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special-K 09-15-2013 12:15 PM

Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Yesterday I was at a junkyard getting parts for my '92. There was an Ochre & White (original paint) longbed '71 Cheyenne Super there I looked at that is an exception to the rule. Unfortunately I didn't have a camera,so no pictures. It was definitely a Cheyenne Super,and what a shame it ended up there. One of those "Why would someone junk this?" deals. It still had the original Olive seat bottom,pitted chrome tailgate handle,woodgrain dash/glovebox,and emblems. But,on the SPID it said Z84 Custom Sport Truck,as if it was a Cheyenne. Has this been seen before?? I have never seen this in all my years. Goes to show,once again,how inaccurate a SPID can yet another way.

Ol Blue K20 09-15-2013 12:29 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Go back Tim, I need the super emblems fender and glovebox...
Posted via Mobile Device

uncle 09-15-2013 01:51 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
I had 71 gmc Sierra that had Cheyenne Super on spid.
Posted via Mobile Device

67_C-30 09-15-2013 07:02 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
I had a '71 Cheyenne that had Custom Sport Truck on the SPID.

hugger6933 09-15-2013 07:13 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Back when my dad was farming he would by trucks like every 14 months and sometimes two at a time. I remember one he got [his good friend owned the GMC dealership] had GMC marking down one side and the tailgate and had chev markings down the passenger side and grille . I think it was a 73 or 74 with a 454. Jim

special-K 09-15-2013 07:23 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
I had a '71 Cheyenne with Custom Sport Truck,too. I thought that was unusual till I came here and found out it's pretty common. Same for Sierras saying Cheyenne and Sierra Grandes saying Cheyenne Super. They are the same truck,just wrong brand (same code). But,this truck and Uncle's say it's a different trim level than what it actually is. If the truck's SPID I saw said Cheyenne but the code was YE9 I'd not think as much of it. It's a YE9 but said Z84. Using wrong names is one thing but the wrong code is an entirely different matter. That's assembly line information. I was riding with a friend and was trying to finish up my '92 I worked on Friday,discovered a cracked rotor,could not get hub apart from knuckle,so this was Saturday going for the whole knuckle/hub/rotor assembly. I needed to get back to put my truck together and only brought the tools to do just that or I would have unbolted the seat to look for the build sheet. Didn't even have a phillips head to get the glovebox door. I know what I saw and it's the first I've seen. I'd like to get back there,even though it's pretty far away.

Ol Blue K20 09-15-2013 10:31 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
If you go back you know what I want..just sucks it's there though
Posted via Mobile Device

special-K 09-15-2013 11:11 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
I'd like to get back there. I was at my friend's working on my truck a good ways from here and the yard was pretty far from his place. The seat bottom was in good shape. The seat back had plain vinyl. I wonder if it's over good original upholstery and was just taken off the bottom. I can't believe I didn't even get the glovebox door. The chrome was down to black on the gauge bezel.

Has anyone else seen a Cheyenne Super with Z84 code?

special-K 09-16-2013 10:15 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
I'm surprised all the techy types aren't showing any interest in this. It's more interesting to me than most stuff I've seen nitpicked on these trucks. My question is,has anyone else seen such a thing? And,so far the answer is no...unless Uncle's example had the wrong code as well as wrong description

Ol Blue K20 09-16-2013 11:02 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
It would be interesting to have seen the build sheet. I have wondered if the spid was completed farther down the line kinda an "as built" and it has a typo error or it was followed down the line by the purchaser/GM employee and had things addedas it was built...where's SS Tim I know he would enjoy this question

special-K 09-16-2013 11:17 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
The SPID had an order#,too. I don't think Tim's been on since I posted this. I considered shooting him an e-mail,but figure I'll keep this close to the top till he sees it. He likes to see documentation and all I have is my personal experience. I'd be curious,though,if he has seen such a thing. If he has,he'll have documentation cuz that's how he rolls.

Ol Blue K20 09-16-2013 11:23 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
If anyone has documentation it's him his collection seems to be awesome. I don't know how he keeps it organized but it seems to work. He can pull it out pretty darn fast...

Keith Seymore 09-16-2013 11:24 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 6271694)
It would be interesting to have seen the build sheet. I have wondered if the spid was completed farther down the line kinda an "as built" and it has a typo error or it was followed down the line by the purchaser/GM employee and had things addedas it was built...where's SS Tim I know he would enjoy this question


The build sheet and the SPID are created from the same "broadcast" information, which come from the original order info.

Neither are "as built"; they assume the truck was built as originally specified.


Ol Blue K20 09-16-2013 11:27 AM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore (Post 6271728)

The build sheet and the SPID are created from the same "broadcast" information, which come from the original order info.

Neither are "as built"; they assume the truck was built as originally specified.


What about my second therory, I know you were in the lines while they were building, was that possible?

Keith Seymore 09-16-2013 02:12 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super

Originally Posted by Ol Blue K20 (Post 6271732)
What about my second therory, I know you were in the lines while they were building, was that possible?

No; anything that could get added "clandestinely" would not be reflected in any documentation.

By the way - I'm not sure how much success anyone would have following their vehicle down the line and adding content. It's almost impossible to add equipment after the fact, even for legitimate purposes with a team of people getting paid to do so.


Ol Blue K20 09-16-2013 02:14 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore (Post 6271997)
No; anything that could get added clandestinely would not be reflected in any documentation.

By the way - I'm not sure how much success anyone would have following their vehicle down the line and adding content. It's almost impossible to add equipment after the fact, even for legitimate purposes with a team of people getting paid to do so.


Thanks for the the mystery is still unsolved

Keith Seymore 09-16-2013 02:16 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super

Originally Posted by special-K (Post 6270687)
Same for Sierras saying Cheyenne and Sierra Grandes saying Cheyenne Super. They are the same truck,just wrong brand (same code).

I agree that this is common (particularly in the C/K/R/V truck era); it's because by that time a GMC truck is simply a Chevy truck with the RPO Z88 "Nameplate Conversion" package.


special-K 09-16-2013 08:46 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Yeah,I think it's safe to say,once a truck order has started down the line,that's changes. You may be lucky enough to be let off on that one and start a new order,but once the build starts I'd think it's going to end the way it started.

So,where's Bruceman? :cool:

oklalawnboy 09-16-2013 09:39 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Tuning in to this thread. I gotta hear how this ends...

bruceman1968 09-17-2013 12:36 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Hi Tim, been here all along, just learning from whatever you or Keith post up.
A SPID that is missing something, or with something extra, is not that unusual. Now If you found a build sheet without the YE9, that would be the puzzler. If you ever get back to that truck, and find a build sheet, I would think that there would be a YE9 on it. Whenever a SPID has a discrepancy like that I just blame it on the programmer not updating the background program tape fast enough. But I really don't know for sure.

special-K 09-17-2013 09:36 PM

Re: Very Interesting '71 Cheyenne Super
Yeah,that's what I figure it "has to" be. Because it "is" a YE9/Cheyenne Super. And it's driving me crazy. I was seriously wanting to go back on Monday,but really needed to start back on some work for a steady customer. Coming home about 7 I get a call for other work starting today for someone else,so I did some juggling (told them Wed),put in a big day today where I worked yesterday,explained I had to work elsewhere the rest of the week (she's very understanding),I have two conflicting events to attend this weekend (whichever I do I wanted to go on Friday and camp out),and this second job may require working through the weekend. I don't see going back to this truck anytime before late next week,because I need to get back where I was yesterday and today to finish before too long. It's crazy. Feast or famine. Not sure what I'll find by then. The good thing is it's not a pick & pull. My friend knows the owners real well and that's the only reason we were allowed to pull my parts.

It's still very interesting. I've never seen such a glitch before,specifically,and so fr no one has said they have

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