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CowboyProtectionUnit 10-20-2011 12:02 AM

Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
SO I know I've been Pretty Much Decided On a 5.9 Cummins but after alot of Consideration and wellllll Comin on one in Craigs List.... My Mind Got To Churnning, I've decided, And I KNOW there's ALOT more Work involved.......... But i'ma go with a 6.7 Cummins, Same 6speed Manual Tranny... Always Was told if your Gonna do it do it Right the first time and you'll save yourself ALOT of head&heartache down the line So yeah.... the motors gonna cost quite a bit more.... My Question is Does Anyone out there Got Experience With Insurance Auctions??? Like Wrecked Cars & Trucks... Cause thats where I think I'ma end up with a motor from.... and depending on the condition of the frame... I may just do a body swap lol

cletis 10-21-2011 08:30 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Why a 6.7? why not just a common rail 5.9, or put the money into a 12 valve. If get a wrecked truck a body swap may be easier imo, there will be alot of wireing to deal with. What type of front suspension do you want, leaves or coils. Maybe the canadian frames i get are weaker, but they seem to flex alot so if you put in 1000lbs of engine the stock chevy frame would require tons of mods in my opinon.
Please correct me if I'm misinformed, isn't a 6.7 a larger 5.9 with more emmision bs? Anyway curious to see something happen in this way of a build...

y5mgisi 10-21-2011 09:36 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Also curious to see your reasoning.

Dieselwrencher 10-21-2011 10:42 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
From everything I've heard of and the cost involved with the 6.7, I'd just do a 05-07 5.9 CR personally. I know where there is a 08 6.7 for $4500 complete engine if you want. The 6.7's can make good power and you can spool a 66mm turbo with a good tuner, but if it ever has problems, parts are more money and not as available as the 5.9's.

Got Smoke? 10-22-2011 12:42 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
6.7 or 5.9 CR all require A LOT of electronics.... 12 Valve only requires 3 wires.....or a choke cable if you want to go that route.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-22-2011 09:52 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Emmisions aren't a big deal here Nebraska, the reason I'm lookin at a 6.7 is mainly mileage.... I plan I pullin 10k in beef not including trailer, routinely an everything I'm findin is sayin the 6.7's are pullin better mileage.... Also this truck is gonna be an update restoration...... Kinda a truck version of a Barry's Speed Shop Show that used to run on Discovery Channel
Posted via Mobile Device

cletis 10-22-2011 09:30 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Now I'm curious, people claiming good mileage, do they have turners with egr dpf delete? I've heard alot of guys cursing the 6.7 for poor fuel economy.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 01:08 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
I Just Want the Challenge Mainly... Something I can Call Completely Original

flamingbig10 10-24-2011 01:30 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Just to let you some of the parts for 6.7 are almost double the price of 5.9 cw, I believe I saw a retail price of one injector for a 6.7 is a grand

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 01:39 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
yeah I know that...... I Dunna... its Just So enticing..... but the simplicity of the 5.9 has its benefits....... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Three Wires Is Great...

Dieselwrencher 10-24-2011 02:38 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One

Originally Posted by CowboyProtectionUnit (Post 4970194)
yeah I know that...... I Dunna... its Just So enticing..... but the simplicity of the 5.9 has its benefits....... Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Three Wires Is Great...

The 06 up 5.9 CR has more than 3 wires to hook up, just an FYI. Any common rail is going to be more expensive, just plan on it.

Dieselwrencher 10-24-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One

Originally Posted by cletis (Post 4967846)
Now I'm curious, people claiming good mileage, do they have turners with egr dpf delete? I've heard alot of guys cursing the 6.7 for poor fuel economy.

Same thing I've heard. Then the owners spend at least $1500 to get it where they're happy with it.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 08:52 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
I Just Dunna.... the 5.9 is prolly the way I will end up going just due to the cost and lack of 6.7's around.... But I'm the Type of guy that will always wonder "What If" if i don't go with my heart and original idear (The 6.7 Route) .... Plus I want this to be a learning experience when I do it.... and I was planning on putting money into it to make sure it was were I wanted to be with Either Motor... its just a dream at this point though cause I have to get all the 4x4 Parts and the motor and wirin BEFORE I do anything, cause I'll be Doing it all at once

Dieselwrencher 10-24-2011 09:04 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
You should start writing down the cost for all your parts so you have an idea what you're going to be spending. And as far as wiring, I'm guessing you'll have to do that because I don't believe Painless has a kit out for the 6.7's yet. I'm guessing you'll have a mini stroke when you do it. :lol: A lot of guys I know who are hard core into the 6.7's have ditched the 6.7 wiring and ecm and installed a 06.5-07.5 wiring and ecm to get them to perform where they want them. EFI live should be out for the 6.7's after a while so that would be cool. But they are almost done with the 06-07.5 5.9 version right now. It's your truck, your dream, so if a 6.7 is what you want then do it. Just be prepared to spend the big pesos to get there.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 09:13 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
LOL yeah.....Thats Just It... I Gotta Figure Out everything needed to do both.... First I Gotta Sell My Motor LOL, I've Got the Dana 60 for the 4x4 Conversion but I need all the other Parts for that....its Just a pick a part Up as I go here an there as I go while I save for the the motor....

Dieselwrencher 10-24-2011 09:16 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Which D60 do you have? Keep in mind that you will need to use a NP205 from a dodge, or a weak NP208 from a chevy, or re-clock any other tcase to use a GM D60.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 09:22 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
I'll have to look.... it was one from a Scrapper... he had a bunch but this one's missing somethings

Dieselwrencher 10-24-2011 09:36 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
If it's a RH drop it's more than likely from a chevy or a pre 94 dodge.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-24-2011 09:39 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One

Dieselwrencher 10-25-2011 01:43 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Drive shaft drops on the RH side and feeds in to the diff.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-25-2011 01:44 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
where the Pumpkin's at? cause yeah thats at the right hand side

Dieselwrencher 10-25-2011 02:18 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Yes sir. That's a RH drop. 94 up dodge are all LH drops. Just figured I'd let you know so you can plan according.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-25-2011 02:40 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... I'll have to try an think this through now

andrewmp6 10-25-2011 08:23 AM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
If you are having problems finding a 12 valve you ain't looking in the right places.Most of the 90s big fords f600 had a 12 valve in them the blue bird school buses the flat front end ones use it also.

CowboyProtectionUnit 10-26-2011 06:08 PM

Re: Decided On a Motor.....Now Just Gotta Find One
Round Here The Decent ones Get snapped up pretty quick and the flat Front School Buses aren't here.... its all Straight Truck style not cab-over.... i've Found Multiple partials but by the time I Spend buying partials to put one together I'll have spent that money in a decent 6.7

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