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Jcfcamaro 02-20-2017 01:29 AM

700r4 transmission
Wanting to put a 700r4 transmission in my 72 k10. What year or ? Do I look for to bolt up to my transfer case. Any help would be great. There's a couple for sale local, but I don't want to buy something that won't fit or work.

andrewmp6 02-20-2017 04:50 AM

Re: 700r4 transmission
81 and newer 1/2 ton and some 3/4 tons had them,As far as your t case bolting on i kinda doubt it with out a adapter kit.What t case you have now ?

Bigdav160 02-20-2017 08:49 AM

Re: 700r4 transmission
I put one in my Suburban. It's great.

Since the 700R4 is slightly longer than the TH350, I found it easiest to move the engine mounts forward ~1.5". That required lengthening the exhaust, using a shorter fan shroud and moving the shifting linkage pivot forward.

Any 700R4 from '86 to '92 ('93 car) will work fine. Some people prefer the '87-'92 due to improvements (forward accumulator added).

To mate the 700R4 to a NP205, the easiest method is this advanced adapter

Jcfcamaro 02-20-2017 01:56 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Thanks. When I bought my rolling drive train project I asked about the motor and trans. He replied it was working fine before they tore the whole truck apart. So I'm sure the turbo 350 needs rebuilt. I think I'd be better off spending a little more on a whole better transmission.

andrewmp6 02-20-2017 10:56 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
You can grab a 700r4 with the np208 in it cheap used.

Jcfcamaro 02-22-2017 02:59 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
What's the average cost to have a 700r4 rebuilt at a good shop. Seen monster transmission online.

andrewmp6 02-23-2017 03:21 AM

Re: 700r4 transmission
If you drop it off and pick it back up at a trans shop im guess 500 to 800 bucks depending the shop really.And if you want to upgrade anything on it thats the best time to do it.Or if you want to run a non stock t case to that trans the adapter kits make you change out the output shaft so again prefect time to do that also since you almost gotta gut the trans to do it.

LEEVON 02-23-2017 12:03 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
I use '87 up, there is a "vein" on the case that identifies them. I paid $100 for my last core and $750 for the build, with an S10 converter and standard upgrades. That is probably shop rate, so figure $900-1000 retail. I would just see if your rebuilder has a core, instead of looking for one yourself.

72_K10_Vegas 02-23-2017 07:17 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
I installed the 700R4 in my 72 K10 as well. Very happy with it. I did move the motor for (mine ended up 1-7/8"). Off Road Design was very helpful with the adapter.

The only thing I really had to work on was making sure the front drive shaft cleared the transmission pan. I had a notch put in and re-welded the pan. The clearance went from about 3/8" to 1" +-.

I would be interested what others have done with that issue.

andrewmp6 02-24-2017 03:36 AM

Re: 700r4 transmission
72 k10 vegas what t case did you use ?And some adapter kits are made so you can clock the t case a little which can come in handy when needed.

Jcfcamaro 02-27-2017 02:15 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Called 2 shops today about 700r rebuild. 1st shop said he didn't like them said it wouldn't hold up and only does Certified transmission installs and didn't think they would build me a trans with my supplied output shaft. 2nd shop will rebuild them but kinda said the same thing. Said the torq converter runs hot and told me I needed to run a 350 or 400 turbo. He quoted me 1200 to 1500 on the 700r and 600 to 700 for my turbo 350.

sweetk30 02-27-2017 10:54 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
they don't know squat . . . . :waah:

tail shaft is a tail shaft if for the correct tranny . . .

and a correct built 700r4 with info on the end use it will get you a unit that will hold just fine.

call this guy up greg . he is over on a lot and gives super help and info on tranny questions. he has built a few for members and shipped them . I have done parts deals with him and super stand up guy .

Jcfcamaro 02-28-2017 08:05 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Thank you. My thoughts exactly. They've been using them for years. I'm thinking they don't like working on them

Jcfcamaro 03-26-2017 05:16 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
1 Attachment(s)
Would this one work. I asked the year, but they haven't got back with me yet

sweetk30 03-26-2017 10:24 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
2wd drive trans and tail shaft . might have to swap the tail shaft = full tear down of both to get shaft and swap shaft.

plus a used untested by YOU 700r4 = quick waste of time and MONEY in my book .

Jcfcamaro 03-26-2017 11:36 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Most shops want a core. And to bolt this up to my transfer case I'll have to buy the special tailshaft anyway. He wants 50.00

sweetk30 03-27-2017 11:27 AM

Re: 700r4 transmission
good core range is 50 or so bucks .

if doing a 700 to 205 build check tranny pan to transfer case front output yoke clearance . . . I cant recall 100% if its this combo or not that gets real close . as I don't play with 700r4 trannys my self.

if it is the super close one lots of guys run the 700r4 to th350 spacer between the tranny and tcase for the extra clearance . and if I recall it saves you from shaft buy for the different length .

Harley03joe 02-10-2018 08:32 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Does Any One Know Where This Filter Goes On The Pump ? Can It Be Put In With Just Taking The Pan Off ? Or The The transmission Have To Come Out ?
Please Let Me Know With Pictures OK
Thank You
Harley03joe :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:

goldenburb 02-10-2018 10:08 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Got my 700r4 trans rebuilt for $800 +100 for a cable that goes to the carb.The bad thing was it was warranty for a year the day I picked it up. And it sat for 6 months so I lost that time.
I got an adapter for a np205 from Matt @ advanced adapter for $450. still doing homework on is what motor works best.with out an other adapter.

Gearzandgunz 04-15-2018 02:00 PM

Re: 700r4 transmission
Hey Joe might have already found this out but the pump has to come out to install that filter it sits at about the 1 o'clock position hope this helps

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