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Old 01-30-2005, 01:53 PM   #8
newly minted old timer
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What I find amazing is the person who sent this question to the guy:

Q: NON-original tach!!!! answered on: Jan-30-05

Doesn't it seem odd that when someone sees something that isn't right, this case a non factory dash being represented as one, they feel the need to basically scream at them "your wrong!"?

I mean hasn't everyone made mistakes? How would you like someone screaming at you like that. my bet the person that posted that would come unglued if someone was so disrespectful to them.

I dont mean to rant here, but I see so much of this crap I start wondering if IM the only one who sees the wrong in it. Just point it out to the guy that what he thinks isnt correct, like the 2nd person did :

That is not an original TACH, it is a Camero tach fitted into your truck gauge set. If you want to see what an original TRUCK Tach looks like look at this "link"

Its to the point, much more respectful, and then he educates the person why is this so hard to do.?
72 c20 longhorn 65k org miles and counting!
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