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jocko 02-23-2018 03:19 AM

Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
4 Attachment(s)
The title says it all. There are a bunch of special paint threads posted throughout the forum and new RPO codes seem to be popping up every now and then, so thought it might be a good idea to start a one-stop-shopping showcase of original paint trucks with "Special Paint" RPOs on the SPIDs. So, the idea is post a pic of the truck and the SPID, and we'll start a library of sorts of Special Paint codes. I've yet to figure out how to decode the color by just looking at the RPO - have only been able to know what one should be by comparison to an original one. So, if that's the best we can do, it would still be helpful.

Lots of interesting tidbits on Special Paint floating around out there. "Normally" Special Paint terminology seemed to be used when a factory color that wasn't necessarily available on a light duty truck was used - or - when a non-standard two combination was used (not a "Custom Two Tone" though, as RPO codes existed for those HERE). For instance, I had a 76 K20 that was just good ol Orange. But in 76, RPO 88 orange was a medium duty or above color - so it took a Special Paint RPO to get it on my K20. That's just one example.

I'll go first, please share yours (or one that you have the info on, you don't have to own it of course) :)

71 Cheyenne Super
Special Paint RPO = 4001BB

69 C20 CST
Special Paint RPO = ZP3 (This one really confuses me, I think ZP3 evolved into a two tone combo code in the square body years, this is the only time I've seen it in this era. All other Special Paint RPOs I've seen in the 67-72 range looked like some variation of the one listed above for the Cheyenne Super).

jocko 02-23-2018 03:24 AM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)
70 C20 CST Longhorn
Special Paint RPO = 1001M1 (this is the Canadian-only Purple, I believe? - but I think I've also seen that same code for a Canadian only green...)

Ok, show us what you've got. Kevin, Robert! Post yours up too even though they are floating around in other threads! Thanks guys.

68 TT 02-23-2018 09:54 AM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
4 Attachment(s)
Special paint code ZP3 for a fleet color specific to Pacific Telephone & Telegraph.

Outside was repainted but interior was not. Toggle switch and lamp were for roof top mounted service lamp.

1969 C10 stepside short bed. 6-cyl 3 on the tree Chevy optioned with leaf spring rear suspension and heavy duty springs.

Keith Seymore 02-23-2018 02:53 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
Special paint process, per author/illustrator/historian Eric White.

This was written specifically for Pontiac Motor Division, but you get the idea:


Originally Posted by Eric White
The procedure for getting a special-paint car ordered went like this:

• The customer (or dealership) determines what color is desired.

• An "All Series Special Equipment" order form is filled out.

The information required for a special-paint-request on this form is:
• Lower Color Paint No.
• Upper Color Paint No.
• Make of Car & Year Paint Used.
I am guessing that obtaining the correct paint no. would be left up to the ordering salesman/dealership paint department.

In the '60s and early '70s, before colored plastic/fiberglass trim parts became common, any color paint could be ordered, as long as the dealer could supply the paint formula no. on the S.O. form. After the mid-'70s when the crash-bumper fillers became common place, special order colors were phased out except for large fleet orders.

Several codes were used on the Fisher Body trim tag to indicate a special-order paint. Codes varied between the years and between Fisher Body plants. Some of the codes used were:
1= Standard GM paint, not a Pontiac color
2= Special Pontiac color. Sometimes offered a half-year "springtime" color.
3= Cadillac FireFrost color. This paint was not normally allowed on a Pontiac build because of the special processes required to apply this type of paint.
4= Body in primer
SPEC or ** would indicate a paint color from a source outside GM (Ford, Chryco, AMC, John Deere, International Harvester, etc.) Colors could also be ordered to match school or business colors. As long as a formula no. could be identified by the dealership just about any color hue could be specified.

• The order was then routed through the Pontiac Zone office, which then routed it on to the Central Office.

• Central Office then entered a request to the paint supplier, usually PPG/Ditzler, for the appropriate paint.

• The paint supplier shipped a quantity of paint to the appropriate assembly plant.

• The special-order build was scheduled and coordinated between the Fisher plant and GMAD or Pontiac assembly.

• Build was delivered to dealership with a quart of touch up paint in trunk.

I would add that, back then, GM would paint one car using this process, if requested.

For Pontiacs the cowl trim tag will indicate the vehicle received a special paint color but will not designate what that color was; It is not documented anywere including through Pontiac Historic Services. The only real way to determine is to pull off rubber trim or otherwise disassemble the car and look for remaining splashes of the original color.

These days you have to have a minimum of 10 or so, and it is not available to the general public but more specific to fleets and special orders (police, Mary Kay, Grand Trunk RR, RCMP, etc).

Keith Seymore 02-23-2018 02:54 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
Additionally, when we painted special colors or fleet orders in the assembly plant we did not use the regular paint supply system.

In Flint they had a separate and distinct setup with smaller paint "pots" which could be loaded with the specific color, used, and then purged with less waste than the high volume production system.

Some of the other locations did not have this and would run special colors through their paint repair line in the paint shop.


leddzepp 02-23-2018 04:43 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
1 Attachment(s)
Special paint. Loaded with some nice options too. All it needs is a K chassis under it.... ;)

54blackhornet 02-23-2018 05:54 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
1 Attachment(s)
This is mine, 71 C-20 ordered originally by Burlington Northern Rail Road, delivered new in Seattle.307 4spd, power brakes, heavy duty rear springs , pozi, white painted bumper. 52000 original miles. It’s beat up pretty good around the bed area, but amazingly dependable. :metal:

HO455 02-23-2018 07:10 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
1 Attachment(s)
I remember when the Burlington Northern took over the railroads through north Idaho. That green was a pretty wild color at the time and it seemed like for a while everybody was talking about it especially after the black engines they were running before. There was a guy who worked for them down the road from us and often had a 1 1/2 ton service truck parked at his house that was the new green with the angled white stripes on the back of the service boxes. I don't remember what kind of truck it was but boy was it bright. When they were freshly painted they really popped

Now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

RenoKeene 02-23-2018 07:29 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
4 Attachment(s)
Working on finishing this one. Long story but I found the original salesman that ordered this for his friend 'Charlie'. The special paint was Black Cherry, a Chevelle color for 1970.

ElKotze 02-23-2018 08:52 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)
558 dark blue/med. blue.Unfortunately it has been repainted to light blue/ white. Will start a tear down as soon as it warms up a little. Plans are to paint it back to original color. It's not a special color but fairly rare.

jocko 02-23-2018 09:36 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
RenoKeene, THAT is cool. Black cherry is a great color.
Just to be clear, there is a difference between a "Special Paint" RPO and a "Custom Two Tone" RPO. My 557 truck, for example, is a Custom Two Tone - you can see these in the LINK posted in the very 1st post in this thread. Special Paint are ones that actually state Special Paint on the SPID, i.e. no actual colors listed - and the need for a thread to group all the examples so we can figure out what unique colors and combos are out there. ElKotze, for the record, I think your 558 is about my absolute favorite paint that was available on these trucks. I like my 557, but 558 to me is about the best looking combo out there.

70cst 02-23-2018 09:39 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)

Originally Posted by RenoKeene (Post 8195763)
Working on finishing this one. Long story but I found the original salesman that ordered this for his friend 'Charlie'. The special pant was Black Cherry, a Chevelle color for 1970.

Me like :metal:

Steeveedee 02-23-2018 10:04 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)

Originally Posted by 70cst (Post 8195847)
Me like :metal:

That is so close to the paint code 77 Marlboro Maroon that I just figured people were getting it wrong. I worked for a Chevrolet dealer on and off from '70 to '72 and never saw the code 78 Black Cherry. But it was a small dealership, so we probably just didn't sell enough cars to get one that color.

RenoKeene 02-24-2018 12:40 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)
Here's a daily double...67 with a SPID and Special Paint. Really hard to make out but says SPECIAL in the PAINT box at the top. Was originally Orange under the Black. Unfortunately I have no history on this one.

jocko 02-24-2018 01:14 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
Thanks for all that great info Keith! Very helpful.

KevinK7 02-24-2018 03:28 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
I've already posted this, but to bring it into this thread.

1968 with "SPECIAL PAINT 91001LG" on the SPID.

link to original post/thread for reference (

jocko 02-24-2018 03:32 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
Thanks very much Kevin - was hoping you'd bring your recent post over here. Yours was the most recent in a bunch of separate threads about Special Paint RPOs, so thought it might be nice to get some one stop shopping. Really like your truck!

Already Gone 02-24-2018 07:27 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by jocko (Post 8195347)
70 C20 CST Longhorn
Special Paint RPO = 1001M1 (this is the Canadian-only Purple, I believe? - but I think I've also seen that same code for a Canadian only green...)

Ok, show us what you've got. Kevin, Robert! Post yours up too even though they are floating around in other threads! Thanks guys.

I owned that truck 3/4 years ago. Mark do you remember where you got the picture from as I never seen that pic of the truck. As you can see in the Spid the first digit number in the serial number is kinda scratched out and when I was dealing on it I thought the seller was trying to hide something but he wasn't..

jocko 02-26-2018 10:10 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)

Originally Posted by Already Gone (Post 8196519)
I owned that truck 3/4 years ago. Mark do you remember where you got the picture from as I never seen that pic of the truck. As you can see in the Spid the first digit number in the serial number is kinda scratched out and when I was dealing on it I thought the seller was trying to hide something but he wasn't..

I didn't realize that Greg! Sorry. I kinda thought in the back of my mind that you had a Canadian purple in addition to ol Pinky, but I didn't think you had a Longhorn. I believe I got that pic from Tim in approx. 2014-ish. Didn't know anything else about it (or I forgot).

jocko 02-26-2018 10:16 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)
Here's one I saw on here not too long ago, but I don't remember how old the post was when I found it. At first glance, appears to just be ochre, but on closer look, appears darker, more brown in it than ochre. Not sure what it is... Nice K20 though! Special Paint Code: 4001BB

It's also possible (likely) this is a repaint, it's not a "known" original paint truck, but it doesn't look like it was repainted in a stock color either. Is this a members?

Steeveedee 02-27-2018 12:53 AM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
That definitely isn't ochre. I wonder what color it really is. Nice, in any event.

Already Gone 02-27-2018 04:16 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)

Originally Posted by jocko (Post 8198445)
I didn't realize that Greg! Sorry. I kinda thought in the back of my mind that you had a Canadian purple in addition to ol Pinky, but I didn't think you had a Longhorn. I believe I got that pic from Tim in approx. 2014-ish. Didn't know anything else about it (or I forgot).

Nothing to be sorry about..

mr.precision 02-28-2018 10:18 AM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by RenoKeene (Post 8195763)
Working on finishing this one. Long story but I found the original salesman that ordered this for his friend 'Charlie'. The special paint was Black Cherry, a Chevelle color for 1970.

Interesting. My 1970 has the identical special paint code, and the truck is white. I mean white all over. If there is a non-white color anywhere I cannot find it. Lots of things can happen in 48 years I guess.

GJB 11-30-2020 02:29 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
Just bringing this one back to the top in cases anyone had anything to add.

DeadheadNM 11-30-2020 02:48 PM

Re: Post your "Special Paint" RPO truck (aka: the Definitive Special Paint thread)
1 Attachment(s)
Member argonaut has this beautiful highlander Blazer (please sell it to me :) ).

Blue original paint I guess? Any way to decode what paint was used?

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