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ol Curt 12-03-2008 10:09 PM

That welding gas is how much??
Well, I guess I didn't think the welding thing thru all the way. I thought I would go buy gas for around 40-50$ and when the new welder gets here on Wednesday I would be ready to go. Went to TSC today and asked about a #3 cylinder. Little did I know you have to buy the cylinder first!! Was going to be $278 total. The lady did tell me they were high at her particular store because they didn't have it in bulk, but my cylinder could be refilled anywhere. I guess I'll do a little gas shopping tomorrow.

Sometimes it seems I get smarter as I get just seems its longer before it takes hold!:lol:

badriand 12-03-2008 10:10 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Others may disagree but i use flux core wire, makes a little more mess as far as splashing but nothing a wire brush can't knock off. Never had any problems.

LILRED66 12-03-2008 10:59 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
From experience, don't go with the flux-core wire...especially if you are learning how to weld and use your machine.

Check the local welding supply stores in your area for your bottle and gas. You may be able to get a small bottle with argon/CO2 for cheaper. It is good to establish a relationship with your local sales counter guy for sake of future business.

Go with solid .023 wire and CO2/argon with your machine for the best results and the optimum combination for learning to MIG weld with your wire-feed welder.

Alan's Classic 12-04-2008 12:43 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
If I remember right you might be able to rent a bottle for a year. I had that option when I bought mine 10 years ago. If you buy one then you have to beware of the pressure test date. They told me they wouldn't trade it out past the date. I didn't use much gas for the first 7-8 years. I don't know the test date range, but when I was finally empty they made a comment that I was a few weeks away of expiration. You might want to check your options at your local welding supply.

LILRED66 12-04-2008 12:52 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Buy the smallest bottle from your local welding supply store and have it filled there. Bottles used to be titled, similar to a car, when they were purchased, due to bottles being stolen. I am not sure if all welding supply houses still follow that procedure, but here in the Kansas City area, a number of the welding supply houses have been swallowed up by the big boys. The bottles were color-coded and if you had the wrong color bottle, some suppliers would not take the bottle on trade/refill. I believe that has changed.

In any case, check on craigslist in your area for a small used bottle and use this while you are learning, so you don't brake the bank on gas, especially if you are not planning to do a lot of welding, thus your consumption will be minimal.

leftcoast66 12-04-2008 03:55 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??

Originally Posted by LILRED66 (Post 3007589)
In any case, check on craigslist in your area for a small used bottle and use this while you are learning, so you don't brake the bank on gas, especially if you are not planning to do a lot of welding, thus your consumption will be minimal.

I agree, I used to use a small bottle. My dad makes wine, and argon you can use w/ the red's when you first throw them in barrels before you press them, so now whenever I go to weld I'm always out of gas cuz he used it all on the wine.

RunninLo 12-04-2008 04:29 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I know bottles are lifetime lease from Norco. after initial purchase of the lease I only pay for the gas and they swap my empties for fulls. The brand point is valid though as I has a project that had a N bottle from another vender ( valley welder) and I had to go to them for that swap.
I can't remember the actual size but my main bottles are about 6" diameter and maybe 5 feet tall. My last 75%Ar/25%Co2 swap was about $47


ChiefRocka 12-04-2008 09:34 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Hmmm, I only pay about $80 for a large about a 230 cu ft cylinder...I'd say it's about 5ft tall, and about 8-10" in diameter, and it's on an exchange basis.

Never have I had to pay that much...same with my oxy/act torches (haven't touched those things in years, nor filled them either)

vin63 12-04-2008 10:43 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
If you can, check with some of the other industrial gas suppliers in your area. Some places have a bottle lease program if you establish an account. Otherwise, the bottle price is about what it is in my neck of the woods. I know...PITA.

slorio 12-04-2008 11:28 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Here's the bottle that I bought new off of E Bay for less than $100:

The cost to fill is usually about $25 at my local welding supplier. They fill the bottle while I wait and I get back the same bottle that I brought.

I hope this is helpful.
New Orleans

raggedjim 12-04-2008 11:57 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Try on of these places. I bought a used bottle from Airgas, maybe you can too.


scotts62 12-04-2008 07:35 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Deposit for my medium bottle was $100 its like $18 a year for rental fee or something and its $31 to fill it up, and of coarse it always runs out after 12 o'clock on saturday after they have closed :lol: :devil:

d10s69c10 12-04-2008 07:50 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Rent your bottle. if you can the big thing is when you buy one sure you can slap stickers on it but then it has to get recertified and then eventually it wont check out and you got scrap metal.

MEANlowGREEN 12-04-2008 10:37 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I rent a large bottle for $40 a year it's been a while since I had it filled though so I'm not sure what that costs now. I'd be very wary of buying a used bottle off anyone, especially on Craig's list or any similar site including eBay where you are buying from a stranger. A lot of companies wont refill other's tanks and the fact that it is for sale could be a good indication that it is either old or was leased from some place and never returned. Either way you are stuck with a bottle that nobody will fill.

shortbed70 12-04-2008 10:37 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
:agree: Linweld will not fill those bottles because they are not labeled from their factory and wont fill because they don't do that in house. Check out just getting co2 its a little dirtier of a weld but still lays better than flux core wire ever will.

msgross 12-04-2008 10:46 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
wow, my bottle came with my welder...I know that airgas makes your prove ownership...

I agree to rent the smallest bottle you can, the gas will last for awhile...

scotts62 12-04-2008 10:54 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Mine is from A weldors supply and they wont refill if you own your own bottle either, you have to have an account with them.

TimE 12-04-2008 11:09 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??

TimE 12-04-2008 11:10 PM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I bought my bottles from a local welding supply. The argon mix bottle was around $100(plus gas) when I bought it. When I take them in for a refill, they just swap out with me and I'm gone within 5 minutes. They will only fill/exchange their own botttles though.

502tripower 12-05-2008 01:50 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I use C02 and its a owner bottle. The owner bottles are different than the lease bottles here. They just swap it out. The C02 cost way less and the bottle is about the same size as a 10-LB fire extinguisher and a lot easier to handle.

72lb4x4 12-05-2008 01:55 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
Funny, but I bought my pretty small 33" inert gas, oxygen, and acetylene bottles (sort of medium size) via CL from an old guy with a forest of them in his yard. He wrote some cheesed up titles (from car title copies) for them that I figured were useless. He seemed pretty honest in that he said the dates on the bottles were important and had to be under 10 years (I think)...

I just took the 3 bottles to the nearest gas supplier who checked the test dates on them and exchanged them all for full ones w/o a problem. Like others I think the inert gas was about $40+/- a bit. I let half of it escape by finger tightening the regulator on the bottle the first time :(

So in theory, I own the tanks/bottles and can exchange them at least w/ that gas company.

It cost probably a bit over $100 for the bottles... I thought it worked out well.

Long ago I bought oxygen, and acetylene bottles at an auction and the gas company people said they couldn't be exchanged. I loaned the torch setup to a friend w/ the understanding that he refill the tanks if needed. They were exchanged w/o a problem. Different day, different answer...

If you can troll CL for a bit, try that...

Muleman100 12-05-2008 10:30 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I started with a small bottle and the supplier I used upgraded me to a large bottle for free because they didn't want to mess with the smaller bottles, guess I am lucky but pay in the $40-$50 range for refill.

coolair 12-05-2008 10:49 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
I purchased an empty small bottle from Northern and had it filled it up @ a local welding supply co - no questions asked - the only bummer was they took my new bottle and just swapped it out for an old one and I just paid for gas. I don't weld a lot but like scott said, I always ran out on Sat afternoon in the middle of a project - So, I purchased a second small bottle @ Northern and rotate them so I always have a spare full bottle waiting in case I run out.

scotts62 12-05-2008 11:22 AM

Re: That welding gas is how much??
:lol: funny how that happens huh.
I always check especially if i know im going to be welding quite a bit and a holiday is coming up, sometimes ill just swap it out when it still has some in it just to save some of the hassle.

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