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dmjlambert 09-14-2019 05:31 PM

Pictures of inner speedometer cable
5 Attachment(s)
You guys know I like lots of pictures. It makes the job I'm getting ready do to less intimidating for a non-mechanic.

My speedometer was bouncy and noisy. I wanted to see what was going on and take care of that. I took loose the speedometer cable at the speedometer by unscrewing the sleeve. I saw posts here on the forum that the inner cable can be removed from the outer jacket by just slipping it out.

I found that it was not easily coming out, and didn't want to force it, so I unscrewed the sleeve at the transmission, unplugged it, and massaged it a little to straighten it out, and let it hang there.
Attachment 1938683

Then when I went back into the cab I found the inner cable pulled out effortlessly.
Attachment 1938681

Here's where it connects at the transmission:
Attachment 1938682

I cleaned it up with some WD-40 and paper towels. Here's what the inner cable looks like (speedometer end):
Attachment 1938680

I applied general purpose brown grease to the full length of it, and re-inserted it. Re-insert transmission end into jacket under dash.
Attachment 1938684

I found when connecting it at the transmission first and then at the speedometer, it was not possible to get it engaged. I disconnected it at the transmission again. It was easier to put back together by connecting to the speedometer first, then attach the other end at the transmission.

When the inner cable is fully inserted, at the speedometer end the inner cable does not poke out very far beyond the sleeve that you screw to the speedometer. It sticks out maybe 1/4 inch. The inner cable sticks out at the transmission side further, about 1 inch.

Test drive. Much better. Good to go for another 50 years.

dmjlambert 09-14-2019 05:32 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
2 Attachment(s)
close up of speedometer end
Attachment 1938685

close up of transmission end
Attachment 1938686

BigBird05 09-14-2019 09:08 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
I hope you don't live in a cold climate, because the grease might become stiff in the winter.

kwmech 09-14-2019 09:30 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
Cold or not, that 'brown grease' will eventually dry out and ball up. Need more of a graphite base lubricant. NAPA does sell a spedo cable specific lube

dmjlambert 09-14-2019 09:40 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
Thanks, good to know. If I have further problems with it, I'll go up to NAPA or get a new cable if needed. .

engineer_gregh 09-15-2019 08:24 AM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
Thanks for posting, very informative.

geezer#99 09-15-2019 09:03 AM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
I’ve cleaned cables with acetone and used wd40 as a lubricant in cold (down near 40 below) conditions.

BigBird05 09-15-2019 03:14 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
WD stands for water displacement, It is not a lubricant.

geezer#99 09-15-2019 03:22 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable

Originally Posted by BigBird05 (Post 8593895)
WD stands for water displacement, It is not a lubricant.

Then what is it!

Andy4639 09-15-2019 03:59 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
I would buy a new cable and housing also. Buy the lube and put it back together and never worry about it.:chevy:

lutronjim 09-15-2019 08:42 PM

Re: Pictures of inner speedometer cable
From an old mechanic friend. To check if cable is causing jitters, hold one end between thumb and finger on one hand - do the same for the other end of cable in the other hand and rotate. You will be able to feel any 'set' and know its time for renewal.

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