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Old 02-24-2005, 09:37 PM   #14
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Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Lorain (Cleveland) Ohio
Posts: 69
But one problem that still remains is that if you do the whole cab... now you have to go through the title process or hey guess what....WE'D JUST CUT THE BOTTOM OFF WHEN IT GOT HERE! Why not do it in advance and make something that can be readily shipped. I know I can get a decent cab, but what about those of us that have a decent interior or a "sentimental truck" and don't want to have to transfer everything over to a different cab and all the assorted hassles? Cut it with a sawzall and ship it greyhound. THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO SPECIALIZE IN BRING BEDS/CABS UP NORTH ALREADY! The problem is the space/gas/wear and tear/profit that anyone doing the job wants. I'd say anywhere from 2-300 bucks shipped would be reasonable to the seller for something they were going to junk don't you? AND THIS IS STILL HALF THE COST OF THE REPAIR PANELS FOR THE BUYER!!!! Without the associated welding and fitting. Also that's for FOREIGN STEEL for my AMERICAN TRUCK!!!!

The whole point is to allow the job to get done by TWO individuals using TRADITIONAL shipping methods. As soon as it needs any special transportation the cost went way up.......GREYHOUND IS GOING THERE ANYWAY FOLKS. I'm not sure on the restrictions but I'm sure the basic requirement is that it fits under a bus! I've spend more than my fair share of time on a bus and I'm pretty sure that the fitting should be no problem. They love the business because there is FAR more space under the bus than what is typically needed.

Last edited by Stevonator; 02-24-2005 at 09:44 PM.
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