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Old 03-09-2005, 10:50 PM   #1
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Need some wiring help

Hi all!

I'm trying to button up the last of the wiring on the '70. Because I had a buddy ''helping" me take it apart, there are a few wires I cannot figure out. They weren't marked when taken apart, and the wiring diagram has not been too helpful. I have all the other wiring done, and want to fire up the engine tomorrow, but I gotta do this first.

Pic one, I have partly figured out, the right loop is for the lighter, and light, but the top loop (brown wire that goes thru the firewall) I dunno what it is for. The left loop, I am also lost. It looks like it is for a switch to power whatever is in the top loop.

Pic two The tan wire coming thu the firewall, what is it for, and where does it plug in? Same goes for the plug hanging at the bottom of the pic with three wires.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide! You can help it all come to life tomorrow!

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