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Old 12-13-2004, 04:51 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by -Greg72
That mirror is off a F*RD.... I think. Believe me, you DON'T want to do what I did. The upper mount is simply wedged into the rubber weatherstrip, and the bottom bracket (which doesn't follow the body contour) is simply screwed in to one of the existing trailer mirror mounts in the door. It's ghetto-fabulous! It's one of those things I did when I first bought the truck....I drove it home from the P.O.'s house with NO mirrors (inside or out) and found that mirror in one of the "box 'o parts" that came with the truck. I slapped it on there just to get around more safely....and now three years later, it's still on there. I guess since it works OK, there was always something ELSE to spend time on.....
I hear what you're sayin man. F**d or not I like those mirrors. There was a set on my sons 77 1/2 ton when we bought it. They're simple and clean lookin. I would use them on my truck IF they could be properly mounted. I have my dounts that they could be properly mounted though because of the curve of the door.

I like a relatively large mirror for backing and good visibility but I'm not fond of the large trailer mirrors that bolt to the top of the door above the window, or the 3 point mirriors that bolt to the door, so I'm limited on options. I guess I'm just too picky.

And here I have gone and hi-jacked this poor thread against it's will. I'm sorry.
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