If you can't find a NOS gate Tri Plus and Goodmark are the best companys. The lettering is a bit smaller and the fit depends on who in the factory built it. I had a NOs and a repo at the same time the repo was a bit lighter but it was alot better than the first repo junk. I bought a Tri Plus gate and found that the skin was not pressed tight bnefore spot welding to the ends where the latches bolt into. The skin stuck out pass the box side like 1/4". I was really lucky and I found a Brand new GM Cheverolet Gate. I paid 525 Cdn for it but the repo was around 450. When I took the repo gate back the shop was totally cool about it and he said that it all depends on the gate some are good others are junky. You are best to deal with a local shop. That way if there is a problem you can exchange it.