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jonesky2 09-26-2012 07:00 PM

gas tanks
Going to order some spectra premium gas tanks for my 76 k10. Im converting it to tbi so getting the 87 tanks. Is spectra tanks any good? Any other better/recommend brands?

They show a 16 galllon and 20 gallon tanks. would the 20 gallon tank fit a short bed? I know the 16 gallon is the correct size just wondering.

does one tank fit both sides? doesnt show each individual side.

jonesky2 09-26-2012 07:02 PM

Re: gas tanks

these tanks are the ones im looking at.

frog210 09-26-2012 07:23 PM

Re: gas tanks
no they wont fit i accidently order a 20 gallon for my shortbed
and it is 14 inchs longer

MalibuSSwagon 09-26-2012 07:27 PM

Re: gas tanks
I bought my Spectra Premium tank from Rockauto for 60 dollars, I would check with them as you are going to need the fuel senders as well.

My research indicated the 20 gallon tanks will not fit a short bed due to the spring hanger location

jonesky2 09-26-2012 09:59 PM

Re: gas tanks

Originally Posted by MalibuSSwagon (Post 5614442)
I bought my Spectra Premium tank from Rockauto for 60 dollars, I would check with them as you are going to need the fuel senders as well.

My research indicated the 20 gallon tanks will not fit a short bed due to the spring hanger location

do you like your spectra?

jonesky2 09-26-2012 10:02 PM

Re: gas tanks
dang, on rockauto they have gas tanks starting at 42 dollars. Any reason I should stay away from them?

frog210 09-27-2012 12:32 AM

Re: gas tanks
I thought the same thing thats were i got my gas tank( the wrong one lol)
I saw the 42 bucks on
and the next one up is 73 bucks
idk whats up with that just got the
73 dollar one with the snap ring
from rockauto

Skunksmash 09-27-2012 04:31 AM

Re: gas tanks
I just want one that actually has some baffles in it so the needle doesn't wave like... something that waves a lot.

jonesky2 09-27-2012 12:00 PM

Re: gas tanks

Originally Posted by Skunksmash (Post 5615309)
I just want one that actually has some baffles in it so the needle doesn't wave like... something that waves a lot.

decided to order my tanks off ebay. I went with spectra premium tanks and was 178 for both tanks with free shipping.

In my opinion you get what you pay for. So I went for the little more expensive tank.

MalibuSSwagon 09-27-2012 04:24 PM

Re: gas tanks
The spectra tanks are nice. They come with an anti-rust coating on them.

tucsonjwt 09-27-2012 05:21 PM

Re: gas tanks
The "waving" of your fuel gauge needle is likely related to the aftermarket fuel sender likely in your tank now. Spectra sending units will cause the needle to bounce, Delco sending units won't. Spectra units are like $50, Delco units are like $150 - I chose $50 sending units and don't watch my needles very often.

Skunksmash 09-27-2012 06:14 PM

Re: gas tanks

Originally Posted by jonesky2 (Post 5615784)
decided to order my tanks off ebay. I went with spectra premium tanks and was 178 for both tanks with free shipping.

In my opinion you get what you pay for. So I went for the little more expensive tank.

They came with baffles and stopped the wavy needle?

motornut 09-27-2012 09:54 PM

Re: gas tanks
i just put a spectra unit in my 79 no bouncy needle
didn't remember seeing any tank baffles either
tank made in Canada so it's fine
sender china ......fine so far

fixed bouncy needle in 78 when i changed the cluster and added grounds

but they are Jimmys....

83GMCK2500 09-28-2012 04:30 PM

Re: gas tanks

Originally Posted by Skunksmash (Post 5616413)
They came with baffles and stopped the wavy needle?

The '87+ squares were TBI and had baffles in the tank. I would presume it was to keep sloshing fuel from pushing the pump around.

Skunksmash 09-28-2012 06:07 PM

Re: gas tanks
My needle was still very wavy until I replaced the fuel gauge with one from autometer. Now it still waves, but its less and much more deliberate looking. Like when you see a new car adjust more than once to find the fuel level. So I'm not sure what's going on there. Somebody said try a ground but a ground makes the resistance read off the charts and the gauge skyrockets to completely full no matter what the fuel level is really at.

tucsonjwt 09-28-2012 06:30 PM

Re: gas tanks
When I say the needle bounces, I mean about 1/2" of travel from the accurate mark. I am not talking about swinging wildly from one extreme to the other - just enough to notice that the gauge is moving, not steady. Maybe some Spectra sending units are better than others.

Skunksmash 09-29-2012 02:45 AM

Re: gas tanks
Yeah mine would swing about half the gauge width at any given time, with the factory fuel gauge. Installed a tach in its spot though, and downsized the fuel gauge to the old clock spot. This autometer gauge seems much more resistant to waving, but still does it.

I think what I'm going to do eventually, is probly go with some tanks (i got a "fuelis" lol) out of a newer truck that have baffles and that big chunk of.... foam or something in there that won't let the fuel slosh. Cause the factory tanks seem to fail at it even with their baffles so maybe they're not enough.

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