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68,69 K20 05-20-2008 11:12 PM

My parts rig......Gone....
Not sure where to put this rant, so mods feel free to move it...

Left work early today, wasn't feeling good, decided to go home and rest.
On the drive home I go by where my parts Blazer is located......GONE.....:(
I knew instantly where it was....the auto scrapper....
So, I find the PO, which happens to be a good friend of mine, tell him whats up...he goes to investigate...I'm still waiting to hear back from him.

Positive it was crushed, there has been a big price jump for scrap here, and everyone and their brother has been hauling any old rusty thing they can find to the scrapper. And it happens to sit semi close to other junk cars that I noticed have been taken also. Worst thing is I was getting ready to move it next week to my Dad's where my other crap is at :banghead:

Now don't get me wrong, after stripping it of it's usefull parts, this was headed to scrap anyway, it is a total POS, other than a few parts...Ask vtblazer, he saw it in person.

Sorry for the long rant, but I'm super pissed right now...thought I could lean on you guy's for support...I will post back when I hear back from my buddy, but it doesn't look good. What the:cuss:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

passthebuck 05-20-2008 11:43 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Report it stolen & the police will get to the bottom of it...

puppy 05-20-2008 11:52 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
There is no scrap around here. It's all gone.

Funny thing is that most of the people that have been hauling it need the parts themselves.

Ticks me off too, alot of good vehicles have been crushed that I could have used parts off of.

tcb-1 05-20-2008 11:57 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
thought even the scrappers had to get the title before they accept it. BUT with scrap prices the way they are now, I'm sure that the title isn't a necessity anymore?!

Fraser Beatty 05-21-2008 02:49 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Most scrap yards around here require that you have the ownership (title I guess you call it in the States) before they will accept a scrap vehicle.

slanty12 05-21-2008 03:16 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
the scrap yards here dont requier anything to take a truck in. some people that own towtrucks are actualy just stealing the cars right from some peoples houses

Longhorn Man 05-21-2008 04:49 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
in Ney york, no title is needed at all on old stuff, and THIS is the exact reason that i wonder how they get away with it. Your truck was stollen, plain and simple.
The scrap prices are through the roof here too, and they have put all kinds of laws into effect... To scrap a car, you have to not only have the title, but it has to be legally transferred into your name. You have to have an ID card issued by the scrap yard (A couple get around this one some how), and they'll actually come out and look through your load if they don't know who you are... plus everyone gets recorded on video when kicking the stuff out the back of your truck.

ed2552 05-21-2008 04:55 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Most yards around here require you to give them a valid driver's license that matches a title or the plates on the car/ truck

Riveted1 05-21-2008 06:14 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
My dad had 5 or 6 engines and a bunch of old school parts taking up space at his shop. I don't remember what all he had, but I know there was a 396, a 409 and a small block 400. He was saving them for future rebuilds. (Can't have enough engines, right? LOL) Anyway, he needed room in his shop, and his friend said his dad had a barn they could store the engines in. So off they go to the friend's dad's barn. That was several years ago. So about two months ago, I called my dad and asked him if he would sell me the 396 or 409, and he said he would have given one of em to me if he still had them. Apparently the old guy needed money and wanted all the "scrap metal" hauled out of his barn. He got his other son to clear it all out. Well guess what.... not only did his "scrap metal" go, but so did all of my dad's engines. Supposedly the old man had forgotten the engines were there and didn't tell his son that they weren't his. :censored:

El Jay 05-21-2008 06:35 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by 68,69 K20 (Post 2730414)
Not sure where to put this rant, so mods feel free to move it...

Left work early today, wasn't feeling good, decided to go home and rest.
On the drive home I go by where my parts Blazer is located......GONE.....:(
I knew instantly where it was....the auto scrapper....
So, I find the PO, which happens to be a good friend of mine, tell him whats up...he goes to investigate...I'm still waiting to hear back from him.

Positive it was crushed, there has been a big price jump for scrap here, and everyone and their brother has been hauling any old rusty thing they can find to the scrapper. And it happens to sit semi close to other junk cars that I noticed have been taken also. Worst thing is I was getting ready to move it next week to my Dad's where my other crap is at :banghead:

Now don't get me wrong, after stripping it of it's usefull parts, this was headed to scrap anyway, it is a total POS, other than a few parts...Ask vtblazer, he saw it in person.

Sorry for the long rant, but I'm super pissed right now...thought I could lean on you guy's for support...I will post back when I hear back from my buddy, but it doesn't look good. What the:cuss:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whether it was a total POS, or not, is irrelevant. It was your property and it was stolen.
By stealing it, somebody screwed you out of the scrap value (and anything you hadn't stripped).

I'd file a report with the local PD, and maybe a claim with my home owner's insurance. You might get lucky and learn it was covered as "personal property."

Just my .02.

mcmlxix 05-21-2008 10:20 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by El Jay (Post 2731112)

... and maybe a claim with my home owner's insurance. You might get lucky and learn it was covered as "personal property."

Just my .02.

Dont claim it on your home owners ins... that stays on you record for 7 years and you would probable be responsible for the deductible anyway....

By the way it sux that some one took it!

tommypic 05-21-2008 12:20 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
down here now the scrap yard has cameras that get your pic when you bring stuff in plus your id . They was getting alot of hot cars with tags still on them . PP would buy from them pay here places and take em to the crusher . There is a crusher about 4 miles from my house and stealing has got bad now , but I will pop a cap in someones ass . If you need it ask me but don't just take it . Cant stand a thief

1bad chevy 05-21-2008 01:19 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
i haul alot of scrap been doing it for 20+ years and price's have never ever been this high. in my area southern vermont,upstate new york, and northern mass (i live right on the ny,mass,vermont border's in vermont) and the theive's are running rampant around here stealing catalytic converter's right of new car dealer lot's. and right out of every back yard and abanded building in sight there stealing anything that ain't nailed down. as a matter of fact i hired this young fella that i've known for year's worked with his dad some year's ago and he didn't show for work one day so i went on to my daily thing and went to the scrap yard and the guy that run's the scale say's hey where were you earlyier you guy that work's with ya brought that load of aluminium in for ya and of course i say what load then he show's me the load and yess'er it was mine the little pr#%%#@#k stole my **** needless to say he was charged with stealing the stuff and after he doe's his time he's got a beating coming garanteed and believe it or not no paper work needed in mass for junk car's

caminokid 05-21-2008 02:48 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Its crazy here too. I lost my parts truck. It was still sitting where I got it from. I had called the owner of the property and and tried asking if I could take it apart there...and never got an answer...and it came up missing a month later. After it was gone he answered his phone. I have the title to the truck and key still...but its gone. I haul scrap from my work all the time. I hauled in 1641 pounds yesterday...cast aluminum clean and almost 1000.00.

70cstjr 05-21-2008 04:58 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 2730872)
in Ney york, no title is needed at all on old stuff, and THIS is the exact reason that i wonder how they get away with it. Your truck was stollen, plain and simple.
The scrap prices are through the roof here too, and they have put all kinds of laws into effect... To scrap a car, you have to not only have the title, but it has to be legally transferred into your name. You have to have an ID card issued by the scrap yard (A couple get around this one some how), and they'll actually come out and look through your load if they don't know who you are... plus everyone gets recorded on video when kicking the stuff out the back of your truck.

actually in ohio if you have title your free and clear if there is no title the engine has to be removed from the vehicle and either have it in the bed or in the inside of the vehicle(not the engine bay) ive been around enough people that scrap to learn the tricks of the trade:)

Longhorn Man 05-21-2008 10:28 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
not in franklin county Columbus) They have cracked down on it big time. About 2 years now. A vehicle needs a title in the name of the person scrapping it. No ifs, ands or buts.
Ohio as a whole has been considering adopting this. IMO, it is the only way to do it.

68,69 K20 05-22-2008 12:34 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 2730872)
in Ney york, no title is needed at all on old stuff, and THIS is the exact reason that i wonder how they get away with it. Your truck was stollen, plain and simple.
The scrap prices are through the roof here too, and they have put all kinds of laws into effect..

Yet one more reason NY blows, your right, no title on older vehicles. Just the registration card will transfer ownership.

And zero laws(as far as I know)concerning vehicle scrapping. I've seen the madness first hand. I travel by the scrapper every two weeks and it's an abosolute free for all. A 4 hour!!! wait is not uncommon, trailers lined up on the side of the road a mile long, easy.

Still haven't heard back from my buddy yet, left him several messages, nothing. I wanted to call the cops right away, but the blazer is still titled in my friends name. I paid him for it, just haven't done the paperwork.
I asked him what he wanted to do? Call the cops?, go talk to the guy who was allowing him to store it? What? Let's do something!!!

He looked kinda pale, speechless for a minute or two, and then said "I'll go right now and check it out", dropped his tools and peeled off out of there.
That was the last I've heard from him. He was more pissed than I was, he loved that blazer like it was his first born son. He didn't even want to sell it, I bugged him for it for at least 5 years, finally he agreed to sell it to me.
Now this...Hope I hear from him soon!!! This is killing me!!!

dazza 05-22-2008 11:04 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Any word?

longhorn70gmc 05-22-2008 09:18 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
Around here scrap is 1 cent a pound. I am safe for now.

68,69 K20 05-22-2008 11:55 PM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
All right, finally found my buddy(Larry) and found out what happened.

Larry went to the landowner who he had worked out storage with(Todd), and asked him where the blazer was. ''It all had to go" was his response. Todd apparently thought it was ok to crush it because ''It had been there so long, I didn't think you wanted it"

Let me give some history here, the blazer ended up at Todd's because he was supposed to put an HEI in it 4 years ago and never did. Finally Larry gave up on that and asked him if it was ok for the blazer to stay there for a while, ''Sure, as long as you need to" was todd's response.

So instead of simply calling Larry and asking him to move it, he just took it and crushed it.
Larry has a quick temper, and it was close to fist-a-cuffs according to him,
He gave Todd 2 options, pay up bigtime, or I call the troopers, your choice.

Needless to say Todd opened up his wallet bigtime, he has been arrested several times, and auto theft was not on his menu. Larry paid me back the money I gave him for the Blazer, plus $300!! :smoke:

So, that's it...Crushed Blazer...Some good parts gone, but I did get my $$$ back and then some.

I've calmed down now...Mystery solved....Now if we could just solve this one :lol:

dazza 05-23-2008 02:08 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
It's a shame too hear of the parts being destroyed, but at least you got the $$.. and you don't have to take the time to haggle prices with all of us!!

Longhorn Man 05-23-2008 03:30 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
You just HAD to go there didn't you?

68,69 K20 05-23-2008 04:16 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man (Post 2733767)
You just HAD to go there didn't you?

Yeah, couldn't resist :lol:

Why, everyone knows WSTF is the biggest mystery this side of IIOY :D

ed2552 05-23-2008 04:34 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....
IIOY?? Not been here long, idk

68,69 K20 05-23-2008 04:47 AM

Re: My parts rig......Gone....

Originally Posted by ed2552 (Post 2733913)
IIOY?? Not been here long, idk

Well then my friend, you've got a lot of reading to do...

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