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Old 12-12-2004, 10:07 PM   #13
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Upland, CA
Posts: 17
What is the second knob just below the headlight switch? I wasn't really paying much attention to it when I drove it, but when looking back at the pictures I took of a 72 LWB it wasn't on that truck.

Also, is there a seal that goes around the filler neck in the cab? It looked to have black tape around the filler neck to create a seal.

I do like the 50th anniv. color scheme. I also like the wood bed. Maybe I'll finally have a chance to use the table saw I bought a year and a half ago.

Which rear end is that?

What is involved in switching to disc brakes up front with the 8-lug stuff? Maybe I should convert to 5-lug? I gotta get rid of those drums if I buy it.

I was suprised at the amount of power the truck has. Maybe its because I just got out of a 135hp 318 with a 2bbl in a full size 4x4 with 33" tires.

Being a C-20 with a BBC would be nice for towing.

I have a few more pictures of trouble areas, maybe i should post those as well...
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