I am almost certian that dave has been here. At one point or another just about everyone at car craft had one of our trucks (Matt King had a sweet short/step) and Dave is always talking down message boards...and in reality, we do the exact same thing he was complaining about.
You have to remember, in Dave's eyes, brand loyalty sucks. (His exact words) He finds the same thing over and over to be totally booring. Notice the decreasing number of first gen camaros when ever he takes over a mag. He likes the odd ball stuff, AMC, buick, olds, pontiac, I think (I may be wrong on this) he is responsible for the bad seed chevette....a caddy 500 in a tiny little chevette. He is very opiniated on things...which we all are...but his opinion is a little of everything....not a lot of anything.
I still say he kicks ass. I honestly think he nad I would get along...I actually considered trying to work for him, but I don't have the education for it. However, he nad I have the same sence of humor, same likes and dislikes (for the most parts) automotivly...he just seems like a down to earth, kick ass guy who doesn't car what anyone says about him. (Anyone remember the whole sandal wearing hippie thing in 99 or 2000?)
I actually quote him quite frequently on here. No one has noticed...or at least, no one has mentioned noticing.
I actually felt honored when he responded to an e-mail I sent him back in 99. He always says he can't respond to letters...but he took a moment to answer mine. (I feel special now...i know...I'm nuckin futs) I actually printed it and saved it.