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Classic Heartbeat 08-21-2003 07:39 PM

Free to a good home.
1972 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive front axle housing. Bent tie rod, no axles and no steering arm. Come and get it, or it goes to the scrap yard. WES

Classic Heartbeat 08-22-2003 11:51 AM

This is going to the scrap heap if nobody wants it.

SLS 08-22-2003 09:00 PM

Don't you just HATE taking this old stuff to the scrap heap????

I'm trying to give away a '71 SWB bed (ROUGH!!) before it goes to the crusher too. :whine:

Maybe our two parts will meet up in Old Chevy Parts Heaven. :D

Classic Heartbeat 08-22-2003 09:07 PM

LOL, Well we can't say we didn't try.. WES

K5KRAZIE 08-23-2003 12:13 AM

Does did it have the knuckles?:D

Classic Heartbeat 08-23-2003 12:16 AM

This is the open knuckle front end and yes it does. The drums appear to be in good condition also. WES

Phillip Johnson 08-23-2003 02:53 AM

If it makes you feel better Wes, I gave away a complete 70 front and rear axel set w/373 gears and threw in a 4speed/205 transfercase to the guy down the road. It was just something I didnt need around my new log home. It was bad enough that all the boxes of parts that have made the trip so far have lost the bottoms as last winter it was rather damp, unlike Chico Calif. Im now going through each box and putting all the "good stuff" in rubbermaid containers and getting ready for a big swapmeet in September here in Grants Pass. i hope I can find out what weekend it is..

Classic Heartbeat 08-23-2003 12:35 PM

Well I certainly would prefer to give this to someone who could use it, thats for sure. But no responces means that it will go out with the rest of the scrap. I also have a customer with the exact same set up that you had in good condition, thinking he is going to get some pretty good money for it. I told him good luck, everyone wants disk brakes. WES

K5KRAZIE 08-23-2003 03:29 PM

I won't be coming down to Olympia for a few weeks, oh well........

smartersite 02-24-2004 03:55 AM

Drum or Disk
Is that front assembly you are being so generous to offer disk or drum? You mentioned "good drums", but I thought the '72 only came w/disk? If so, I've been looking for a front axle w/disk brakes that came off a '71 or '72 Blazer. Do you still have this? If so, do you know what it came off of? Thank you, Travis

69c10stepside 02-24-2004 04:02 AM

Here is some friendly advice, quit bringing up old posts!

Blue Beard 02-24-2004 10:03 AM

Sometimes I don't know how Wes keeps his business away all these parts.........

But then again, it makes good business sense. People will be back to buy more...

dinnut 02-24-2004 09:21 PM

im sure the part is long gone by now. why did you bring up this really old thread. i mean we havent seen phillip johnson since last year.

Classic Heartbeat 02-24-2004 11:15 PM

This front end is long gone.... I am sorry to report it went to the scrap heap in the sky...:( :( Too bad too, because I know someone could have used it.... I give away parts sometimes because they get in my way, and I get tired of looking at them. If the part isn't real nice and needs work to fix it, I generally give it to someone who will work on it and use it. I wont ship give away parts though.. Sorry... I have a stack of cowls here that just about everyone who comes down here gets offered one... LOL WES

teeitup 02-24-2004 11:46 PM

I know the feeling Wes about stuff being in the way, sometimes its just easier to give it away or haul it off for scrap. Scrap is up right now.

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