Thread: Speakers
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Old 11-19-2004, 01:59 PM   #27
Resident Young Old Dude !
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Originally Posted by Peregrine
How do you get to the receiver cavity? Someone put a mid-90s cassette player in mine, so it's got a hole, but I don't know how to get it out and put my Alpine reciever in it.

Most of the time, you have to remove the heater controls under the dash, ( see my picture, mine's out in it) There's two good sized Phillips head screws just under the dash to remove it. then depending on how the deck is in you can take it out from there. Some have a metal sleeve, ( your Alpine should, Mine does) It has metal tabs that spring out from the rear ( behind the dash) to hold the bracket in place, Bend them in even with the bracket while applying an even amount of pressure from the rear and when they release the whole unit will come out. The head may come out of the sleeve/bracket like the Alpine does also, then you can see easier how to release them.
If it's a deck made for the dash, Then there's no additional metal cut for the deck, There will be nuts behind the control knobs. Remove the knobs and you'll see them. Remove the nuts and look behind to see if someone put a brace bracket from the radio head to the dash or firewall.
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