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Fast68Chevy 03-24-2002 02:39 PM

maybe fab up a stock car ?
well i have aquired an 81 cutlass supreme with no motor or trans, and im thinking that it could be a nice little stock car with the caddy 425 and th400, or if i could rig up the sm318 three speed tranny out of a 67-72 truck i have if i got the adaptor from advance adaptors or somewhere if i can find under dash clutch pedal assembly out of something to use( i dunno what, hmm..)

any thoughts on 425 swap onto G body and adapting 3 speed chevy iron bellhousing to 425 and also how to keep city zoning off my back about keeping the car ?
what have you guys done ?
i want to do this if I can, it would be neato


-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28(Z28) 1G1AP87GXEL100000 with H.O. 305/4bbl/190net/hp(L69) 3.73 rear(GT4/YC4) 700R4(MD8-MXO) & other goodies :)
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt,
paint is overrated
Randy- Lincoln, IL
© RSS Enterprises 2000

frogsmakr 03-24-2002 03:28 PM

strip it, cage it, weld up the doors, and SELL IT! My bro in law does that..good side $$.

Fast68Chevy 03-24-2002 03:30 PM

i would need to find out any rules to follow when setting up a car for stock racing, such as all the panels that can be skinned and what kind of steering column mods and how and where exactly to put the bars and the correct palcement and shape of it, etc

how to find this out ?

-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28(Z28) 1G1AP87GXEL100000 with H.O. 305/4bbl/190net/hp(L69) 3.73 rear(GT4/YC4) 700R4(MD8-MXO) & other goodies :)
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt,
paint is overrated
Randy- Lincoln, IL
© RSS Enterprises 2000

frogsmakr 03-24-2002 03:31 PM

call yer local track

Fast68Chevy 03-24-2002 03:37 PM

what i figured that much lol, too bad we dont have a track near here, have to go to pana or elsewhere, im not exactly in an area where tracks exist... unless you travel. i kow of a couple guys here in town who dirt track cars, Il have to get in with them soon and maybe make a deal with them, who know what we'll come up with, i know one of them finally retired his car after tracking it for a couple or three years, it finally was damaged enough to say good bye heh.


-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28(Z28) 1G1AP87GXEL100000 with H.O. 305/4bbl/190net/hp(L69) 3.73 rear(GT4/YC4) 700R4(MD8-MXO) & other goodies :)
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt,
paint is overrated
Randy- Lincoln, IL
© RSS Enterprises 2000

Tim Christian 03-24-2002 04:38 PM

Hey Fast get back to work on the truck and leave the cars alone! LOL

67 GMC Custom
67 Chevy C-30

69 longhorn 03-24-2002 04:46 PM

You dont want to play with stock cars......thats a full time hobby!

Brad69 03-24-2002 06:52 PM

There probably aren't any stock classes that a 425 would be legal, unless they have a bomber 2bbl class. Destruction derby is probably your only hope. Those are fun, but only a one shot deal.

imaindianoutlaw 03-24-2002 07:00 PM

true about engine classes for being stock

Charles W. Hein
S. Williamsport PA


1971 Rolling chassis

1963 Pontiac Tempest
1965 Pontiac GTO
1956 Pontiac 2 dr

Fast68Chevy 03-24-2002 07:10 PM

LOL Tim !!! hehe yeah, i been veering off track lately- no pun intended,

crap, well that sucks a 2bbl on it would ruin it, hmmm,. lol is that how it works ? has to be 2bbl ?

ok how about a 425 powered not street legal car just for fun to sneak aorund or something ?

i gotta do something with car and drivetrain lol damn cars lol

dont wanna get into demo derbies like others here do every years, thats a trap, all that time and work into a car just to trash it in 15 minutes, blah... what a waste,..


[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited March 24, 2002).]

ebfabman 03-24-2002 07:11 PM

Talk about an expensive hobby

Fast68Chevy 03-24-2002 07:21 PM

wow !!! can you adopt me ? i wanna be your apprentice thats gotta be awesome to do that kind of work, man,,,,how did you start out and how did you get into doing that line of work ? or is it really your hobby and not your actual form of employment?

good luck!

-71/C-10(thx teeitup and crews!)350 4+4/CH465(thx 71Chev, GMCPaul, and CPNE)longfleet bed(thnx meathead95)!still building it-
-'84 Z28(Z28) 1G1AP87GXEL100000 with H.O. 305/4bbl/190net/hp(L69) 3.73 rear(GT4/YC4) 700R4(MD8-MXO) & other goodies
-79 G20 pass van, 350/th350/10bolt,
paint is overrated
Randy- Lincoln, IL
© RSS Enterprises 2000

[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited March 24, 2002).]

ebfabman 03-24-2002 07:23 PM


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