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Old 01-30-2005, 08:25 PM   #13
Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Eastern - Manitoba Canada, Winnipeg
Posts: 4,369
I got a negative feedback cause they guy quoted me shipping by a company that couldnt ship to me anyway...even though he agreed to ship to pretty much has to ask for a specific shipping carrier now too in shipping arrangement prior to bidding....

after explaining that to him he insisted on that amount from an air shipment company and would refund the difference if any... well it was $8 to ship by mail, and he charged me $40...agreed to refund me $10 and never did so..forwarded all emails with all the tags that proved my case and to what avail..nothing...he got my bad feedback on him... retaliatory feedback left by him on me..its all bull hockey. Ebay wouldnt remove my negative feedback.

Ebay did warn him on the fact of fee-avoidance....your suppose to list something about shipping in your ad... even if its arranged afterward. Whoooppee... that a - learn em.
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