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scottv 10-05-2013 09:59 PM

TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
I don't know if I have a transmission problem or if it's just my column shifter, but when I try to find Reverse, Neutral, Drive etc it's not very "notchy" or evident I'm in the correct gear. I have to give it gas to see if it goes the direction I'm trying for. Also, when I put the selector in Park, the selector pointer goes about 1/2" to the left of the "P". Is this an issue with my shifter, linkage, or transmission? Trying to troubleshoot and can't find anything on this issue. Thanks!

Mr Handy 10-05-2013 10:04 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
Mine did the same thing, go under the hood and find the block that has the notches, next to/under the master cylinder. there is a rod that goes down to the trans and the other part ties into the column. There is a pinch bolt holding the rod going to the trans loosen that bolt and shorten the rod. this should bring the notches back into play.
I hope that explanation makes sense.

Boog 10-05-2013 10:56 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
The linkage has some grommets and bushings that when worn will contribute to the slopiness too.

LockDoc 10-06-2013 08:44 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
Before you try the following there are two things you need to do. One is to check the shifter pointer behind the indicator lense and make sure it is in the correct position. There is a screw in the back and two little plastic hooks/locators/tabs in the front. Make sure that the hooks/locators/tabs are not broken off, or maybe they are not down in the slot which would allow the front of the pointer to move back and forth. The second thing is to spray some PB Blaster, Liquid Wrench, or something similar (not WD-40) into the steering column, where the shift lever goes in. Don't be afraid to give it a good dousing. After you spray it pull the shift lever up toward you and push it back down toward the dash. It should move up and down a couple of inches. Do this 4 or 5 times. This will help free up any sticking in the shift lever tube. The reason the shift lever moves up and down is because it should be pulled back towards you to shift it into and out of the park position.

After you have done that open the hood and loosen the adjustment bolt at the top of the rod that connects the transmission and the shifter arm on the steering column, crawl under the truck and manually shift the transmission into Park. Hold it in Park while someone puts the shift lever in the park position up above, then tighten the adjuster bolt back up. This should correct your problem.

Be sure and block your wheels before you start this.


tarafied1 10-06-2013 08:52 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
I'm so glad this was posted! Mine is exactly the same as the OP. I had already squirted WD40 (oops) in the shifter on the column because it pretty much always stays forward. I got it freed up a little but it's still very hard to move back and forth. May need to try something else.
I squirted oil on the linkage under the hood because it was really hard to move and that made it easier to change gears but still hard to tell what gear it's in. I will try the adjustments of the rod and see if that helps!

tarafied1 10-06-2013 09:15 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
3 Attachment(s)
I took some pics of mine, you'll notice the park indicator is like the OP's. I took a pic showing where my shifter sits and is really hard to move back and forward. And then a pic of the linkage under the hood, is this the adjustment?

LockDoc 10-06-2013 09:30 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
1 Attachment(s)
Yes, that is the adjuster. If you loosen the nut the rod will slide inside of the sleeve. Spray some penetrating oil on that too. Also spray some down inside the tube where the shifter arm comes out.

There should be no gap where the arrow is pointing in the picture when the shifter is in the park position.


tarafied1 10-06-2013 11:13 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

tarafied1 10-06-2013 11:45 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
1 Attachment(s)
got it to where there is no gap and it's better but it's still possible to push the shifter too far. I'll look at the pointer to make sure it okay

tarafied1 10-07-2013 12:14 AM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by LockDoc (Post 6302583)
... check the shifter pointer behind the indicator lense and make sure it is in the correct position. There is a screw in the back and two little plastic hooks/locators/tabs in the front. Make sure that the hooks/locators/tabs are not broken off, or maybe they are not down in the slot which would allow the front of the pointer to move back and forth. The second thing is to spray some PB Blaster, Liquid Wrench, or something similar (not WD-40) into the steering column, where the shift lever goes in. Don't be afraid to give it a good dousing. After you spray it pull the shift lever up toward you and push it back down toward the dash. It should move up and down a couple of inches. Do this 4 or 5 times. This will help free up any sticking in the shift lever tube. The reason the shift lever moves up and down is because it should be pulled back towards you to shift it into and out of the park position.

okay, I checked this and it looks okay. I squirted liquid wrench in the shifter at the pivot point. It's still very difficult to pull back and forth. Maybe with time...

LockDoc 10-07-2013 09:52 AM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

Originally Posted by tarafied1 (Post 6303020)
okay, I checked this and it looks okay. I squirted liquid wrench in the shifter at the pivot point. It's still very difficult to pull back and forth. Maybe with time...

You need to put the nozzle in the opening where the shifter lever goes in and spray the crap out of to speak. Pull the lever back and spray into the bottom side, then push it toward the dash and spray into the top side, then work the lever back and forth from steering wheel to dash. You are trying to get the lube "inside" the steering column.


tarafied1 10-07-2013 12:02 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
okay! I will do that. Thanks for all the help! and sorry if I hijacked the OP but I think it's kind of the same issue probably.

Keith Seymore 10-07-2013 12:12 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
I agree with everything that has been posted thus far, but would like to make one slight modification to the order in the adjustment procedure -

a) The adjustment in the assembly plant was done in "N". This takes any error in the adjustment and spreads it across both ends of the range (rather than accumulating all the error at one end)

b) Loosen everything and place the transmission in Neutral at the transmission itself (you will feel the internal "comb" and it's detent as it goes from Park through reverse and into Neutral).

c) Tighten the transmission control rod at this point

d) Now go back and adjust the PRNDL indicator


tarafied1 10-07-2013 12:17 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
I adjusted mine by myself. I did it in park. I got the gap to go away but I can still move the lever past the indicator when in park. Will this N method help with that?

LockDoc 10-07-2013 03:55 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

Originally Posted by tarafied1 (Post 6303608)
I adjusted mine by myself. I did it in park. I got the gap to go away but I can still move the lever past the indicator when in park. Will this N method help with that?

It might. It's worth a try. I think part of it is because the shift tube is still not moving up & down so it doesn't lock in the park position. Try what Keith suggested first. That procedure makes sense. Be sure and block the wheels.


tarafied1 10-07-2013 04:05 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left
I will try it tonight after work.
Is the lever supposed to "spring" back after you pull it forward? It's been a long time since I had an auto on the column... If I get it freed up maybe it will work like it is supposed to but not sure how it is supposed to work. Seams like back in the day when I drove a auto on the column, if you pulled the lever towards you and let go it would return on it's own. I squirted so much Liquid Wrench in it last night it was running out everywhere! This truck was in a field for a long time so it may take some time to work it loose?
Mine feels like if I force it back then it locks in or clicks into gear better (other than park of course)
thanks again for all the responses!

LockDoc 10-07-2013 08:44 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

Originally Posted by tarafied1 (Post 6303898)
I will try it tonight after work.
Is the lever supposed to "spring" back after you pull it forward? It's been a long time since I had an auto on the column... If I get it freed up maybe it will work like it is supposed to but not sure how it is supposed to work. Seams like back in the day when I drove a auto on the column, if you pulled the lever towards you and let go it would return on it's own. I squirted so much Liquid Wrench in it last night it was running out everywhere! This truck was in a field for a long time so it may take some time to work it loose?
Mine feels like if I force it back then it locks in or clicks into gear better (other than park of course)
thanks again for all the responses!

Yes, it should return on it's own. If you can't get it freed up you may have to disassemble it and clean all of the old grease out and re-lube it.

As far as hijacking the thread I think both of you have the same basic problem...


tarafied1 10-07-2013 08:46 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

Originally Posted by LockDoc (Post 6304412)
Yes, it should return on it's own. If you can't get it freed up you may have to disassemble it and clean all of the old grease out and re-lube it.


I have messed with it more tonight. It's stubborn. I think I will have to take it apart. How does it come apart? Do I have to pull the steering wheel?

LockDoc 10-07-2013 09:25 PM

Re: TH350: Column shifter issue, hard to find R D etc and also goes past P to left

Originally Posted by tarafied1 (Post 6304419)
I have messed with it more tonight. It's stubborn. I think I will have to take it apart. How does it come apart? Do I have to pull the steering wheel?

Yes, you will have to disassemble the whole column. Be sure and take pictures as you take it apart so you get it back together right.

I don't type good enough to type out the instructions but if you type the words "disassemble steering column" into the GOOGLE search box at the top of this page, click on the circle in front of "" and click on the GOOGLE button you will find lots of threads on the subject. Just make sure the thread you are looking at refers to your style of truck. (Hits will include all years)


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