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Daves72'GMC 12-02-2003 04:05 PM

Should I use edelbrock or stay stock?
I'm restoring my '72 GMC Sierra Grande with the origional 402BB and Would like some input from you guys that have edelbrock intakes,carbs v.s stock carbs,intake manifolds on your trucks and was wondering if I should stay stock and just buy a new quadrajet carb. or go with the edelbrock carb,intake,cam and does the engine run much better and have that much better performace with the edelbrock set upand how much more horse power would it give me over stock? Thank guys

pound41 12-02-2003 06:26 PM

I have a 70 blazer and after numerious quadra jet rebuilds that never worked right. not to mention choke problems. I finally bought an edlebrock performer carb w/electric choke- what a difference. Edlebrock also makes a great quadrajet I have heard but its another $ 200 .So unless you have a 90+ point show truck don't be afraid to use a little modern tech just my 2cents

72moneypit 12-02-2003 06:38 PM

I generally like to stay as close to stock as possible, but I have an Edelbrock 1406 and a GM HEI purely for the performance and maintenance aspect. These two mods have made a massive difference... I won't go back to stock.

I'm not sure about HP changes... the HEI had more impact on HP than the carb did, in my case. Also, mines a 350 - not sure if the results would be different for a BB or not.

Good luck!

rage'nrat638 12-02-2003 07:16 PM

my stocky looking edelbrock intake and carb.....
painted the intake orange:D to match....
very happy with the set-up

CPNEJR 12-02-2003 07:21 PM

I know I have STOCK ANND LIKE A ROCK in my singnature but I'd go with the edlebrock:)

1-PU70 12-02-2003 07:28 PM

On my 402 the only 2 changes I have made is an HEI and a Hi-Rise castiron intake.The intake is an original GM. Easy to find for under $50. Am very happy. With a the 700R4 I get 13.5 MPG and thats towing. Plenty of tire smoking power too.

Bernie 12-02-2003 11:55 PM

I'd go for the Edelbrock.

Cat Fuzz 12-03-2003 12:03 AM

Edelbrock = much simpler carb and better performance.

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