well the thing is I odnt hear the relay click when i press the switch, so...
i was told that it only works with car ign off, but it doesnt work in off or on or acc position or anything, so,,
fuses are all fine, i done been through the panel already,
bouncy, i think you mean switch, the switch is the one in between the window switchs on the top side of the console, im talking about the relay box deal that activates power from the switch to relay power to the release unit in the hatch
unless i misunderstood you.
what year was his maro ?
ar least i found out that the dome lamp system fuse was toast however, so now i have them and courtesy lamps too, now.
and i also have lamp for the tranny gear selector deal and for heater controls panel too finally

. bulbs were missing lol.. wierd,.
thanks !