these pics are not great my camera is not taking good pics however to make this come to an end as i will not be posting to people who have nothing better than to argue about this i am only trying to prove a point and i hate being called a liar here is pics of the appraisal which is 11 pages long but will show you the quote and company in which i deal with hope it will drop the subject and i hope he finds what he is looking for!!!!!!
lets not make a mountain out of a mole hill.thanx
gm's are #1
1967 chevrolet short step
1988 chev 4x4 1/2 ton
1989 gmc 1/2 ton
1991 chev 1/2 ton 4x4
1993 Jeep grand cherokee 4x4
And yes a 94 Ford Mustang.