No a four chanel amp wont run 4 speakers and subs unless you put all 4 front speakers on 2 channels in which case you have no front to rear. I would not wire it that way (though it is possible) if you want good sound. If your only wanting to use one amp then youll need a 6 channel amp. 1 chanel for each speaker. Most 4 channel amps arent even set up to run subs. The amps have the crossovers on them that will be needed for the subs. Most components come with crossovers and so i would not use the amps built in crossovers except on the subs. 6 channel amps are usually pretty big so it might be better to go with 1 four channel and 1 two channel. I would also double check your measurements under the seats and really see if its possible to fit a quality sub under there. You also need to factor in a place to mount the amp or amps and i think youll find that theres just not room for all that under your seats.
One other option ( and ive never checked into these) would be to buy one of those "bass engines". What these things do is create vibrations that simulate bass. I remember when they first came out years ago i went to a demo where the Alpine rep had two if these little boogers under the seats and then 2 sets of 6.5 components and the system rocked. You couldnt tell that it was fake bass because the components did a good job of letting you hear the low tones and the bass engines made you feel them. It was a pretty cool setup and the bass engines had their own power supply and were very small. If these things are still being made they might be something to consider vs actual subs.
Personally i say ditch the tank and do it right if sound is really important to you. I think in the long run youll be glad you did it.