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Camper Power 05-17-2008 06:44 AM

did not see this comin
so im driving down the highway wen all of a sudden the truck backfired and then the engine bogged down. so i pull over and try starting it, nothin. :whine::whine::whine: i checked 4 fuel and its gettin through. my dad checked the spark, he says it ain't makin any, i myself dont know how. im hoping hes rite cause i dont hav time or $$ 2 rip apart the engine. anyway how much does it ccost 4 a good HEI distributor, and yes it is already HEI.

Shyguy 05-17-2008 06:50 AM

Re: did not see this comin
I have heard some people are getting them off E-Bay for around $50

Auto Zone and the like should carry them also, but maybe a little more.


Sinister 05-17-2008 07:24 AM

Re: did not see this comin
Skip White on Fleabay.

dieselarmy13 05-17-2008 07:29 AM

Re: did not see this comin
I would try to change your ignition control module first. I've had them go out before on more than one occasion. $15 at O'riley's.

lpaine 05-17-2008 07:59 AM

Re: did not see this comin
And if it's your ignition module don't forget to put a healthy dose of dielectric grease under it when you put the new module in.......should be included with your new module.

70c10 05-17-2008 02:13 PM

Re: did not see this comin
First check to make sure wire connector didn't pop off distributer terminal on cap then check module. This happened to my dad last summer.

killer71 05-17-2008 02:29 PM

Re: did not see this comin
will this help...3rd one down!

caminokid 05-17-2008 02:39 PM

Re: did not see this comin
This sounds like when my Chevelle threw the timing chain. Check that out as well.

Chevyholic 05-17-2008 03:48 PM

Re: did not see this comin
Take out your ignition control module and run down to O'reilly's, or the equivalent and they can test it. Also, O'reilly's usually only stocks the Accel control module, which is like 40-50 bucks, so you may want to order one because the stock replacement is like $15, or so. Just depends on how fast you need your truck.

I just ordered the new distributor from Skip White's Ebay store and for $50.00 shipped, it's a pretty darn nice dist.

Also, depending on your engine setup, you may want to look at a cab/cowl seal. I just went through what happened to you and after opening my dist cap, I could tell that during rainy days that water was coming off my cowl and getting into my distributor, severely shortening the life of it.

gn4u2c2 05-17-2008 04:18 PM

Re: did not see this comin
take cap off crank engine see if rotor is spinning. I think you lost a timing chain son. If your lucky it have have burnt a connection where the coil terminals meet the wires,

67ChevyRedneck 05-17-2008 04:48 PM

Re: did not see this comin
If you lost a timing chain it would make a different "sound" when starting. It would be more of a fast whirrr instead of the usual "heavy grunt." If the timing chain is busted only the crank/pistons are spinning. I've popped a couple on Toyota 22R engines and they make a much different sound when turning over, in addition to the sick feeling that you've just destroyed the pistons/valves. Luckily on old chevy motors, they're not zero tolerance and you can just put a new chain on :D Is your motor a straight 6 or v-8?

Sounds like an electrical issue. My vote is wiring and/or control module. Check your fuses too!!!! Are you using a 12V wire to the HEI or did you use the original wire that went to the points coil? That wire only has 8V going to it.

special-K 05-17-2008 05:10 PM

Re: did not see this comin
Check for breaks in the two wires going from the base to the coil.If there`s a break it can cause the module and the pickup to fry.

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