of truck builder...Now I have...I am going to look at it on the newsstand.

HarrolLS1 03-06-2007 06:45 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
3 Attachment(s)
I think Truck Builder does a great job of showing the progression of a build.
I know that there is only so much room in a magazine, so how about some extended coverage of the build on the website.
The Fesler truck build was interesting and one that I bought every issue even though the build is way out of my reach. Still a great place to get ideas.

The website:

seanu 03-06-2007 07:00 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
Yes, as far as truck build ups go...Truck Builder is probably tops...and I also have all of that build up (well, I think I might be missing one issue).

But like you said...that build up was waaay out of my price range as well, and it was all done in a fabrication shop, professionally painted..ect.

I'd like to see more articles on older trucks...not to many people are "restoring" a 2006 Silverado....are they? So why do articles on anything less than say 10 years old (or go even older)...let Trucks or somebody else focus on those type of articles (you know the ones...lowering your 06 or 07 ect)...I think "TRUCK BUILDER" should be exactly that...focusing on people who build/restore older trucks.

Now, don't get me wrong...I know you most likely have to keep some kind of article related to newer trucks...but maybe only once in a while..or one aticle in a issue...

After all we are the ones who read, and use what you give us...the person who is going to take thier truck into a shop and spend mega bucks to have it all done...probably doesn't care about how you need to grind this or replace that....

ok..maybe I'm done...but probably not;)

PanelDeland 03-06-2007 07:06 PM

Re: What do you want to See in Truck Magazines?Give me your ideas!
$$$$ Put the cost in actual dollars,not magazine freebies in every tech/how-to article.Most mags have some older projects and leftover parts they use in a build,and while we all do that most of us don't have an extra set of aluminum heads lying around.Do a long term buildup on a daily driver.Where you can only do weekend long projects to it.You know one rocker panel at a time instead of putting it on a rotisserie.Junkyard cheap mods would be great articles.Maybe a junkyard cheapie page each month.Do basic repair/replacement articles.Teach the newbies how to change ball joints and give some of the more experienced guys tips to make it easier.
Start a truck that's been sitting for 10 years and build it to a reliable driver to sell to fund another project.
I like show coverage also.The Chevy/GMC Truck Nationals in Maggie Valley NC is one of my favorites.It's coming soon and there will be quality trucks there.
Take us to a swap meet and teach us how to find the deals and what to avoid.
Build a truck then "Drive it like a rental",somewhat like Stacy David does.Tell us what worked and what broke.Let us know what you would do different next time.Don't just make the mistakes let us learn from them.
OK that's what I came up with off the top of my head.

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