Thread: Shoulder belts
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Old 11-29-2004, 06:15 PM   #12
Harold Shepard
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Location: Canton North Carolina
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They are available, but they are made with the newer style webbing. The set I have is made exactly like the originals were with the exception of the web design, originals were a three row pattern and these have a five row pattern. To avoid looking different I bought new lap belts and they have the same pattern as the shoulder belts. As far as I know they are available in all colors - you might try truck shop in crossville tenn, I think the address is [email] not sure and I will look it up in a minute, and also snakeoyl products as well as cheyenne superman. I bought mine from Jerry Brown in crossville, they came in GM packaging etc. very nice reproductions!!!

Last edited by Harold Shepard; 11-29-2004 at 06:20 PM.
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