im gl*d you like the truck.i w*s trying to tell everyone if they just come look *t it they would like it,i forgot to mention there is two br*nd new *rm rests under the se**t 55 w*snt worth the 50 bucks they w*nted for it i h*d to p* w*s w****yyyyy gone.but *t le*st i got some time *w*y from the little ones.dont get me wrong i love them kids but i need some me time,*lso m*c im going to hit you up this summer for some l*ke shelbyville FISHING.,my 3 ye*r old *nd ill will hitch up the pop-up c*mper.*nd fish the weekend down on the l*ke,hope your brother isnt to pissed *t y* *bout the truck
springfield illinois
2003 custom (harley)built from scratch
68 swb